Hello everyone I'm Jervis I wan to say nothing

Anya and Kai: The Last Scavengers

  Sure, here is a story I wrote: The year is 2042. The world is a very different place than it was just a few decades ago. Climate change has caused widespread devastation, and many major cities have been abandoned. The global economy has collapsed, and there is widespread poverty and hunger. In this new world, a new kind of hero has emerged: the scavenger. Scavengers are people who travel from place to place, searching for anything of value that can be traded or sold. They are often seen as dangerous and unpredictable, but they are also essential to the survival of those who live in the ruins of the old world. One such scavenger is a young woman named Anya. Anya is tough and resourceful, and she has learned to survive in a world that is often hostile to those who are not strong enough. She has also learned to trust her instincts, and she knows that sometimes the only way to survive is to be willing to take risks. One day, Anya is scavenging in an abandoned warehouse when she finds...

ACP Shiv Full Story official Hindi Story

The engineer of GK Constructionhas given a complain. GK has threatened to kill him. That is why the engineer hasfiled a case against GK. Sir. GK who thinks our departmentis worthless.. ..we need to teach him a lesson.-Very good. Go and take immediate action.-I will handle whatever happens. Yes sir. Long live.-GK. Long live. GK. Long live. GK. Long live. -GK. Long live. GK.Long live. GK. Long live. GK. Long live. -GK. Long live Gk. Long live GK. GK. The most powerfulMP who controls all.. ..the politicians andbig businessmen. Long live GK.Long live GK. Long live GK. And these two are GK's partners. They are equal partner toGK's illegal business. And this is GK's brother, Sanjay. GK loves Sanjay more than his life. Do you know what gift I willgive you on my birthday? Just like you all wanted Sanjay,my brother.. ..is standing in the forthcomingelection. Hey! Hey! Excuse me, sir. You are building an illegal shoppingcomplex in government's property. The minister has asked you toshut down work immediately. That engineer has given us the detailsof all your unnamed properties. And he has lodged a complaintagainst you. You need to come to the policestation for the inquiry. Hey! Hmm. What is the name? Engineer Sunder Prasad. What is your name? -Santosh! I have some work on my way. Will you come with me in my car? Or will you follow me?-I will come with you. -Oh! This man who complained against me. What happened? -Sir,the truck hit him and ran away. A truck driver? Tell me the name. Santosh! The minister who gaveyou the order. Abhirami. Will you come in mycar or follow me? I will follow you. Follow you. Abhirami, my partner is buildinga small complex with us. You took a stay claimingit to be illegal. If you take back the stay thenmy men will start the work. The government has kept thisland for housing the poor. You can't get it. For poor people! Giving 33% reservationto women like you.. ..they have given youa job in all fields. If you ask, who are you? What is that to you?Whom are you representing? You talk nonsense. It is difficult.It is not possible. Abhirami, I give you 5 minutes. Take back your stay order. Don't forget you are talkingto a minister. No matter how much youthreatened me.. ..I will not take backthe stay order. Then leave your work and sitat home from tomorrow. And prepare morning snacks. I am telling you the truth.I am not joking. There are so many programmes on TV.Who Wants To Be A Millionaire! Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.-It's a full day time pass. Minister Abhirami here. Sir, just a moment!-Sir, but that place.. Hello! Sir, listen to me. Abhirami! Urban development minister, Abhiramihas been expelled from her post. The government has takenthis action.. ..on her for her illegalactivities. The government has decided tohave an inquiry on Abhirami. The engineer who complainedis dead. Now only the minister remains. Your suspension order. I have a political careerof 13 years. I haven't kept a step atany police station. Nor did any policeman standoutside my house. You were telling me to cometo the police station. I hate police! Commissioner! I don't knowwhen you will arrest me. I very well know how to runall the political systems. You can't do any harm to me. Winning and losing isa part of every game. Today you won. Tomorrow I will win. I like this positiveattitude of yours. Keep it maintained in this manner. I want at least one policeman in this country.. ..who can face me. There are many police officersin our country. Search someone. It's an open challenge. The one who will show you yourplace will surely come someday. Brother,there is a phone for the minister. The Home Minister is on call.Talk to him. -Yes. Give it here. Hello! -Shakti Singh, are you fine? I am fine. I am resting in my hotel room. I am kidnapped since last 3 days,sir. Please release theirleader quickly. Save me and my daughter from here.Tell me if there is a landmark. Landmark. The sky above me.The ground below me. On the left is my stupid PA. On the right the dacoits with gun. And my daughter is behind.Is your daughter happy? I don't think so, sir. Hey daddy! -What happened? I am wearing one sari since 3 days. Will you stop staring at me? I will take you for the honeymoonafter marriage. Is there no one to save us? ACP Shiva and team isentering the forest. Brother, the police is here. Did you inform the police? I don't know where I am. And I have this PA with me.How can I..? No. Brother,there is no one in the car. Coward, come out. Or this minister.. If he is not coming outwhy are you hitting me? Search him, and beat him up. My life is ruined. ACP Shiva. Hello. Round up. Surround him. Look brother, I have no weapons. Let's have hand to hand combat. What do you say?-Keep the guns down. Pick up the guns.Do you want the gun? Yes! No. Let's run from here. Quick. Quick. Run. Run. Go! -Come on.-No one must be left alive. You really proved.. How well you beat them up! Thank you for savingme and my daughter. I was given this duty afterpassing my IPS exam. That's good. Then transfer to Chennai. You are talking about your transferwhile the firing is going on. Get up quickly and save my life! So you will not get me a transfer.-Hell with your transfer! Then you too go to hell.-No. No. I will die. What is your problem? Do you want to save me.. ..or you want them to kill me? You want to live.And I want a transfer. -Talk here. Sir, I am Shakti Singh speaking. Please get this police officertransfer to Chennai. Okay. Thanks a lot! "Whatsapp" to me the copy ofthe transfer right now. Your demands are more than thedemands of the terrorist. Hey, duffer. -Yes. Just check whether the "Whatsapp"is working or not. Sir, I don't understand thesecomplicated things. You don't understand. Look there. Don't shoot me. Don't shoot me. The order has come on "Whatsapp".-I knew it. Yes! What are you going to do inChennai with this quick transfer. Some one is playing withme since my childhood. Now it's my turn to play with him. Chennai.. Excuse me. Don't your commissionerthe meaning of punctuality. Look there. Who is he?He is sitting here since morning. Who are you?-I have come to join duty. You have come to join duty. A higher officer is walking passcan't you stand in front of him. And you are sitting withyour legs crossed. Should I keep my legson you or him? What did you say? This is your joining order. Thank you sir. Hey, the main area of Chennai.I will get lots of money here. I never got such a good opportunityin life to earn money. What rubbish are you saying? In this area there aremany jewellery shops. So there will be many robbers.-I am talking about catching them. Stop talking nonsense.And do your duty well. I will surely do it, sir. Everyone will say that ACP Shivais the boss of our city. I mean,I will protect the people here. I am leaving. Thank you! -Here. Stop it! Is this an ACP's office ormy wedding procession? Sorry sir. Get in line! -Okay sir. Yes sir. I have nothing to do with how youwere with your previous ACP. How you will behave with me.. ..and how a police man must beon duty I will tell you that. Is that clear? -Yes sir.Say it loudly. Yes sir. Let's take the pledge.We took it sir. I think they are corrupt like me. Raise your hands and take the vow.-Yes sir. Sir. Sir. Sir. Sir. Since today. -Since today. I willserve and protect everyone.. I will serve and protect everyone..-.. in my department.. ..in my department. Beside our countrymen. I know you are corrupt. Beside our countrymen. I will earn for myself,my children and their children. I will earn for myself,my children and their children. That's great.-Without wasting petrol or diesel. Without chasing and not takingrisk. I will be financially strong. Without wasting petrol and diesel. Without chasing and not takingrisk. I will be financially strong. We will not let any confusionwhile earning money. This is what we will vow on God. Why are you crying? Are you all sincerepolice officers? No. No. Please sir. These are tears of joy, sir. You are god for us. The police officer before youhe never thought of us. Besides filling his pocket. He didn't worry about us. We are low budget police men. But you will change ourcircumstances. Really! Look sir,I am going mad with happiness. We are your students, sir. You are like a teacher for us. There is no one beside you for us. Okay. Give me the gunand cut your finger. Blood. -Sir, we give you a mark. Shut up! -You are not students.You are old. Stop this nonsense! Absolutely sir.