Hello everyone I'm Jervis I wan to say nothing

Anya and Kai: The Last Scavengers

  Sure, here is a story I wrote: The year is 2042. The world is a very different place than it was just a few decades ago. Climate change has caused widespread devastation, and many major cities have been abandoned. The global economy has collapsed, and there is widespread poverty and hunger. In this new world, a new kind of hero has emerged: the scavenger. Scavengers are people who travel from place to place, searching for anything of value that can be traded or sold. They are often seen as dangerous and unpredictable, but they are also essential to the survival of those who live in the ruins of the old world. One such scavenger is a young woman named Anya. Anya is tough and resourceful, and she has learned to survive in a world that is often hostile to those who are not strong enough. She has also learned to trust her instincts, and she knows that sometimes the only way to survive is to be willing to take risks. One day, Anya is scavenging in an abandoned warehouse when she finds...

super car and bike

 hi everyone welcome to the 2018Motor Show from Bangkok by cheque have a quick look around it is busy it is huge placeand as mom said lots of food places here anyway let's get in and see what we canfind race everyone starter the Motor Showthat looks rather nice doesn't there it says it's a royal alloy Tamiya lookslike a Lambretta copy but their budget is royal alloylooks nice with that Brown I love the paint finish I love the brown leatherseat dashboard just like a Lambretta was a Vespa mix it's got a it's got the boxfrom the Vespa the front box ear compartment that's a Vespa copy but it'sbreaks on the handlebars so it's a fully auto bike absolutely love it what's thefront built like oh here we go here we go 158,000 bar it is one cylinder horizontal twin-cam fourvalve 181 CC the looks of that works then 200 look at that that saysBrom Prix 200 that's a total GP 200 that was the Lambrettathey were called the GP to hundreds Wow that starts a Lambretta that's reallybeen taken I love it a lot of money one hundred and fifty thousand bardifferent models I'm impressed I'm really impressed it's a greatlooking scooter again a hundred and fifty eight thousand bar I must be thetop of the range one of that price that's gotta be where is when we've gotsome different shape ones okay these may be the cheaper models Wownever heard of this model totally looking good price come onwhat's this one oh now we're talking GP 150 seventy-nine thousand bar what'sthat mm pain 2400 American dollars I would have to put lots of conversions upon the screen that's nice I like that let's have a sit on it am I allowed Idon't care I'm at the show I've paid a hundred Bart to get in look at man youlook great behind her is a silver so that this is a nice-looking scooterwhat a great-looking skin sir I just saw a girl lift the seat sir hmm that's me taking vlog in her vlog in menow we've come across another motorbike let me just get my make sure my cameraset here and ways never heard of them what is it Hanway furious 250cc hmm interesting can we scrambler I'mfinding bikes in Thailand that I never even knew existed again it looks like aChinese bike possibly Chinese imported and assembled in Thailand scrambler 250account see prices oh here we go seventy two thousand nine hundred baht250 scramble that's not bad as it mm pain not bad if you got two thousandpound spare it's very much captain captain I'm justlooking at what's this how are you sir decaf oh yes quantum 250this Chinese made in China have factory Thailand type engines to put you on beautiful women on herethere what Thailand engine but the body from China make sure you make it made intoassembled in Thailand cambree these I need to find out aboutthese engines guys what have we got Hanway underscore Thailand InstagramFacebook is Hanway Thailand and a website Hanway Thailand calm let's geton there and have a look see we can find out what these are all about they're anice they're quite a smallish bike 150 cc or 250 the 150 is single cylinder thescrambler over there is a single cylinderwhat's the 250 let's go back yep the 250 is a single cylinder as wellso probably the biggest make in Thailand that's the Camry could be the hybrid says the only cameraI think the new one is the hybrid but looking forward to the Ford flexus are here in thailand now theyhave got somewhere they must be they must be actually not manufacturing but assembling one of the things worthmentioning is that Thailand has a heavy export duty on vehicles whether new orsecondhand and it's just the way of stopping companies like I don't knowlet's say Mercedes Jaguar BMW getting cars into the countryand swarming the country with their expert importsand the locals losing jobs that are working in the power factories inThailand it doesn't make sense as an example you can buy like a Toyotatop-of-the-range here Camry 1.6 million bar for the conversion my Camry 1.6 million barthe equivalent BMW 5-series it's probably going to be about 6 or 7million bar here because there's a 300 percent import dutythe cars rolls-royce are here there's no waythey're manufacturing in Thailand or assembly and I wouldn't thinkso there must be 3/4 times the person against America Europewe're trying to find some prices out as we go around Toyota Hilux just a showcar they've just wrapped it in a shiny blue wrap and a carbon fiber wraps andyellow tint but there's quite good advertising so up onthe screens the Revo the four four door into door Revo Hilux so that's whatthat's the one we've just got for attack seeing you guys about next and I can seeit's Chevrolet American company put me right guys now they have got a plans inThailand for assembling and that said 71 pickup truck in front is they'reprobably their best seller they've just done a facelift on it very comparableprice wise to the Ford Ranger and the Toyota Hilux however don't think thebuild quality in my opinion that bill clothes is not there the engine but a good-looking car a lot of people have asked when you theygo to the garages in Thailand and they see the price of the vehicle and thegarages won't discount the cars they won't knock anything off the top butwhat they do instead is they give you approximately 10% of the car's valueretail price free and accessories and things like the plastic Windjammers onthe top of the windows and that one hasn't got any on there all maybedifferent wheels or the plastic skirts on the doors over the wheels the runningboards the plastic liner in the back of a pickup truck they give you that freethey tint your windows free maybe they'll give you a leather upgrade freethey very rarely take a price off the top of the carunless you've had a lot of cars on them then like as we've had the few pickupsand things they gave us a really big discount the top price so greatright missus coming let's go up the ladder this is quite new in Thailandwealth of this type of utility vehicle a lot of people notice there's not manyvans around in Thailand so they've started getting these little carrywagons putting a box on the back this is a bigger 650,000 six seater two seatsare a bit thai in the back this is an interesting stand it's that that doesn'tlook real because on the front of us like a TV screenyes that's a screen that may be a concept car it might be a model it'scalled the EQ so it's electric Mercedes but are they now let's have a look atthe prices that's how you find a price okay that's an e 350 at Vanguard 3.5million bar so they must have they must have a plant in Thailand all they'vedone a deal with import duty three and a half million bar that is any body no 7585 thousand pound a cheap are no they haven't done a deal three and our fleet of that let's justsleep or inline oh yeah mm CC you're right 2-liter charging for the futureright so that just just oh now I've done thecalculations yep yeah indeed so electric 350 about three and a half million barthe the e350 back in the UK would cost thirty thousand pain which is 1.3million bar here Sam ran ha hey ask the guy if they assemble them inThailand or they import let's see if they've got an assemblyplant I don't think they have now assemble in Thailand send the parts hereand then assemble ok assembled in Thailand alright see to twenty two pointsix million bar in that's expensive right well in that case Mercedes have doubledthe price of their cars yep that's the GLA 250 two point threemillion bar here we go SLC 304 million barone hundred thousand pounds one hundred and twenty thousand dollars and their AMG that's rather a nicemachine and you can bet that's in excess of 12million bar and they've got a couple more over here for sure that's a monster that is that AMG make acouple more just for show beautiful in that they sit under such the v8 biturbo here we go Civic hatchback VTEC to bothbase model 1.1 million bar by nice us Tim Martin thumbswhat's that Aston Martin cost here in Tyler 28 million bars can anybody workthe lake for me 10 million bar is quarter a million pounds half a millionpounds oh my god that's almost like a million dollars 


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