Hello everyone I'm Jervis I wan to say nothing

Anya and Kai: The Last Scavengers

  Sure, here is a story I wrote: The year is 2042. The world is a very different place than it was just a few decades ago. Climate change has caused widespread devastation, and many major cities have been abandoned. The global economy has collapsed, and there is widespread poverty and hunger. In this new world, a new kind of hero has emerged: the scavenger. Scavengers are people who travel from place to place, searching for anything of value that can be traded or sold. They are often seen as dangerous and unpredictable, but they are also essential to the survival of those who live in the ruins of the old world. One such scavenger is a young woman named Anya. Anya is tough and resourceful, and she has learned to survive in a world that is often hostile to those who are not strong enough. She has also learned to trust her instincts, and she knows that sometimes the only way to survive is to be willing to take risks. One day, Anya is scavenging in an abandoned warehouse when she finds...

Best robbery story in English

 Move! Move!Here is 10000 rupees on Akhil. Yes! Akhil! Take mine too! Go! Who is this man whois doing the tricks? They are goons. Where is Akhil? Look! Akhil has come!Our hero has come! Akhil! Akhil! Akhil! Yeah! Yeah! Akhil! Akhil! Akhil! Superman! Yeah, thanks. Excuse me. Hey, come on! 'Super!' Repair the bike andbring it home! Scoundrel! Yeah!Enough! Enough! Let me down! You will always haveto win like this, bhai! Okay! Listen! Tonight I am going to givea bash to the entire staff! Yeah!- Stop! Stop! Stop! Bhai, we have so many call cabs.

Buy one for me too.I am getting bored. Is that so? Okay. "Come on, come on." "Baby, come on. Come on, come on." "Come on, baby. Tell me something." Hello. Where are you? I am a fool that I madea movie program with you! You are at the beauty parlour? Are you coming towatch a movie or show off? Super. Tell me. What?You are stuck in traffic? I see! Somebody is flirtingwith you? Why will he not flirt? Your get up must be such. That was the reason why youwent to the beauty parlour. Super. Who is he? I don't know. I toohave found a sample. Yes, hold on. Where did he go? Super. You hold on. Who are you?- Nothings, sir. If you gave me 100 rupees then Iwill give it to you in your hand. You hold on! Hold on!Somebody is giving bumper offer. Hold on. What will you give me? Come with me, sir. I willtell you. Please come. Come. Stand here. If you give me 1 minute,then I will draw.. ..your portrait and give it to you. I see! Start. You can talk on the phone now. Tell me. Here a foolishman is drawing my portrait. He looks like a joker. Okay, okay. You too comequickly and get your portrait drawn. It is a good time pass. Tellthe auto driver to drive fast. Tell him it is an urgent work. Sir.- What? It is ready, sir. He is saying that itis ready. Stay on line. You tell him todrive the auto quickly. "Come on, baby. Tell me something." Good! Very good!- Sir, 100 rupees. Take it from him. Take it from him.

Take it from him.- Sir, it is your snap. Keep quiet! Hello! Yes, you come quickly. Come quickly. What was this sound? Accident! Where? I will just come.- Sir, my 100 rupees. Stay on the line. Beware! Hello. Sir, I think you are tense.I will meet you later. Where can I meet you?- Me? - Yes. I will meet you whenit is your unlucky day. When your bad time is going on. And you are danglingbetween life and death. "Come on, baby. Tell me something." Pauper! You! "Yo-yo!" Listen, is ma'am at home?- Yes. Is this a new car?- Yes. Don't touch it. Son, coffee.- Thanks, mother. Before shaving off yourhair for the first time.. ..your hair had grown solong when you were a baby. The long hair looked so nicethat I used to tie a braid. Now after so many yearsyour hair has grown so long. Shall I get a ribbon? Mother, it is the style. As if I don't knowthat it is the style. That's why I allowedyou to grow it long. I have got a nice alliance! The girl's village is Lakhanwadi.She has passed Bcs. She lives there with her parents. She is the only daughter.They own 50 acres of land. Her elder brother hassettled in Los Angeles. The younger brother willsettle in Melbourne very soon.