-We will earn together. Yes. We have only one motto. If we don't earn now thenwhen will we earn. If we don't earn now thenwhen will we earn? My dear boys. We give police protection inall the posh areas here. Rob comfortably. -Hey! Hey! But give 50% of it to my men. Sir. Sir. Sir. -Go away! But use technology. Facebook.Twitter. Etcetera. Etcetera. Will we get work by using Facebookand Twitter? -Are you mad? People post on Facebook thatI am going on a holiday. I am going out for a few days. You can rob their houses then. Yes! Imagine a lady post,I am in a jewellery shop. It means she has goneto buy jewellery. Go to her house and rob the jewelslater. -That's great. The robbers from other areawill be jealous of you. Rob freely. God bless you my child. "Come. Come. Come." Wait! Wait! Vaijayanti! Sir. You will get coins fromthe auto drivers. Stop the cars. Fool! Wow sir, wow! This is the last warning.I will beat you the next time. Alright. I will keep quiet sir. Hello! Hey! Hey! Hello! Hey girl. I will slap you. -I was screamingat you. Couldn't you hear? Sorry! What is your name? Nitya! Nitya! If I speak will you understand?-Yes. Shiva! Bye! Sir. -What are you doing? Sir,the real estate guy has dodged us. He is cheating us, sir. You! Hi! Hello! There is only one motto to enterpolitics for Sujan Singh. We all are fed up with one man. That man is ACP Shiva. That new ACP who takes moneyfor settling things. I don't fear such threats. If you have the gutstake me with you. Oh my god! Run away from here. OTHER LANGUAGE.. Go. Go. OTHER LANGUAGE.. Sir, why this ambulance?And why this song? First turn around and seethe van like good boys. Hey! Sir, why did you change theambulance number to 801? What does the van 108 does? It helps a sick person. It protects them in bad times.And what is the opposite of that? The one who don't listen to himthis van breaks that person. He will fix those peoplewho complain. The one who speak too much he willtake those people to such a place.. ..where there is no one. And hit them so much thatyou can't think about it. If the person doesn't change thencontinue with the process. We will not fear your stupid talks. Hey! No. No. No brother. When you know two strongpeople are standing behind you.. ..at least stop threatening them. I was emotional. Sir, you are the ACPin the police force. And you are corrupt.I have nothing in my hands. Leave that to god. Sir, stop talking nonsense. You beat up everyone.And you talk about god to us. No. No. You were explaining tome a while ago, right? Same emotion. ACP, where else does this801 operate in the city? I will not spare that ACP Shiva.Watch out! I will.. I will kidnap the ACPfrom his house. What is this? He got kidnapped. If I give you alcohol. You said you will give breakingnews of this area's crime. Once I drink this.You can see how the news comes out. Okay brother. -Drink the wholebottle quickly. -Let's start. Thank you brother. -Do you wantto know what has happened? Or you want to know whatis going to happen? Wow! Two news instead of one. May you have a long life. Tell me. Tell me quickly.Tell me both the news. A beautiful girl was forced tomarry a goon early in the morning. Who is that beautiful girl?Tell me. Is that goon here? I am that goon, darling. -What? And that girl.. Hey, how dare you say that? A cameraman was murderedin broad daylight. Hey, Fatso. You are misbehaving with me bydrinking the alcohol I gave you. I was misbehaving even beforedrinking the alcohol. Got it? Shut up! -I will surely marry you. You will marry.Run away from here. -Stop it! Hey, stop. -What has happened?-Run away quickly from here. I thought he is a good goon. But he is trying to flirt with me. What did you think if we give himalcohol he will come after us. He is after us. The way they are running after us.I feel you will get married today. Oh my god! -I pray that our ACPis always happy. -Shut up! Isn't it too much? Sir, what you are doing for usis nothing compared to this. Because of you both my daughtersare studying in a good school. They say, dada bye whenthey leave for school. I get tears in my eyeson hearing this. Enough. -Not only this. Sir, because of you my familystatus has gone up.. ..i20 for my husband. I10 for my brother.Ipad for the kids. Iphone for me. I feel my whole familyis 'I' family. Sir, I have booked a 2bhk flat. I need to find a good boy. -Hey!I mean I am searching for a girl. Look sir, we are so happy now. Now see a girl who will love.. Stop acting. You will be happy if you get love. Anyway even I want to settle down. But we must get a goodgirl for that. Sir, it's not a big dealto find a girl for you. If you keep the framein this manner.. ..the girl will comerunning to you. Sir, there is no need to wait.Here she comes. Sir. Sir. Please saveme from those goons. Help sir. Help me. Look there. Hey! Go away from here if youdon't want to be shot at. Run away! Thank you sir. Thank you. Ashwin, let's go. Sir! Sir! Sir! Do you like her? Almost. But you don't come to knowmuch in the first meeting. If she was with the cameramanthen surely.. ..she is working for Printingindustry. -Call a press conference. 'All the journalist are here. But where is that girl.'-Is everyone here? Excuse me sir, why have calledthis press conference? Did you catch a criminal?-Or you caught a terrorist? Robbery is taking place in thearea. -Or the land scam.. Or is it about the strike?-Why? Tell us sir. Answer us, sir. These two are talking too much. Show the way out. Sir, don't say anything now. All the journalist are here.Yes sir, why this conference? Do one thing.All the men can move behind. And the ladies must come inthe front. -What is this? You say ladies first everywhere. This is the concept. Men, go behind. And all the ladiescome in the front. Now tell us sir, why did youhold this press conference. You tell us. What do you mean? I will tell you. You media guys,work day in and day out. You would want police protection,right? Why? Why do we want it? We know to do our job. Tell usif there is any proper reason. Don't waste our time. I like this girl a lot.Shall we talk to her family? Don't say dialogues.Find out her address. She looks beautiful. Sir! Sir. Vaijayanti,you look very pretty today. Sir.You look here and point out there. Enough. Is this a press conferenceor personal conference? Can't you see us sitting here? Don't you have answers toour question? Vaijayanti! Yes. Enough.Enough. Put back your specks. They are journalist.It will pose a problem sir. We have called thispress conference.. ..as a police officer marrieda press reporter in U.P. Inspired by this incident oursenior.. -Keep it down.. ..had decided to marry a pressreporter in the forthcoming 2 months. If anyone of you want to marryyou can give your resume. Even you. You are right. This will build a good relationshipbetween the police and the press. As this concept will give birthto a new relationship. Yes. I accept this proposal, sir. Are you searching any specialqualities? -She must know to dance. I am ready for that. Music on! Start music! "Hail Lord Shiva. Hail Lord Shiva." "Hail Lord Shiva. Hail Lord Shiva." "Hail Lord Shiva." "Save yourself. Save yourself." Ah! Music. You could keep the press conferencein U.P and search a girl there. Okay. I will go and search for her.-What a torture! -Listen! Hello ACP. Don't call us for suchstupid press conference. Next time,watch what action we will take. It's lunch time. Sir, instead of sitting here let'sgo and take a round on the ground. At least we will have good health. Why do we need to wait for Shiva?-This meeting is for him. Without him, what can.. Sorry sir.What can we do? Sit down. I will surely complainabout that new ACP. What are you doing here? Do you have a land dealwith the commissioner? What do you mean?We came to complain against him. Can't you keep your mouth shut. Sir, when will your 801 transportstop following us? Which transport? Excuse me sir. You do your work. We will deal with him. I am going in. -Go out! Where arewe going? For a Thai massage. Is it free? -Of course. We will enjoy it a lot. Let's go. Let's go. Sir is here. Our boss is here. Shut up! Is your boss the king of the party? Hello sir. Why are you so late? -What to do?I had a problem on the way. I said 30. He said 20. A brokersettles things for 25. Did you see what he said? He is talking about settlementin front of you. No sir.Don't talk about settlement. It affects my reputation. Actually I had a family problemthat is why I am late. Start telling us aboutthe complaint on him. Whether it's real estate or robberyhe does a settlement everywhere. Whether it's any areaor police station.. ..he interferes everywhere.And deals personally. The police is blamedfor people like him. He should be suspended, sir. Sir, tell me is it so easyto suspend an IPS officer? A person will come from the centre.