
Showing posts from June 22, 2020

Hello everyone I'm Jervis I wan to say nothing

Anya and Kai: The Last Scavengers

  Sure, here is a story I wrote: The year is 2042. The world is a very different place than it was just a few decades ago. Climate change has caused widespread devastation, and many major cities have been abandoned. The global economy has collapsed, and there is widespread poverty and hunger. In this new world, a new kind of hero has emerged: the scavenger. Scavengers are people who travel from place to place, searching for anything of value that can be traded or sold. They are often seen as dangerous and unpredictable, but they are also essential to the survival of those who live in the ruins of the old world. One such scavenger is a young woman named Anya. Anya is tough and resourceful, and she has learned to survive in a world that is often hostile to those who are not strong enough. She has also learned to trust her instincts, and she knows that sometimes the only way to survive is to be willing to take risks. One day, Anya is scavenging in an abandoned warehouse when she finds...

lose weight Nutrition Evidence-based 11 foods to avoid when losing weight

                   Lose weight  1. French fries and chips The whole potato is healthy and full, but French fries and chips are not. They are very high in calories and they tend to eat too much. In observational studies, eating French fries and potato chips is associated with weight gain (4Trusted Source, 5Trusted Source). One study even found that potato chips may increase a person's weight per serving more than any other food (5Trusted Source). In addition, roasted, roasted or fried potatoes may contain the carcinogen acrylamide. Therefore, it is best to eat boiled potatoes (6, 7 Trusted Source). 2. Sugary drinks Sugary drinks such as soda are one of the most unhealthy foods on the planet. They are closely related to weight gain, and excessive consumption can have catastrophic health effects (8 sources, 9 sources, 10 sources, 11 sources). Even if sugary drinks contain a lot of calories, your brain will not r...

चिकन बिरयानी कैसे बनाये

                    चिकन बिरयानी चिकन बिरयानी एक स्वादिष्ट दिलकश चावल की डिश है जो मसालेदार मसालेदार चिकन, कैरामेलाइज़्ड प्याज और स्वादिष्ट केसर चावल से भरी हुई है। अपनी बिरयानी के लिए, मैंने इसे संकलित करने के लिए पारंपरिक स्तरित दृष्टिकोण को बनाए रखते हुए, संचालन के क्रम को सरल बनाया। चाहे आप अर्जुन चोर पोलो, हैनानी चिकन राइस, या ओयाको डोनबुरी बात कर रहे हों; चिकन और चावल एक क्लासिक जोड़ी है, जिसने दुनिया भर में पाक संस्कृति की अनुमति दी है। यह समझ में आता है कि पहले मानव इतिहास में, इस प्रधान बीज को प्रोटीन के घरेलू स्रोत के साथ जोड़ा जाएगा, लेकिन यह तथ्य कि यह संयोजन आज एक लोकप्रिय पसंदीदा के रूप में स्थायी है, इसकी अनुपलब्ध स्वादिष्टता को बयां करता है। हालांकि भारतीय व्यंजनों के साथ व्यापक रूप से जुड़ा हुआ है, चिकन बिरयानी एक ऐसा व्यंजन है जो दक्षिण एशिया के विस्तृत स्वाथ में फैल गया है, जो इराक के रूप में पश्चिम तक और इंडोनेशिया के रूप में पूर्व में पहुंच गया है। विशाल भौगोलिक क्षेत्र बिरयानी कॉल घर में भारी तैयारी और सामग्री के पर...