Do you have any problem? If her parents sell the landgo and settle in Los Angeles.. ..or they leave their workand settle in Lakhanwadi.. ..I don't have anyproblem with them. Your sense of humour is good. Do you like the alliance? Do you like the alliance?- Oh yes! Then you only marry her. I have brought thisalliance for your son. Sorry, pundit-ji. Wehave given up on marriage. Already we havelived half of our lives. We live here peacefully.And we have got used to it. Now if some girl from Lakhanwadi.. ..will come in thehouse and act smugly.. ..then I won't tolerate it. Henceforth no need tobring any alliance. You can go. Bhai.- What? The car is ready. Bhai was happy with my work.And he bought a car for me. We have 250 cabswith us including this. Chotu, what looks good? 300 cars in the house or 3 children? I will beget them, aunty. What do I carewhether you do it or not! Come on! Give the coconut! Bring it carefully.Dear, you took the remote.

It is in the box, daddy. - Keepit here. I will call for a cab. Hey cab! Cab! Stop! Stop! Good morning, sir.- Good morning. Where do you want to go, sir?- Gandhi nagar. But the special.. ..thing is that wehave bought a new TV. Even my cab is new. Youare the first customer. Very good! My TV and your cab! For both it is the first journey.How much will you take? Sir, you can give whatever you want. You are the first customer.- 50 rupees. Okay, sir.- 40 rupees. Why, sir?- 30 rupees. Why, sir. Why areyou reducing the fare? Like others I didn'tbecome rich from poor. From being a rice manI became a poor man. I have splurged loads of money. I used to give many such TVs as giftto others. Now my position is bad. I have to bring the TVwith my daughter's earnings. That's why I am bargaining. Fine, give whatever you want to give. Couldn't you have said this before?Dear, you go and sit. - Okay. Carry the luggage.- Okay, sir. Carefully. It is very heavy.- Okay, sir. Carefully. The stones.On the ground! The stones! Shake it! It broke? Throw it! Throw it! Why to break it a bit? That's why I told youto break it completely. Let's go inside. Buy me a new TV. Sir, what is this? Itbroke because of you. I told you to carry it carefully. You said there is stone.

Where is the stone? I said there could be stone.- How is that possible? You will buy a new TV for me.You don't know me. Come. Come inside!- Daddy, take the car keys from him! Take the car keys from him! You broke the new TV! Daddy, the key is inside the car.- The key! My car's keys!- How dare you break my TV! Look.- Daddy, sit quickly! Come! Give me the keys! Ma'am, look! Chotu, whey did youcall me to the hospital? That girl works here.- Who? Her father took my new car. She gave me the visiting card. And she said come to the hospital.We will talk there. What's her name?- Srividya. Srividya?- Yes. Is she some Goddess? I don't know. Buther father is a demon. Fine. Go and search for her. Hello.- Yes. Is your name Srividya?- What? Is your name Srividya?- No. - Then go. Excuse me. She is coming. How come there is so muchpain in this small heart? Is she your doctor?- Yeah. Where is madam's room? Madam? How did he change suddenly? Go and collect thereport from the lab. - Okay. Yes. So pretty.- Excuse me. I am Akhil. Dr. Sri.- Nice meeting you. Have you come with him?- Yeah. Hey, where is my TV?- Where is my car? I didn't break your car.In fact you broke my TV. All that happenedbecause of your father. - No! Look, sir.- Akhil. Look, Akhil. This is my first job. And from my first salary I hadpurchased a TV. He broke it. But you are so very pretty.- Excuse me. Bhai, don't become soft. Where is the force thatwas there when we came here? Why are you tense?She is a nice doctor. So, you think that you incurreda loss because of him. - Yes. I too think so. Why not? You are having fun.- Keep quiet! So what should we do? I want the portable TV back. As Chotu's punishment.. Iwant to give you a big TV. 32 inches. 42 inches. No, no. I want theone that I had bought. Not possible. I have taken thedecision to give you a big TV. Bhai, you are talkingabout giving her the TV. And you forgot the car worth 5 lakhs. I want my portableTV back. That's all. We will meet tomorrow. Tillthen keep the car with you. But this is Akhil. Orthopaedic. Orthopaedic. Bones. If you didn't get the TV, Ihope you won't break my bones. Breaking bones is not my work. Yes, you don't break bones.