-An inquiry will be done. He will get proof. Evidence. Formalities will take place.It's very difficult. Has any written complaincome against me? How will it come? He has an ambulance with hymns.The one he can't deal with.. ..they are pushed init and beaten up. The way garbage is thrownon the road. In the same way the vehicleleaves after throwing them. I don't know what they are talking. I am asking if someone has givena written complaint against me. If you don't believethen ask Mr. Sharma. How is the mileage of the new car? It is 15 in the town.And 21 on the highway. It gives so little mileage.It means you fooled me. We will take a bigger carnext time. -Sit down. Where is Inspector Vaijayanti?-I am here, sir. How is your new flat? The air is so good thatyou feel like dancing. Two big bedroom.Big balcony. And attached bathroom. There is no issue of pollution. Now tell me how is my honest job?Is it honesty or shamelessness? Shamelessness! I am workingfor the police very hard. And you doubt me. Sir, my officer is equal to God. He is Lord Krishna without a flute. You will not find such a good man. He is Lord Ganesh. In simple words. He is the combinationof all gods. Like Lord Shiva. You got me killed. Is it too much?Vaijayanti! Sir. Come here. Sir. -I didn't tell youto tell this here. I told you to tell it to the girl.You said it at the wrong place. I got emotional. Sir. -Go away! That's too much. It's too much. Don't waste the commissioner'stime by holding.. ..a meeting for such trival things.-What do you think he is? He is honest police officer. Police officer. Sir. If the meeting is over.Can I leave? I am leaving sir. Watch me carefully.Will you punish me? What is this sir? We had thisinquiry for his behaviour. And he shows that itis all our mistake. I don't understand whathas he come here for? Sir, can't we stop this man here. He has been transferred hereunder the recommendation.. ..of the Central minister. But he is a criminal. Sir. Sir. Sir. Don't please me much. Everything is fine because of you.Everything is fine for you. But you trapped me. Sir, we will do anything for you.Tell us. This starry night. -Its night. Her soft hand. Soft hand. I am holding her hand.Hand in hand. What will you do by giving me thehand at this hour? -Come on sir. If my wife was with me at thismoment. It would be so nice. It would be nice. Where do we find your wife inthe middle of the night? Call the press conference.-What reason should we give them? Tell them,a robbery took place at the ATM. But you need a robber for this.-I have got them with me. Jokers. Yes sir. Tell us, what can we do?Go and bring money from the ATM. ATM? -Do you get money withouta card these days? Break it and take the money out.-But the police will catch us. If you don't remove the moneywe will hit you. -801. Shall I call it? -I remember sir. Sir, do one thing.Give me a rod. Get the money. And call the press conference. We are standing for election.Think of our reputation. There is no need to fear.It is for your welfare. Sir, why did you callthe press conference? Didn't you understandwhy you are called? He gives first preference to ladiesat the press conference. Go! How did this happen? I took him around in ourvan for a few times. He didn't spare the pressjournalist. Speak softly. Hello! Why did you call a pressconference so late at night? We have caught ATM robbers. These two are robbers. Hey, whom did you call jokers? Look at him.Doesn't he look like a robber? Why did you remove the mask?Let's cover our face. Listen.I know why you are doing this. No matter what you do youwill not impress me. Listen.If you give me your address.. ..I will talk to your family.Impossible! What is impossible!? The gold we seized in the morninggive him half a kilogram. Sir, I will give you the address. Write it down. Akanksha bungalow.306, Raheja colony. She has a mother,father, sister and brother-in-law. They feel happy on hearingabout police. Sir, he became a police man bycheating a reputed businessman. He keeps the police uniform besidehis bed while sleeping. You will surely get to hear storiesof police officers in her house. Sir,her sister likes police officers. Sir, half a kilogram of gold? I don't have the gold. But shewill deal strictly with you. I told you don't speak. What is your future plan? I got her address. I will flirt with her sister.And marry her. Sister. Sister. What is it? Who are you? Her mother should be old. She is her sister. Who are you? He is your sister's lover. Hello.How dare you think about this? Who are you? Look here. She threw it before she saw it. He is the ACP of this area. Why didn't you tell this earlier?-Please come in. Let's talk. Yes. Let's go. I mean let's go. -Right. Oh god! -What happened son-in-law? Sister is so lovely.But the sofa is very old. Really this is so shameful. Change it immediately. -Yes sir. Well done! -Thank you, son-in-law. What am I seeing?A big house but a small tv. The tv should be huge. Yes. Change it. Changeit. I will change it. This way or that way here. A big tv! Yes a tv. Look. Look carefully. Look, look carefully. Aren't you ashamed? A bigger necklace on yourneck will look cool. If that is so then we will give herthe necklace. -Give it to her. Necklace, come. That's great. I must touch yourfeet. Vaijayanti! Sir. Pick her up. Or an earthquakewill take place here. Please get up! -Sir,we have a house in Mumbai too. You can go there too. -That isnot in our zone. Is that so? She is becoming greedy. -If shecan, she will not spare anyone. Do you want tea, coffee, juice? I want your sister.-Don't worry about that. Sir, get for me. Come on, sit on the sofa. Come on. Listen! Yes ma'am. -Who is he? He is thatman who pretends to be a police. Police. Aren't you scared togo out with this uniform? I fear more being in the house. Oh! Listen,it is very hot in the kitchen. I am tired of working. Shall I remove the uniformfor sometime? I am also feeling uneasyat the neck. Shall I remove the wedding chain? No. No. I feel as thoughI am in Kashmir. Sister! Sister, why did you lethim come in the house? Why did I let him come?I will hit you. Do you say that for him? He is a policeman. Original police. Are you original?-Shall I give a demo? No. No. That is fine. He came here searchingfor the girl he loves. Instead of talking to him.You are roaming in such clothes. Did your parents bring youup for this reason? Go and talk to him. Careful. Sit down. -Vaijayanti,take a picture. -Leave me. Let me take a selfie. Leave me. You come out daily in a sari. What have you worn today? That is my formal clothes.In the house it's my wish. Take a picture. Hey, will you go out quietly or.. ..should I expose all the policeofficers along with you on tv. Sister! -Keep quiet. What are you talking?You have only one channel with you. But the opposition has 20 channels. I will take them andtell them on TV.. ..you are the one who saidI love you to him. You are the one who added him onwhatsapp and send a message. You are the one who follow him.Tell me what will you do? Sister! Sister! -Yes. I feel like going to the restaurantwith my future wife. Please take her. But she is not coming with me? Is it okay if the family is withher? -That's a good idea! There are so many chairsin this hotel. Why is everyone sticking? If you sit far relationshipdon't build. That is why we are sitting so closeby. Am I right, son-in-law? You are always right. Hi! Sister,why did you say yes to come here? Police uncle, autograph please! Give the autograph. Along with theautograph tell him some dialogue. You can be saved from the handsof law. But.. -Mummy! With the hands. Excuse me,dear ladies and gentlemen. We are happy to announce the mostvisiting couple of our restaurant. Mr. Shiva and Janav! Why did he take my name? Sister, most visiting couple? But I have come to this restaurantfor the first time with you'll. Thank you! Look there. Take it. That's enough. Hey! Sir, there is a call for you. Yes. -Commissioner,others Diwali will come later. But my Diwali is for today. Today my shopping complex willbe inaugurated today. The minister who put a stayis sitting at home. The engineer who complained aboutme died in an accident. After seeing this,look further ahead. But today all your pride will end. Do you know who is inauguratingmy shopping complex? The ACP of your department. There is only person behindbuilding the.. ..biggest shopping mall in Chennai. And that is the memberof Parliament, G.K. He faced many problemsto build this mall. But he still did it. The famous ACP of this city,Shiva did the inauguration. Many more famous personalitieswere present there. Just like this shopping mallMr. G.K's heart is also very huge. I will give full support tohim in all his projects. Commissioner, hi! Sir, I got sweets for you. Eat it! Are you coming after Inauguratingthe shopping complex? Do you know whom the governmentallotted that land? To children who are orphans. And the old parents who are orphansthough they have children. It was allotted to them. G.K is building a shopping complexby illegally getting that land. Being a police man he hascut the ribbon there. Stupid fellow, aren't you ashamed? No sir. I am not ashamed at all. I had just gone to cutthe ribbon there. I didn't give the approvalfor the plan. Did I give the water connection? Did I give them the electricityconnection? Or did I give permission to buildthat shopping complex? You didn't tell the people whogave him these permissions. I just cut a ribbon and broughtsweets and you are scolding me. Why don't you go and catch them? Why does he shout? Does he have aproblem with his B.P and Sugar? Not yet. -Since I am here.Everything will be done. Tell him, to be careful. -Hey,shall I tell you a good dialogue? Yes. It is the world's nature to harassa person who is quiet. To deal with people who harassothers is what ACP Shiva does. How is it? -That was good punchline. How could you think of it? If you polish your mind youwill get good ideas. If you eat toast,nothing will happen. Background music. He is picking up a fight with me. I will deal so severely with him.That he will remember. If you are angry thenhave some cold drink. You said you wouldnever disturb me.. ..if I meet you for 10 minutes. Tell me what's the matter? It's about our marriage.