Hello everyone I'm Jervis I wan to say nothing

Anya and Kai: The Last Scavengers

  Sure, here is a story I wrote: The year is 2042. The world is a very different place than it was just a few decades ago. Climate change has caused widespread devastation, and many major cities have been abandoned. The global economy has collapsed, and there is widespread poverty and hunger. In this new world, a new kind of hero has emerged: the scavenger. Scavengers are people who travel from place to place, searching for anything of value that can be traded or sold. They are often seen as dangerous and unpredictable, but they are also essential to the survival of those who live in the ruins of the old world. One such scavenger is a young woman named Anya. Anya is tough and resourceful, and she has learned to survive in a world that is often hostile to those who are not strong enough. She has also learned to trust her instincts, and she knows that sometimes the only way to survive is to be willing to take risks. One day, Anya is scavenging in an abandoned warehouse when she finds...

Top Business Men

business casual is the ultimatein-between dress code it's kind of like the Goldilocks of dress codes not toodressy not too casual but just right what's up guys I'm Brian Sakawa you'rewatching he spoke style and today 5 business casual outfit ideas for fall one way to do business casual is tocombine dressy elements with those that are more sporty or casual here I'm doingboth let's take care of the dressy element first though and that is thispair of charcoal gray flannel pants absolute must for the fall closet theseare part of a suit from the made-to-measure collection with MichaelAndrews that we are launching in the next couple of months up top we get moresporty and casual starting with the brown gingham shirt and then instead ofa blazer I threw on this black Levi's denim jacket I like to call it my blazerwith an edge tie is by C Orton's turn very seasonal in a thick wool and alsothis beautiful rust color on my wrist as it will be in each of these looks as theVacheron Constantin traditional and then finished off with a pair of dark brownwingtips these are the Allen Edmonds McAllister next up is a very traditionaland simple approach to business casual sport coat shirt pants loafers all inthe classic menswear palette of blue grey and brown so the sport coat isdefinitely the key piece to this look it's the garment that stands out andthat is because of the wonderful Brown Glen plaid pattern really pops off thesolid foundation the flannel cloth is by fox patch pockets give it a more casualfeel and this is another piece that will be in the HSS michael andrews MTMcollection will put a sign-up link up there at the top as well as down in thedescription so you can be the first to find out about it to basics for thefoundation of this look of course the blue OC BD and then the charcoal flannelpants from the first look to inch cuff as always and then on my feet are theseKielty loafers with a strap by G H Bass next we have something that issophisticated elegant and yet modern at the same time obviously everything aboutthis outfit hinges upon the turtleneck and instead of running it untucked thatI've chosen to tuck it in the turtleneck itself is by peeny parma cashmere andwool blend the pdepartment is an italian brand very similar to suits apply and Iwill be doing a review of them in the near futurenow tucking in a turtleneck is a very high-risk high-reward proposition doneright I think it looks very cool very sleek very modern moving on to the pantsnow these are from a ring jacket suit again two-inch cuff look like this thathas more of sophistication to it is always enhanced in my opinion by a pairof glasses the ones I'm wearing one of my favorite pairs are by qubits simplewatch on the wrists and then keeping that casual elegant vibe going with sometassel loafers by Johnston and Murphy here we have what I would consider to bea more business casual version of the quote-unquote uniform the uniform ofcourse being navy jacket blue or white shirt tie gray pants brown shoes soobviously we have the navy jacket this is in a hopsack fabric by michaelandrews grey flannel pants also by michael andrews now let's talk about themore casual elements infused here first we have the shirt this is a denim shirtit's by Peter Millar and for business casual I think a denim shirt is a greatsubstitution for your classic OCME Dior poplin or twill shirt just gives it alittle bit of a casual edge next because the uniform is pretty much a blank slateand because this is business casual we have an opportunity to do 
somethinginteresting with the time went with a houndstooth pattern here which makes itthe focal point of the look and then the final casual touch are these suedelace-ups by Todd's final outfit today is a variation on a sport coat button-downtrousers theme now when it comes to business casual I can't overstate theimportance of having a good sport coat and having two is better than one hereI've got another Michael Andrew sport coat but instead of a Glen plaid we havea gun Club check cloth is wool by Holland and sherry again patch pocketskeeping it casual underneath going with another denimshirt this is a button down by Brunello Cucinelli pants are vintage YSL part ofa suit that I paid about $200 for a secondhand a number of years ago andthen one of the best accessories you can have for fall which is a lightweightsilk scarf I think if you're not going to wear a tie that a scarf is a greatway to add something extra to a look kind of finish it off and pulleverything together and speaking of pulling everything together let's talkabout the shoes dark burgundy tassel loafers by Johnson and Murphy so thoseare five outfit ideas for doing business casual this fall all outfit details asalways are listed down below in the description if you want to be among thefirst to know about the HS s Michael Andrews MTM collection launch that linkto sign up is also down there leave a comment let me know which look you likebest thumbs up don't forget to subscribe and until next time thanks for watchingand stay tailor you 


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