You join it. Bye, pretty girl. Bye. I am Akhil! Who are you guys? Are you journalist Ram Kumar?- Yes. Had you written the article intoday's newspaper about the robbery? Yes.- What are you guys doing? Sit. - Why? Will you makeme sit and beat me? - Sit! What had you written? Tell me. The incidents of robberyhave increased in the city. The police are working hardday and night to nab the thieves. This is what I had written, sir.- Tell me the right thing. The incidents of robberyhave increased in the city. It will be good if thepolice pay attention to it, sir. I told you! Tell me the right thing! The incidents of robberyhave increased in the city. The police are just watchingthe show like an impotent man. Even if that newspecial officer is in town.. ..it is as good asif he is not there. This is what I had written, sir. Who is he?- My son. Do you know when he cries? Yes. If he is very hungry, he cries. Or else if a nice man likeyou beats then too he cries. Do you know when he feels hungry?- No. Do you know when somebody beats him?- No. Tell me. Do you know whenand where he will pee? - No. If he pees on you, willyou be able to stop it? It is very difficulty. You don't know anything about.. ..your son who issitting in your lap? If he pees, youwon't be able to stop it. Even I am like that! How can I know when and how.. ..a person doessomething in the city? Journalist! Don't beat him!- Scoundrel! Don't beat him!- Leave me! You! Already I am worried! And ontop of that you write an article! Tell him! If he writesanything then I will kill him! I won't spare him! Now I will write that bycomparing the robberies in the city.. ..with babies' pee, the specialofficer wants to save his post. I will write like this! Who was he? You still didn't understand.He is the special officer. Look at his face. I think he is responsiblefor the robberies in the city. I will write that too. I will change my housebefore writing. What will he do? What did you say?- I was just jesting.

Do you think I willreally write this? He went away. Nowat least keep quiet. "Sometimes here, sometimes there." "The arrow of the eyes struck." "You wounded my heart, beloved." "Stand by. Here we go again." "Just a little bitand you will know." Chotu! Come! What is this? Today your boss seems different. Yes, the matter is such.- What? Day before yesterday bhaimet a girl. She was plump. Was she very pretty?- Yes. What's her name?- Dr. Sri. Did they exchange numbers? The matter has still notreached to that level. Work is still in progress. By the why who laid the foundation?- Bhai. It means the girl doesn't know.- No. My son was so different. And now look what has he become.- Poor guy! When it comes to women,men become weak. Bhai is so weak. I came toknow day before yesterday. I knew it before only. If we left him like this, hewill go mad. Go and help him. Bhai! Bhai! Bhai!- What happened? Our car is still with the girl.You are not worried about that? What car?- Our new car. That! Okay, okay! If there is a good TV remotein the house then bring it. Why?- Just bring it! Why did you take the remote? Is it that you areplanning to give her the remote.. ..and take the car, bhai? Do you know, Sri? Preeti performed thesurgery for the first time. And it was painless.- That's good. - Hi. - Hi. Your patient is waiting for you. Thank you. Bye.- Bye. - Bye. Hi. I am Akhil again.- Hi. Is this remote okay?- What do you mean? If the remote is okay,then I will get the TV too. Which TV?- 32 inches. I want a portable. I want to give you something big.You should think big. Why should I take abigger one? I want mine! Listen to me! Look, Akhil. I don'twant a bigger remote. Smaller one is fine. Give me that.