-Listen to me. I know you love me. But.. I love someone else. Sir. Sir. Please sir. What is this girl talking? The one who troubles siris taken to van 801. I vow on you,I am telling the truth. Hey! Who is that boy?Show him to me once. The one whom I love is the mosthandsome man in this world. When he walks you feelhe's 'Singham' (lion). What is he sits down? -Lion.-If he walks away. -Snake. The one whom I love is 'Tsunamistar, Subhash. Where is he? He is there. Vaijayanti! -Yes sir.Tsunami Star, Subhash. Listen sir. There was a time whenhe was topping the list of hero's. Not only this.Once he got a film of Rajni. Be careful of him, sir. About 200 posters areput up for his films. He is dead. He won't be spared.-I will kill him. -Sir. Start camera. Action. Sir, superb! That a good blow.Mind blowing actually. I don't understand whatshe is saying. Sir, it is proved that youare an action hero. Are you the director?-I am already an action hero. Hit him, beat him.I have been doing action always. There is no change. Isn't thereany romance? You want romance? Yes.-A boy saves the life of a girl. He jumps from the 10th floor.Make a scene like that for me. Do you want such a scene?-Lip lock. She is doomed. -God knows whattheory director these days do. Screenplay and the story shouldbe good. -Sir, they will do it. A producer has come to meet you. Hello Mr. Tsunami.Good morning. -Good morning sir. Yes. Why have you come?-You kept the film title beggar. Everyone says it's not good. Hey! If superstar Rajnikant cankeep his films name 'Kabali'.. ..then can't I keep beggar. Whether I keep cat or beggar. You are just a producer. Will you teach me whatname I should keep? Everyone will agree.Don't worry. -Just do your work. Hey director! -I told youabout the lip lock scene. Discuss with the producer. Go! What is it? -Sir. -The way I dancedin the pub last night.. ..the girls were shockedto see that, right? Actually when you shookas per your age.. ..seeing that the girls mustbe shocked by that. Vaijayanti, stop your nonsense. Shut up. You monkey faced beggar. Let's talk decently. Alright. Tell me, why have you come here? Look at this. Nice! -"It's a little great.It's a little great." Tell me, who is this supermodel?The inspector loves this girl. And this girl says she loves you.Oh! -So we are confused. If you love that girl then theinspector will not come in your way. If he doesn't then you willnot come in his way. 'How can I let this opportunitypass by?' She is my lover.-How can you love her? He is trying to come in the way. Don't make my boss angrywith your lies. I am not scared of these things.I am Tsunami star, Subhash. This girl is only mine. It's fixed. "Bad work yields bad result.Right uncle?" "Yes nephew." Hey! -Head.-I feel there is makeup on my head. Can't we remove it?-This is not makeup. It's the mark of beating by thepolice. -Hello. Hello sir. What is this? -Have you gota bail request for him? No sir. Jail request. Keep him inside.The film industry will be happy. I am shooting with some other hero.-Bye! This director doesn't knowthe value of this actor. My fans will set things on firefrom Kashmir to Kanyakumari. No matter how many fire engines come.They won't be able to drowse it. Blow this balloon. My reputation is ruined. Uncle, what happened?-There is less air. Brother, why are we fighting? Call that girl here. I will talk to her. Sir, happy birthday! That is tomorrow. It is today not tomorrow. You were travelling in801 van the whole day. It means today. Who is he?Who is the one who loves my sister? Good morning son-in-law.-Good morning. -Who is it? Tell me. This is that guy. Hold the stick. Baldie, you look like a monkey. You want my sister. Stop it! I am Tsunami star, Subhash. Sir, is it you? I am a huge fan of yours. I see your film on the first day,first show. "Be happy a bit." Baldie, the girl is here. Tell herwhat you have to say and leave. Brother, every dog has a day. Find that out. Listen to me. If I love a useless girl like you.. ..then I will consider thisto be a very shameful. Are you sacrificing our lovefearing the police? Subha, I love you!I love you, Subha. Attack. No. No. Don't beat him. Don't beat him. -Stop it. Get back. You can stand properly even afterbeing beaten up so severely. You are a real hero, sir. Shut up! Don't have some sense. Both of you are sisters.You will be imprisoned. All these police officers arebeating up me up together. Altogether in a group. And you are clappingwith excitement. Are you mad? Brother,there can never be a combination.. ..with this monkey faceand this sweet girl. The combination of this hero andthis fairy is a super-hit. This monkey can't do anything. I need to plan something else. 'Now I will surely flirt with you.' 'Don't worry my dear.' G.K. Hello! Yes. Is this G.K. Leftover? Yes sir. Just a moment, wait! If you wanted to eat then we wouldget another plate for you. It is not that I can't geta plate of dumplings here. And it is also not that I can'teat a plate of idli outside. I eat G.K's leftover.. ..as that is a blessing for me. Did you like the dialogue? Its Janki's call. She asks whether to send thematerial here or elsewhere? Janki's call. I feel she has changed the party. You don't know whenand where to talk. Hi uncle! -Hi Sanjay. Look towards that door. What happened, Uncle? Can't you see? Hey! You are drunk and are actingin the middle of the road. How dare you spit ona police officer? Wow!You didn't let a police officer go? He has not come first inthe state to praise him. These three have smashedup the police officer. The commissioner has orderedto imprison them. My dear listen to me. You don't know what you are saying. Ask the children to apologize, G.K. I made you a minister though youare not worth to become a peon. You are asking my brother toapologize to the police officer. Call him up at once. I will throw you out of your post. Will you take away my post?Will I sit quietly until then? I know how to save my skin. ShallI show my power in front of you? Shall I show you my power? Come, hit me.Hit me. -What are you saying? Hit me hard. Slap me hard. Hit me more. Hit me more. G.K. Who is your brother? Who is your brother? If he can hit a Home Minister thenwhy can't he hit a police officer? Is this a case?-You are worrying for this. Can't I do this much for you?Police officers. I won't let go of thispolice officer at all. Look, what I do in front of you.-Whose call is it? Yes sir. Commissioner, listen carefully. Your police officers drankand hit my children.. ..who were walking in themiddle of the night. I found this out 10seconds earlier. Do one thing. Suspend those2 police officers at once. Sir, actually it so happened..I don't want to hear what happened? Those police officersmust not be seen.. ..at the police station fromtomorrow. -After that.. My dream is to make my brothersit on a golden throne. Anyone who come in betweenhis chapter will close. Better luck next time. G.K, tell me one thing. The police is with you. Then why do you hatepolice officers? The snake hates a monsoon. The lion hates the elephant. Even then they try tokill each other. Natural instinct. Memories of past lives. I hate police! Hey, he is here. We will give himthis bundle. And trap him. Are you ready? -The camera iscostly. It will record well. Let's go. -Sir, wait. I wantto talk something important. I am going for an important work.I will talk to you later. Sir, this is important. Tell him. Sir, we are bribing youfor the mistake we did. Take it sir. Take it sir. Don't dishearten us. Why is he doing this?-He is practicing Yoga. Take the bribe sir. I don't want money. -I arrangedmoney with much difficulty. Take it, sir. -Vaijayanti, take themoney. -And take his camera. Sir, how did you find outthat I have a camera? The TV channels camerathat you got. You forgot to remove the cap.Stupid! Give the money. When will you grow? Sir.Come home once. We will party. 801. Run. Hey,who called at the police station? Is it you? I called you up. Do you know, a girl from this familytook money from me last year. And told me she willreturn it in a year. But she hasn't returneda penny yet. They have to pay rentsince last year. We got the case.The total cost is 6 billion. Give her 3 billion.Keep it. Keep it all. It's corrupt money. Keep it. Vidya, come here. First try to understandwho this girl is. This girl can't speak or hear. But she is a gold medalistin computers. Her job was confirmed in America. Her salary for 3 billionwas confirmed too. But she said I won't go to America. I will stay in India. And work for my country. India is taking good care of her. We didn't spend thetotal money on her. It has been spend on childrenwho are standing there. All these children toocan't speak or hear. And that boy sitting there,His name is Ganesh. Come here. Look. He can't even walk properly. But he wants to learn computers. He lives with all the childrenconsidering.. ..them his brothers and sisters.And do you know who he is? He is Nitya's father.-And look at this too. He had an open heart surgery. That is why we couldn'tpay the money. If this had happened to you'll.. ..would you allow yourhouse to be auctioned? Take this.It is a cheque for 6 billion. Return that girl's money withinterest. Sir. No sir. Keep it. Or shall I slap you. I told you to rob rich people.You are troubling children. I give you 2 minutes.Keep all the things inside. I will put it backbefore 2 minutes. Do it quickly. Do it quickly. Come on. Come on. Be fast. Quick. Quick. It's done. What are you doing? Enough. Enough. Thank you. Thank you. Keep it up! Grow in this manner. Be happy. Alright. What happened? Cheers! If we had a girlfriend in thisromantic climate it would be fun. There are I.T companiesin the surrounding. Best of high-tech companies. If you go towards the roadyou will find good girls. Hey, what are you doing? Leave me. Who are you? Leave me. Leave me. Where are you taking me? Leave me. Go in. -No. No! A girl working in anIT company in the.. ..surrounding areahas been murdered. We found the number plate ofa car on the murder spot. And this number is registered in thename of your brother and address. We had to make a few inquiries. Will you come to thepolice station? Brownie, you are barking too much. Don't you know the commissionerof the city is here? The dogs these dayshave too much guts. If we keep him in the lock upfor 4 days and beat him up.. ..then maybe he will change.This is what I think. G.K. Sir, good morning. You complained about the carrobbery, right? -Yes. I found it. -Someone parked itat the border of Pondicherry. I found the car. But someone stole thecar's number plate. You found the car in Pondicherry.-Yes. Right. Someone was murdered here. And the number platewas found there. He has come to arrest my brotherand his friends because of that. Is that so? -Wait.I will talk to him. Show me the car's number plate. TN 02. Hey, this is of our cars.So the matter closes. If I got the payment.. It was slip of the tongue. It would be better ifwe got the statement. You were telling me to cometo the police station. When a police officer bows his headand stands in front of me.. ..I don't know why my bloodpressure rises up. I hate police! This is just the beginning, sir. See what happens in the future. By supporting me.. ..and by cheating you, The personwho is leaving you confused.. ..do you know who he is?-You will be shocked if I tell you. Shall I tell you who he is?-Why don't you tell it? Anyway, you buy them afterknowing everything. I am sure you don't know. He is your son. Hey! Why are you surprised? You are a police officer, right?Go and find out. Sir!I found out something about Shiva. His name earlier was Shivkumar. He later changed to Shivraj Pandey. He grew up in an orphanageof Maharashtra. We found a photograph of hisin the records there. Look there.-Yes mother, look there. Did you see? How huge it is? Look there.It has gone there. -What happened? What happened sister?Hasn't your husband come home yet? Does he do duty on festivals too? Look at me. Even I work. But I celebrate festivalswith our families. And he is the only policeofficer who.. ..is serving the countryeven today. I know about my dad very well. You can leave. He is just like his father.He has no manners. Shiva, quiet. Shiva, Shiva, get up.Your father is back. He must have surely got crackers. Come early in the morning.-Okay sir. Hey, what is this?Didn't you get anything for him? I forgot it. Shall I get it now? That is fine. All fathers get crackersfor their children. But you do this every year. Shiva. -Shiva. -Shiva! Hey! Take care. You will fall down.You will get hurt. Hey! -Why are you looking there?Sit in the rickshaw. Dad was never with me.-Come, let's go. My mother was with me.. ..in my joys and sorrows. Mother,can I take this for my sister? How do you know it's a sister? I have thought of a name too. Oh my god! What is the name? Nitya! Shiva. Shiva. Good boy! Mom. Shiva! Oh god! What happened?! Mother!Is the situation under control? Dad, mother fell downfrom the staircase. She is very critical. Sir, we got information that thecondition is bad. -Come with me soon. We need to go quickly. Listen constable.My wife is critical. I need to take her to the hospital.-Go with the child. Dad, you come with me.-I will be there in half an hour. Dad. Dad, come soon. Dad, where are you going? Let's go. Mother! Mother! Her conditionis very serious. If the operation is done quicklythen their life can be endangered. You need to deposit money quickly. One more thing. Unless his fatherdoesn't finish the formalities.. ..the operation won'tbe done until then. Please call my father soon. Yes dear. I will call him. That day my father didn'tcome to share my sorrow. And I didn't have money formy mother's operation. Dear,you lost your mother and sister. Mother! Shiva! -I thought he isrunning away in anger. But today I found out heran away for revenge. I couldn't save the lifeof my wife and daughter. And Shiva couldn't understandanything then. What you did as a policeofficer was right. But your son's anger is justified. He is supporting G.K. To avenge me. Call him tomorrow. I need to tell him something. Alright sir. Good morning sir. -Good morning. Good morning sir. -Good morning. Sir, what happened?You called me so urgently? Everyone is standing silently here.-Sir is quiet too. Is there some problem? -Shiva,do you know you did a big mistake? Sir. Parents teach their childrenwhat is right and what is wrong? Don't advise me.The one who left his wife to die. And left his child orphan to do hisduty. Tell that to that man. What is the use of telling me, sir? I am not in my senses. If I lose it, I won't see around.I will kill. -Shiva! Sir, sir, leave him. Do you know who these people are? Either they are robbers who robor politicians who do crime. They are the most respectablepolice officers.. ..who gave their lifefor this country. If there is no license then Rs.100. And if you want to finishthe case then Rs.500. You must have seen such officers. But knowing that they needto die for this post. Such police officers maybe one in thousands. If you live like themeven for a day.. ..an hour or a secondis a great honour. Do you think they don'tlove their siblings.. ..their parents or theirwife and children? Do you know they thinkit is their duty.. ..to fulfil their responsibility. I always desire my picture tobe among these brave people. Ever patriot has this in his heart. I know I didn't come withyou the other day. You were sad about it. But do you know why I didn't come? You were worried about your mother. And I was worried about thousandsof children stranded in the school. The terrorist had kepta bomb in a school. They had locked all the gates. I could only think of savingthose innocent lifes. I couldn't come to the hospital.. ..to fulfil my duty. I will act with honesty.. ..courtesy and regards forthe welfare of others. And will endeavour todevelop its cause. Every police officer who vows.. ..duty comes first, family next. And what did you do? To avenge me, you shook handswith G.K., a traitor. This case is of a dumb girl.Do you know that? Do you know why thatgirl was murdered? That night those goons weremerciless on this girl. Leave me. Leave me. Leave me. Leave me. Catch her. Help me. Hey! Catch her. Hey, wait. Wait. Come here. Vidya. Vidya. Catch her. Catch her. -Vidya. She ran away. When the girl's father regainedhis senses we found out.. ..that her name was Nitya. That innocent dumb girl. She couldn't see injustice beendone in front of her eyes. And to save a girl's life.. ..without bothering about her life. She was sacrificedby G.K's brother. You hate me. I know that very well. But why are you supportinga criminal? What will you tell that girl?Who considers you her brother? G.K will try to save hisbrother using his power. Will you support him oryou will support law? Son, they killed that poor girl. Her father is hospitalised. There is no one else. How will we do her last rites? There is only one answerto your question. The victim of this case isnot from the I.T. Company. She was Nitya, a dumb girl. We found out that some rich peopleare involved in this case. No matter how much pressurewe have from the.. ..central government tostate government.. ..the accused of the casewill not be spared. The police force has taken thiscase up as a challenge. We need your support. On the basisof Nitya's father's statement.. ..based on that wewill take action. We will give you