What can you see in a portable TV? You should alwayswatch on big screen! Okay. Sir, give me my TV.- Akhil. Hello, Sri speaking. Sri, I am at the TV showroom. If you came here then youcan choose your favourite TV. Big TV. I will not come! I willnot come! I will not come! Hi.- Hi. Where is Dr. Sri?- Upstairs. - Thank you. When will you give us the TV? You have made my life miserable. I get so bored sitting at home. Day before yesterday Imissed the Ms. World program. Yesterday I missedthe blockbuster movie. I missed MTV's gorgeous girls. I missed all the serials. Tomorrow night midnightsizzling movie miss. - Hey! Sorry. Hi.- Hi. How are you doing?- Fine. What happened? You look woebegone. Could be manufacturing defect.It's born like that. Sir. Somebody has come to meet you. Hi, Sri. How are you, sir? I am always fine. What are you doing? Brother, today is my birthday.Bless me. Happy birthday.- Thank you. Why didn't you tell me before?Hey, bring the checkbook. Sri, this is for you.Buy whatever you want. Let it be, brother. Sri, take it. This is nothing. Dear, this is not so. Whatyou did for us, that is enough. You are leaving no dearth. Then what is the need for the money? Sir, money is nothing.- Don't say this. If not for the money,then my daughter.. ..would have never become a doctor. I couldn't have gotthe medical seat for her. You can rob money. Butnobody can steal virtue. There was a time whenyou used to splurge money. And today you arecraving for each penny.

But I respect you, sir. Mayyou remain happy! And Sri too. Will you repay the favour ofliving in our shed and working.. ..in such a big way? We will leave now. Sri. Keep this. Take care of daddy. Thanks, brother. Bye.- Take care. Sri! Why did you come in an auto? You don't have the car?- The petrol got over. Chotu! - Yes. - Fill the carwith petrol. You don't worry. I neither want your TV nor your car. Please take your key. It is not that I don'twant to give you a TV. If I give it, then I won'tget the pretext to come here. You know I really, really like you. By the way I have heard that weget fabulous coffee in your canteen. Won't you give me a treat? Sure.- Let's go. You can come here everyday.- Really? Thanks. You like motorbikes?- Yes. "When I met you, beloved." "My heart can't forget you, beloved." "He stole my heart." "My heart is swaying." "Face to face, face to face." "He is face to face with me." "There is a delicatearoma in the breath." "Face to face, face to face." "He is face to face with me." "Face to face." "Beloved, what magic is this!" "When I met you, beloved." "My heart can't forget you, beloved." "I think when I am idle." "How can I not love him?" "His face is one in a million." "How do I tell himwhat lies in my heart." "I dream only about him." "Why does he seem mine?" "The paths have changed." "The ambiance is fragrant." "Face to face, face to face." "He is face to face with me." "There is a delicatearoma in the breath." "Face to face, face to face." "He is face to face with me." "Face to face." "Beloved, what magic is this!" "When I met you, beloved." "My heart can't forget you, beloved." "He stole my heart." "My heart is swaying." "The heartbeats are crazy." "What dilemma is this every moment." "Now life seems so difficult." "That guy is so sweet." "God knows how deep it is." "He has snatched me from myself." "He torments me." "Where should I go?" "Face to face, face to face." "He is face to face with me." "There is a delicatearoma in the breath." "Face to face, face to face." "He is face to face with me." "Face to face." "Beloved, what magic is this!" "Beloved, call me." "Beloved, call me." "Come on, come on.""Come on, come on." Hey, who are you? Why are you peeping at me? Why are you peeping at me? tell me. Don't beat me.

Look there. If you like it, give me100 rupees. Only 100 rupees. Is this mine?- Somewhat.. How much?- 100 rupees. Take 500 rupees. Not because you have drawn it well. But because you didn't draw it well. What are you saying, sir?- I'm a thief. You mean thief?- Thief. Thief? - If you ever tried to drawmy portrait then I will kill you. 1 crore was stolen. How many men were there?- He was alone. He ran away in a red bike.That too imported racing bike. Where will we find all the racers?- Biker's club, sir. Ladies and gentlemen. May I please have yourattention for a moment? Please. I am immensely happy to be with you. And the second thing is thatI feel proud to announce.. ..the 7th anniversary of ourclub on the next Saturday. Yeah! Yes, sir. What do you want,sir? What do you want? A red bike is stationed outside.Who is the owner? The tattoo shop owner.The bike belongs to him. Oh! A cartoon on a cartoon's body. Yeah! Yeah! Thisdesign is for you only. I have understood one thing. How long am I going todepend on my tattoo earnings? It is better to rob.- Really? Just nab a rich guy.And the work is done. Enter a bank. And the work is done. Is it so easy to rob? Then what! Do you knowwhich is the easy way to rob? ATM. We can rob the ATMmachine within 5 minutes. A useless security guardwill be there. Just stab him. And he is no more. What if the police nab you?- Police! You are kidding! Police officers are like rotten eggs. They have body but no brain. If a smart man like me plotsthe plan then what can they do? Tell me. Tell me. What do you think? What are you doing? No! No! Don't do this! No! Take him to the station.. anderase all the tattoos from his body. Okay, sir. Scoundrel, you don't callpolice officer as brave? - Why? Sorry, sir. This table is reserved. It's okay.  Thank you. Sir, this table is reserved for him. Sir, please. Once, I sit, I don't get up.- Hey! Where is my table? Just a minute, sir. Sir,I will arrange another.. ..table for you. Please, sir. The club will be ruined. Whose table is this?- Sir, its yours. Go and call your owner.- Okay, sir. If he can't vacant it,then I will do it. Sir! Sir! Sir! Please!The club belongs to you! The club belongs to you! By the way there isno table system here.