updateon this case soon. Sir, they are hitting me. Let's go. Hey! Sir, they are hitting me. Help me! He is our man. Don't fear him. Sir. Sir, They will kill me. Sir, they hit my child. Sir, he.. ACP Shiva on duty. Wow! Sir.. sir.. G.K, ACP Shiva.. Oh! I got scared of you. You must have seen many sincerepolice officers until now. But you must have notseen a crazy officer. But today you will see. Hey!Talk within your limits, Shiva. This police officer willshow you your status. Atom bomb. Powerful atom bomb.I will break you into pieces. Shall I tell you my background? Hell with you and your background. Shiva gets into action withoutany background. If you talk about backgroundin front of.. ..me then I will cutyou into pieces. Oh! Today is the last happy dayfor you and your brother.. Eat and drink whatever you want. And if you have a last wishgo and fulfil that too. After today court case,strike, lock up, inquiry.. ..If I don't keep you onyour toes day and.. ..night then you can takeback my words. Get ready! Go and visit god.Your death is close by. If you want to die thenkeep your heart clean. If you want to go toJesus then be pure. And if you want to go to God thendon't do anything wrong. And if you come to Shiva youwill die. Then come along. I am coming to you. Now this ACP Shivawill shake you up. Sir, G.K's men's bail orderis brought here. Good morning sir. -ACP, you? Sir, the bail papers. This is the right methodto ask for bail. Vaijayanti! Sir. Leave them all. Yes sir. Let's go. Yes sir. Sir, what is happening? As I didn't give bailto your men you.. ..misbehaved with thefemale officers. What? Us? Hey! Hey! Don't hit us. What do you think of yourself? You imprisoned them insteadof giving bail. These are their bail orders.-Get them out. Vaijayanti! Sir. Sir, what is happening? As you didn't get the bail.. ..you fought with ourpolice officers. We fought? -Then who did it? If we go inside he will file someor the other case on us. We will stay here. And we will take them with us. Attention! Attack! What madness is this? This is a bomb.Come, let's play with it. Throw it.Quickly. What are you doing? Alright. I will throw it. Take care. Hey ACP, what is this? When I didn't grantbail to your men.. ..so you blew up the policestation. -Who? Us? Us? Hit them. Hit them. Hello! Sir, the Home Minister is the call. Whether it's a Home Ministeror Prime Minister. The goons whom we imprisoned. If he brings their pan card, I.Dcard and everything in 5 minutes.. ..only then they will get the bail. If anyone comes to this policestation without any documents.. ..make small pieces out of himand parcel it, Vaijayanti. Does he consider me a Home Ministeror some other Minister? G.K. Vaijayanti! -Sir. G.K. Has not entered any policestation yet, right? No sir. He will come running like adog in the next 15 minutes. Hello G.K. Hello G.K. Go in. I won't go in first. I am scared. Please go in first. Yes. Hello, Home Minister. Are you getting yourcommission on time? Yes. It is. No sir. Was there any complain?We will talk about that later. Get a chair for him. I am talking about our senior.Okay sir. The commissioner doesn't standin front of such people. Will you have some tea or coffee? That's great. -Give tea, coffee orcold drink. It doesn't matter. Right G.K? -No. Leave his men. You don't have to givehim anything. Take this. I. D card,Ration card, and all the cards. It has everything. Leave my men. Vaijayanti! Sir! Get the 3rd grade criminals out.Yes sir. He is leaving them. Sir.Sir. No sir. We won't come out. If we come out they will hit us. And send us back again. We don't want to come out.We are fine here. -Stupid people. G.K. Is taking care of things.Then why do you fear? This problem will last until he ishere. -I understood everything. I will call up rightnow using my brains. I will make such a call thateveryone will leave right now. Come on. -Wait! Tell me what is your problem? My brother and his friendsmurdered that dumb girl. That's all, right? -If you have toprove it then go to the court. Get a witness, evidence, date. And we will get date after date.That will happen. This is a known process. I will surely make mybrother sit in.. ..the Parliament despitethese things. Do you know who is a politician? Do you know who is a politician? Politician is a King. Thousands of officers likeyou salute this King. Politician is a leader. What I say is the rule. The people do what I bid. Politician is a magician.No illusion. Should I remind you whatis your real status? Minister. -Yes sir. He will not go anywhere from here. He will stay here. When I will hit him,he will say sorry to me. Hey ACP. I give you a week's time. If you are the real manthen search my brother. And imprison him. One week. Try it. You are giving me a week's time. I will learn dance in one week. Two days are enough for me to searchyour brother and imprison him. Shiva! These men of yours can do anythingto a person walking on the streets. Without compromising I willcut your men to pieces. And you will watch. No Shiva. I want to talk something importantof your brother's future. Come here. Actually it is this.. get out! All of you shout. G.K. You told me to searchfor such a police.. ..officer who willstand against you. We have found one. The world is so small. Well done Shiva. Thank you sir. Why did he put his picturewith some other girl? Don't lose your control.Be careful. Leave me, sister. -Today I willteach a lesson to Shiva. I am coming with you. Jaanu. Our boss has changed withmuch difficulty. Why did she come here?Why did she come? Hey, wait. Wait. Wait.-Get aside. -Move from my way. Hi! Who are these two? Imprison them. Shiva! What is it? I thought she will say lot ofthings seeing the way she came in. But why did you changeon seeing him? Speak something. Speak up! Say something. When you came to proposeI refused you. Today the whole city istalking about you. You are fighting the caseof Nitya honestly. I like this a lot. Okay.So you now like him. I knew it. No. No. I didn't say that. I said he is a good hearted person. Oh! So go and talk to him directly. I love you! That's great. Having a good hair style andwearing expensive clothes.. ..when I said I love you,you didn't like it. And now when I haveno hair on my head. And my face looks like a villainyou are saying I love you. No one can understand girls. Girls like such villaintype police officers. Good morning. -Good morning Shiva. Hello! -Hello ACP. Father and son are doingtheir duty very well. But to break your speed.. ..I have a speed breaking news. If there is a tv closeby then switch it on. Nitya's murders have surrendered. These 3 people confessed.. ..that they murdered Nitya. In Delhi.. -Job number one. Sir, we got these evidenceat Nitya's murder spot. Hello! -You were going to imprisonmy brother in 2 days, right? But I feel now it's timefor you to salute me. ACP, watch the television. By pleasing his party members G.K.Has decided to give his brother.. ..the ticket in the state election. And if G.K.'s partywins the election. It is possible that his brotherbecomes the C.M. On the way to Parliament. This was two. Shock number 2. Zoom this. -Pratap, listen. Sir. Send a message to thehead quarters. To give information onthe girl who ran away. Yes sir. What are you doing? He said he will catchSanjay in 2 days. He is sitting and buildinghis health. When a lion sits quietlyin the forest. You must understand thata storm is approaching. Sir. We found the girlwe were searching. Superb. Rajesh. Sir. Arrange to get the girl herewith full security. Praise to Lord Ganesh. Yes commissioner. You are makingso many people run about. You are making them work hard. Did you get anything? I send my men by flightas I thought.. ..it will be difficultto go by road. I kidnap the key witnessof the case. I am planning to get mybrother married to her. That will be in our interest. After that maybe shecan't help you. ACP Shiva,why don't you say something? I am waiting to hear from you. Foolish G.K. First of all you send 30donkeys on the flight. They enjoyed the flight. And you incurred aloss of 3 billion. Praise Lord Ganesh! That girl was not present whenthe murder took place. That girl is surely thewitness of this case. But not the main witness. What rubbish are you speaking? The main witness who will getyour brother imprisoned.. ..and then to the gallowsis with Shiva. What did you say? Playing hide and seek, snakes andladder were done in olden times. But Shiva attacks like a lion. Very soon you will find out. Once Shiva gets someone he is safe. Get your brother ready. I am comingto take him. I am sorry! When I didn't understand how willI explain to you, stupid fellow. Minister, switch on the tv once.Hey, switch on the tv. Yes. Yes sir.-The tv is not there. But here. Hey, who are you? I am the hero of this country. Shivaji! -Why? Did you feel shockedon hearing the name? Tell me what should I do?-Eat snacks. I switched on the tvat a nice time. Put the news channel. Yes. There is a change inNitya's murder case. A special team of police has foundan important witness of this case. Let's hear from her,what she has to say? Hello! We found this evidence atNitya's murder spot. I saw Nitya's murder. G.K.'s brother and his friendkilled her mercilessly. I was present there. But when ACP Shiva is with us. I don't fear anything. No one can stop me fromtelling the truth. Don't spare those murderer's, sir. We are with you. Sir, why do you worry about this? Bring this girl here justas you got this witness. And get your brother Sanjaymarried to her. Look there,they look like a good pair. You? Hey! Get lost! Hey! You told me that your brotheris going to the Parliament. Now take a diversion andtake him to jail. You killed Nitya mercilessly. Now no one will speak. Now only I will speak. First of all I will arrest yourbrother and his friends. You can try hiding them. After arresting them. This ACP Shiva will come to yourhouse with the police force. To catch Sanjay. Be ready. See you soon, man. He ran away from here. Hello! -I am Sher Khan. You are roaming with the policeall over the city. You are showing you are smart.You didn't understand. The one you are searching are withme in my house at the moment. If you have the guts then comehere and arrest them. Show me how brave you are. Come on. Hey! Brother.-Before entering Sher Khan's area.. ..cut ACP Shiva to pieces. Hello! You? Search them. Search them.-Search the whole house. Hey ACP. Even there. ACP, what are you doing? Sir, I found him. Come on. Hey, talk to me. I did the work I came for. Talk to me. Sher Khan, my son? Don't forget this is my area. You have to go from hereby passing over my men. Kill him. ARABIC WORDS.. ARABIC WORDS.. ARABIC WORDS.. ARABIC WORDS.. ARABIC WORDS.. Sher Khan,the one who hides a sin.. ..is the biggest sinner. Such a sinner is not forgivenby Allah. Am I right? Well done son. G.K. I was telling you.. Look, I don't know anything.-Sir, do you want snacks. What are you doing? Calm down.-Alright I will get it. I am with you. -Send somedumplings. Why are you scared? Look,what I do to the police officers? The one who is coming is an IPS. Look how I handle him? You haven'tseen me angry until now. Today you will see that anger. And you will see it here. He is the same crazy officer. Hey! Did you forget how he scaredus at the forest? Do some arrangement toget out from here? Oh my god! What is this? -What is this! You are asking after Ifired so many bullets. I can understand, G.K.You are surprised. As a police officer showedthe courage to.. ..enter your house forthe first time. But if I don't do this. Then how will you remember me? Don't you know it's a crime tobreak things in a person's house? Wow!Tell me some crimes of your boss. Small criminals talk tome because of this M.P. Vaijayanti! -Sir. ACP Shiva who came to do hisduty at M.P. G.K's house. G.K. Tried to kill him. To protect the law the inspectorfired bullets up and down. Which incurred a littleloss to the house. But no one was hurt. Right. Oh my god! He is a crazy ACP. I don't know whether he is firingor bursting crackers. Non-bailable warrant. The top most doctors of our city. Tell me doctor. -The reputationthat he lost because of you.. ..has increased his blood pressure. That has affected his brain. Due to which he has intra-cerebraldamage. And his body parts have freezed. So we need to send him toAmerica for treatment. And for that this is thecourt's permission. Now even your law can't stop him. Yes! Evening. 5 o'clock flight. Mohan! I got it, sir. Hey!Why are you putting petrol on him? Hey! Don't worry. It's an old remedy.-Elders have told us. Whether it's paralysisor blood pressure. Diabetes, hand fracture. Leg fracture, back pain, neck pain. Stomach is aching, cramps.This is the fittest treatment. Don't you believe it then askthe doctor. Right doctor? Yes. He is right. -Yes. Match box. -No. We are doctors. Only lighter.-Oh! Very good doctor. Hey! -Oh! Brother, he is shaking. He is responding beforeyour treatment. He was on silent mode earlier.Now he is on vibration mode. You can keep trying, sir. I will do a new inventionand that too now. Where is it? What happened? Hey ACP. You spat on us. You spat on us. Brother, help me. They are kickingme. Brother, save me. What we saw was just a trailer. This is the real film. Minister. Yes sir. Hello. Hello! When did you come here?-A little while ago. I got tired in one day. So I want to go back.How is your daughter? She is good. What work do you have here?-Some people are having bad days. So I came to meet them. Did you meet them? I am leaving. Brother, save me.-What did you say? Politician means power. Illusion. Politician is a magician. Shall I show the power of police? Police power. And its impact is ona higher level. Police means fear. What you can see in his eyes. The attitude of the policecomes out in this manner. G.K. The homeless girl whom your brotherkilled mercilessly.. ..until I don't squeeze out thelast drop of his blood.. ..till then I won't be at peace. I told you I will take your brotherto the police station in 2 days. G.K. I give you 2 days. Go and fold your hands orhold on to the legs. Go to North or South. Go to the Parliament or Assembly.Go to the city or village. Call your friends or relatives. No one can protect you from me. Whether you hide in heaven or hell. You talk about power. Isn't it? Use that power and get yourbrother released in 2 days. This is an open challenge for you,G.K. Come on. Come on. Come on. G.K. You are the same guy whosteals everything from the people. That was an old trend. Right now you are sitting likea beggar in front of me. And I have stolen everything fromyou. This is a new trend. Trend change. What's the matter sir? You arranged such a hugeparty at a short notice. Anything special? G.K. Will never forget his insult. The credit goes to my son, Shiva. This is for my son. Cheers! -Cheers! You can't do it.-What a lovely party! Police party! Paru.-Yes. I told you. What did you say? Police officers don't wearuniform for parties. Look there. Doesn't matter. -Everyone willthink that you are coming.. ..from the police station directly. Sir, did you come here directly? Didn't I tell you? I told you.Act as though you are tired. Sir. Sir. Your girlfriend. She has come so late. She looks very prettyin Indian clothes. Then why is she wearingwestern clothes today. Sir, everyone has their ownchoices. -None of your business. Vaijayanti,shall I tell you something. -Yes. You are looking prettierthan her today. Really! Sir, come on. I am feeling shy. Hey! Attention sir! Shiva, how is this dress? -Hi! You can comment in a line. I don't like supermodels.I like average girls. You mean this dressdoesn't look good. Your dress is good. But am I not good. Wait, I will ask your dad whetherI look good or not. You are caught, sir. -Stupid! Excuse me, sir. -Yes. Hello! Press reporter. -Oh yes. I work on Nitya murder case.. ..along with your son. Very good. Sure. Shiva needs thesupport of everyone. Husband gets the supportof his wife always. Nothing dad. She says police andpress are like husband and wife. Actually it's a partyso she is drunk. Drop her home. What are you saying?-Thanks dad. Come with me. He is lying.-Hubby, say a dialogue. The voice of police officeris like a lion. Yes.-And Police officers are like God. Throw it. What is it? He is my husband, he is a policeofficer. He is a fake police man. No. He is real. Why did he come to complain atour office if he is real? That.. it was not him.It was someone else. Which station? -Central station. I am asking about thepolice station. He is talking about therailway station. It is beside the central station.What work do you do there? I wash utensils. -Ask her. They both planned. Then let them both answer. You are right.-Right. -Nothing sir. Yes.I am here. Did someone ask for me? Get up from there. The food is served there.Why don't you eat food? I am coming with you.-Thank god he has left. He would know all our secrets. Dad! Forgive me Shiva. You always lamented foryour father's love. And I fulfilled my duty. I also needed my son. Thank god you are with me. Thanks son. -No dad. I neverrespected your job or the uniform. Sorry dad! Thank you sir. -Okay. Go. I was saying.. -Hello sir. Hello! Please come in.-You have come at the right time. I will give you breakingnews today. Breaking news? What is it? Nothing.I just want to get Shiva married. That's good sir. But what about the girl? I have one. The sister of myACP. What? My sister? Oh! Didn't you tell your dad? Sir, what does the ACP's sister do? Actually in Japan..Dad, you should have asked me. She is in Japan and looks like you.-Sorry. Hey! Sir, tell me the other qualities. The girl works as ascientist in Japan. Is she a scientist? Ashwin! Take the camera towardsthe Joint-commissioner. Is this an interview? Interview.Is your sister getting married? The reporters will kill you.They will shoot. I will open up secrets aboutour joint commissioner. The joint commissioner is equallyinvolved in the rave scam. How is this headline?Isn't it good? Dear, he asked me fool with you. You are trying to frame me. Look, I have no sister. Then who is the girl? Is it me? -Yes. If you both love each other. Then we will get you married afterfinding an auspicious time. What is this sir? I called masonRamaswamy and asked about this? He said he will put cementin this patch. But do you know what I am thinking? If we put colourfultransparent paper. These holes will give gooddisco light effect. And the house will shine. The whole city is laughing at us. Can't you hear? The voice of their laughter.