Hey! Come! Come! Removeall the tables from here. I don't know who toldyou to keep it here! Only cheers! No controversies! No fights! No problem! No tension! Okay! Hey, get somechilled beer for my friends! Hey, girls. What are you looking at? Come on, dance!  Music! Dance! Come on, girls! Come on!Yeah! Yeah! That's it! Yeah! Come on, dance! Sir! Dance! Come on, sir! Come here. Take this. Hi. Hi.- Hi. - Hi. - Hi, girls. What has brought you here? This garage belongs to me.Whose car is this? There is some problem in myfriend's car. So I brought it here. Asar.- Yes. Check the car and repair it.Don't take the bill. - Okay, bhai. Thanks a lot, Akhil. Itmeans this garage is ours. Sure. If there is any problem inanybody's car from the hospital.. ..then get itrepaired from here for free. Wow! Wow! Want some soft drink? Coke?Pepsi? Something. On one condition. From today onwards all your staffs.. ..will get freetreatment in our hospital. Okay.- Thank you. If I have any pain, then youwill have to cure it. Okay. - Sure. If this is the case then Iwill have a problem very soon. Hi, guys. Who are you? - Where is the cashier?- Cashier in the station? Then who will pay my 2 lakhs?- What 2 lakhs? It was declared that theperson who gives information.. ..about the ATM thiefwill receive 2 lakhs. What! Give me 2 lakhs. I will then leave. "Come on, come on."- Hello. - Hey! You saw that thief?- Yeah. Why are you like this? If I am like this youwon't give me money? Where did you see him?- Metro Centre. Where?- Metro Centre.

But the robbery wascommitted at Paradise Centre. From Metro he wouldhave come to Paradise. How do you know that he isthe thief? - He told me. Does any robber callhimself a thief? Different people havedifferent reactions. Seeing your facenobody will say anything. But seeing my face people willspill out what they want to say. What do you do? I am an artist. Street artist. Did you draw his portrait?- Yes. Show it to me.- Sir, I tore it. Can you draw it again? Will you give me 2 lakhs?- Hey! "Come on, come on, come on." "Come on, come on, come on." "Come on, come on, come on." "Come on, come on, come on." Sir, there is a doubt. Will you give 2lakhs by cheque or cash? Draw it properly. "Come on, come on, come on." Draw it! Sir, it's done. Isn't this the filmactor Chiranjeevi's portrait? Telgu mega star. Why did you draw his portrait? I have drawn it many times.So now I am used to it. Sir, I made it by mistake. Now if I draw it,it will be perfect.. ..there is noguarantee for that's, sir. I will draw it tomorrow.But I saw him, sir. I took pity on you.so I will let you go.