-I can hear sir. Men and women are clappingand laughing together. Can't you hear them whistling alongwith their laughter, sir? I am worried about how toget my brother released. And you will apply cement insteadof thinking of this. Stick papers. Get lost! Forget about him, G.K.Tell me what should we do? When the youth leaderis in prison.. ..then how can the youthoutside sit quietly? Gather all the studentsof the city. The whole city must be ruined. We will do this until you don'trelease our president. Try to stop us. Try it. We will not go. We will do this until ourleader is not released. Long live Sanjay! Long live Sanjay!Long live Sanjay! Long live Sanjay! Long live Sanjay! Long live Sanjay! Vaijayanti! -Sir. Brothers, I request you tostop what you are doing. Go and continue your studiesin college with sincerity. Your future will spoilif you listen to G.K. The choice is yours. You are right. We are responsible for our future. If the police doesn't releaseSanjay in 10 minutes. Then the whole city will see riots. If Sanjay is not releasedthen all the.. ..students will destroy everything. We will commit suicide byjumping off the towers. Yes. Yes. -We will die. Go back police. Go back police. Move.-Go back police. Go back police. They are scared. Why have you arrested us?-We have been shamed because of yu. Why are you sitting quietly, sir? What mistake did we dothat you got us here? Tell me sir. If an ordinary citizen does a mistakeit's the mistake of the police. It's a teachers mistake ifthe students do a mistake. When a child does a mistake it'sthe mistake of their parents. Sir, FIR.. -Shut up! Our children have goneto college to study. You are saying they aredoing a mistake. Is it? Are they small kids?Do they depend on you? If you think your children are studyingin college. Then look at this. G.K. Is like my father.Then who am I to you? Until G.K.'s brotheris not released. We don't want any collegeor education. It doesn't matter if I die. We will not move from here untilG.K's brother is not released. That's great. A picnic is goingorganised on the bridge. I feel he has called CRPF seeingthe student's power. Yes! Yes! No CRPF will come. Bloody fool! This is MRPF. What does it mean? Mother Rapid Protection Force. What? Mummy! -Alright. My dear mothers, take position. Attack! Ah! Come on. No. Vaijayanti! -Sir.Come let's play carom. Sir.I will defeat you this time around. Ah! Ah! Mother! -You want to die.Let me show you. G.K. Is your father. Doyou have a mother? Did I give birth to a fool? You did your work from all sides. What time is your exam?At 9 o'clock. Okay, tell me.What is the use of capacitors? Tell me how does theprocessor work? You don't know anything. Mummy! What will you write in your exam?You don't know anything. What will you do? Run. -Mother. Mother. Mother is running fast. Look mother, I had to comeas Abhishek called me up. Anyway violence is notuseful these days. The matter can be solvedwith dialogue. You want to talk. Shut up! Mother. What are you doing? Now you can talk. You were saying thatyou will ruin the.. ..city by getting theyouth together? Where are you going? Mother! What is this? This is not duty but somethingelse. Straighten him up. Sir, say a good dialogue for this. Vaijayanti, in olden days thegoddess destroyed the demons. But this mother is tryingto destroy her son today. Student's strength.Do you lie? Go in. Come on. You will fulfil our dreams. All clear sir. Thank you very much. Our support will alwaysbe with you. Yes sir. Hello! -G.K. You must be in a fix. Have you come to your senses?Or there is more to come. I am reminded of a phraseon seeing your condition. Did you hear if you die today,you will live tomorrow? You will not take a rebirthas I put you to shame. Am I right? You have 2 days to go.All the best! We have no news about Sanjay. Sir, there is a call froma broker of Ooty. Shall I book a villa to hide? Long live G.K. Our leader. Log live G.K. Our leader. 801. Our vehicle willbe 801 from now on. The one who wants to donateblood must do it. ACP Shiva has give usthe job on 801 van. G.K's rule will not work her.Quietly vacate this place. What will you do if we don'tvacate it? -Then get him in. Who gave you the minister's post? G.K., this is because of you. The police has raided G.K'sillegal work again. ACP Shiva is our real hero. It's a one man show in Chennai. ACP Shiva gets the credit for this. G.K, everything is over.Everything is over. Hey, what is over? I told you to transfer ACP Shiva.But you didn't listen to me. Look, he is kicking us like afootball. He is doing goals. G.K, when your brother hit thepolice man the other day.. ..I had told you.. ..you should have slappedyour brother that day. You hit the police officer instead.-I had also told you.. ..your brother treatsgirls vulgarly. You didn't listen to me even then. Instead of slapping him.You bought a new knife. Without thinking theymurdered a girl. What happened after that?He has kept such a bomb under you.. ..no matter how much you tryhe will not become a M.P. Do you know you can only showyour anger to people. What will you do byshowing your anger? What wrong will you do by that? You are spitting at me.How dare you! You threaten me. I know how to get my brotherout of prison. I also know when to kidnap people. Sir. Help sir. Come on, quick. ACP, this is your time machine. Sir. Sir. Hey! -Sir. Sir. Help me! Sir! Leave me. Sir. Sir. Hello! -ACP, the one witnessthat you had is dead. The case is closed. When I kidnapped your girlfriend.You father came following her. If possible try to save yourlover and father alive. Hey! Do you want your girlfriendand father? Then bring my brother. Here comes your father. If my mood changes I will sendyour father to your mother. Come quickly. Pick up the phone, dad. Sir. Sir. Go away sir. Control room, the commissioneris not picking up the phone. Trace his phone number andtell me where he is. Sir. Sir! Help me! Sir. Help me, sir. Sir! Sir! Sir! Yes commissioner,is it hurting you? It should hurt. -The onlypolitician who controls the city.. ..and central government isstanding in front of you. Look,your son trapped a man like me. I don't know where he hashidden my brother. Your son is a biggercriminal than me. Forget it. He will come here now. He will bring my brother with him. As his father is here. You want your brother, right? You will not meet himeven if god wants it. You will be shocked to hearwhat I am going to say. When my son told me this.. ..I was shocked to hear it. That is Shiva, Sanjay. Hey! -Hey! -Yes. Shiva! If you have arrested us then takeus to the police station. Take us to the court.-Why did you bring us here? Shiva! This is wrong. Do you remember anything? No. Let us go, Shiva. Ganesh! Hey, who is he? Shiva,why did you give him the gun? Shiva, what are you doing? Hey! Shiva, leave us. Shiva! Shiva! -No. No. Hey! -Leave me. Leave me. -Shiva!Stop him. Leave me. Ganesh, what are you seeing? What is he doing? Shiva! Shiva! -No. No. No. Nitya was killed here by thesepeople. Ganesh, kill them. No. No. Next! No. No. Don't do that. Please don't kill me.Don't kill me. A man like you should havebeen killed much earlier. You have no right to live. He killed your brother. Without informing me. He was very happy to do this. Now whack your brains. You must have heard the phraseif you die today.. ..you will live tomorrow. You must have heard the phraseif you die today.. ..you will live tomorrow. G.K. Shiva! When you call out to myson with so much pain.. ..I feel a shock of 440volt in my body. Hey, don't think my son is anordinary police officer. He has no rules nor any route. If he thinks something is wrong. He finishes it off. Hey! I told you he willshatter everything. Come. Come. Come. Kill him. Whom are you searching? Girlfriend? Look there. Shiva, please save me. She is a kid. But death doesn't askfor permission. Shiva! Throw the gun down orI will kill your father. Come on. Throw it. Where is my father? Where is my brother? Where is my father? Where is my brother? I killed him. Throw him down. Cry. Cry more. Cry out loud. You have your father in front ofyou. But you can't touch him. Your lover is in front of you.But you can't save her. In fact you can't save yourself. You killed my brother deceivingly.Kill him. And send him to Nitya. No! Shiva! Shiva! Save yourself. Shiva! Don't let them go. Hey!Do you think I will let them go? I will find peace onlyafter killing them. Don't worry.I will come and save you. But till then keep silent. Come on. Hey, cut him into pieces. Take care. Take care. No Shiva.No! We didn't do anything, Shiva. Leave us. Leave us. You bring up your children wrongly. Then you try to save them. Sir,we have surrounded from all sides. Sir, he always said I hate police. Tell him to say I love police once. I love police. I love police. I am ready to say it 100 times.Dadiyal, say it. I love police.I love police. -I hate criminals! I love police. I love police. I truly love police.Why are you throwing petrol at us? Shiva! Call the ambulance! 

Hindi 375 Movie Story 


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