Write down your address. Okay. Ma'am.- Yes, Chotu. You will have to come home.- What happened? Bhai has back pain.- Is that so? I will send the car.You will have to come. Come on, come on. What happened to him? Back pain, some nerveat the back got locked. Why? What did he do? He did not do. He did not do anything that heshould have done at the right age. Then this will surely happen. The house is very nice. But his back is not. Sorry, sorry Akhil, Akhil what happened?Are you okay? Thanks for coming.- Its okay. Sister, please help. She has caught him. The doctor has done M.B.B.S. She knows when to catch, howto catch and whom to catch. How did this happen? Did you bend down?- No, oh God. Did you turn around suddenly? Did you do push-ups? You need someone to do push-ups. Sister, come here. Chhotu, what happened? What happened to yousuddenly Chhotu? Sister, take care of him.- One minute okay? I will take care of him.- Akhil, one sec. Sister, take him. - Yes,I am taking him. Take care of him!- Yes. - Take care of him. Did he ever have aheart attack before? For both of us it is the first time. Where is it paining?- Go down. - Hey be careful please. Why are you messaging my feet? There are some pressure points here. Are you feeling pain?- No. Now.- No, there is no use. You come up.- Okay. There are some pressurepoints on the neck also. Tell me when you feel pain. Pain.. Better, better. They never taught allthis in our college. Even you have studied medicine? Yes, but at that timeour syllabus was different. What was there at that time? The pressure pointsused to be different. How is that? You want to know?- Yes. Just relax. Here. If you press it here. Then ittakes effect somewhere else. "Don't pinch me." "I am feeling a sweet pain." "As you touched me, my fair body.. ..made of sandal startedspreading its fragrance." "My beloved, what did you do?" "Don't be so mad like that." "Only, you are my beloved." "Don't pinch me." "I am feeling a sweet pain." "Let me come close you." "To kiss your lips." "My heart is in trouble." "What is thissituation you have put me in?" "My beloved, my sweet heart." "Why did you make me insane?" "Don't make such a commotion." "Let me go, leave me." "Don't pinch me." "I am feeling a sweet pain." "Don't pinch me." "I am feeling a sweet pain." "Your every gait intoxicates me." "Your every attitudemakes me crazy." "Since you havetaken me in your arms." "My heart is beating faster." "What is happening to me?" "I am feeling intoxicated." "Don't go far from me." "Come close to me." "Don't pinch me." "I am feeling a sweet pain." "As you touched me, my fair body.. ..made of sandal startedspreading its fragrance." "My beloved, what did you do?" "Don't be so mad like that.." "About me.." Akhil. This is a ladies stethoscope.- Yes. You said thatteacher has fallen in love.

Then this girl and that doctorare one and the same or different? Mother, both of them are the same. But now that the syringe,thermometer.. ..and stethoscopehave entered the room. My entry is very necessary. You do one thing, tell me whatever.. ..happened here till now in detail. Okay, can I start?- Is your mind fresh? Yes. Carry on. Excuse me guys, if someone stands.. ..on my right then Ifeel very disturbed. Come here everybody,stand this side. Go everybody, you body builder. Okay, thank you, thank you. Order a tea. You can also have it. Okay baby. Ready baby, you can see now. If you will make thehand more like this. Then Rajnikanth willlook even more natural. You are right, one second. I will kill him! You are making film stars pictures. He is the most popular. If he is popular,then you will make it. Come here. I told you that no oneshould stand on my left side. So that bodybuilder was standing.. ..there and scratching himself. So I got disturbed. I am going insane bynot catching the thief. I am feeling ashamed of takingfree salary from the government! When I go home and sleep. Then I cannot sleep the whole night. I can understand your situation. But as an artist Ineed a little freedom. If you will give mea little more time. Then I can draw better. Promise. Listen, come here. Who is this girl?- Jennifer Lopez. And that one.- Britney spears. Where is Saigal sir, Icannot see him anywhere? He must be theresomewhere in the corner.

Tell him that I have come.- What? There is no need to be so amazed. Do you have a cassette ofBade Ghulam Ali sir? - No sir. Begum Aktar's.- No sir. How much did you spendfor this store? - A lot. There must be a lot ofstaff also here. - A lot sir. How many CD's andcassettes do you sell in a day? If there is no trouble maker around,then we sell a lot. Here is the daddy. And that is bhabhi. Okay, now you go. Greetings brother.- Who is it Begum Akhtar? No, I am Akhil's mother. Very good, who is Akhil? Ask that to your daughter. Aunty, greetings aunty. Akhil daddy, the one thathad given us that big T.V. Oh that plasma. Your son is very nice,he has a very big heart. Yes, that is why he gifts big T.V. Your daughter had forgottenhere stethoscope in our house. I thought that I should return. Stethoscope? This is our firstmeeting with aunty.. ..so go and get somecoke daddy, please. I heard that yesterday,you had come home. Yes aunty, I had come. He had some back pain so.. Possible, nowadays he isexperiencing a lot of pains. When are you coming home again? For what? - Tell me so that Iwill go to the temple or the market. There is no need for that. Next time I willcome in your presence. Cool, cool, take it easy.-What are you doing? What is all this?- Look daddy. I am sorry old man, bymistake I dropped some coke. What mistake.- I will wipe it. Don't touch me. I did not do it purposely. Don't act smart with me. You did it purposely. Relax, what relax.- Cool down man. Hello. - I had come tomeet your girlfriend. - Yes. But a goon is flirting with her. I don't know who he is. But take down his vehicles number. Who are you?- Your brother-in-law. The girl you tried to flirt with.. ..I am her that. Not mine, but.. Yours, yours, yours, yours. I am all of yours that. You scoundrel, you drop cool drink. Now lick this. You hit him so, he is my friend now. Why did you hit my friend? Wait! Wait! Why are you hitting him? Is this your hooliganism? Are you all police personnel? First answer my question.

He was trying to actsmart with my girl friend. So, will you hit him for that? Not only him, now Iwill hit you also. You will hit everyone. Are you a hero? Don't you have women in your house? If someone will try toact smart with them. Then what will you do? Come here. What did you do? Sir, I.. What is this? Are you a demon! Are you a demon! Tell me! Lock him up! What are you doing? Go! Go. You are speaking too much. Even after knowingthat we are the police. Go. Brother, how are you?- I am okay sister. Tell me. I was saying that, themonth of May is coming. And we still have some duties. I have only one son. Once I get him married. Then I will say Hare Ram,Hare Krishna. And tour Europe or America. Now my son and yourdaughter cannot be separated. That is true. So how much dowry do you want.. ..to give your daughter to my son. We don't want any dowry. We only want your son. Okay then just see a auspicious.. ..date for the engagement. On the 25th of this month,at 9:20 in the morning. It is a very auspicious moment. On that date no matter what happens. The engagement will be held. Sister.- Tell me brother. I have two sisters. They never called me at their house. They never evenoffered me coffee to drink. They always taunt me.

I have not saved anymoney for my child. Please forgive me sister. Brother, there is nothing bigger.. ..then the happinessof our children. If I will talk anymore,then I will start cry. I am disconnecting sister.- Okay. Yes tell me.- Our Sri's marriage has been fixed. When is it? The engagement is on the 25th. What does the boy do? He has a business of cars and taxi's. He also has a garage,and he is the only child. Good, I will surely come. Just coming here will not do. You are my son, you will haveto be here until the marriage. Sri is my sister. You don't worry. I don't have anyworries until you are there. Sir, I don't have any change. When there are so manynice people around me. Then what will I do of money. You keep it. Sir. 'All of you go and have your food.- Yes sir.' 'Sonu.- Yes sir.' 'Here is your salary.' 'No sir, I don't want a salary.' 'All my work is done here.' 'So I don't want any salary.' 'I know that I am fully in debts.' 'I don't know myself, whenthis garage will close down.' 'Until it is running, I will keepgiving the workers salary somehow.' 'It is your hard work,you will have to keep it.' 'Keep it son.' When my mother had passed, theneven I was in the same condition. From today I am notonly your brother. I am your mother,father, brother everything. Even I have no one except for you. I still cannot believe it dear. We had just fixed the date ofyour engagement on the phone. Now, where are you living? With brother. Which brother.- He is not my own brother. But he is more than that. He has educated me andsupported my family. I am with him now. You should not kill an artist. My time is bad. I am very unfortunate. I have no other way thatis why I am after you. Otherwise I would have shot you.. ..the day you made aChiranjeevi's portrait. What is it? If someone stands on my left,then I get disturbed. You are torturing me so much. I cannot. What I cannot.

Surround him from all sides. Take it out, take it out. Take the pencil out. This time you will not make itproperly.. ..then I will surely kill you. Make it, make it carefully. Look, look here, carefully. Look at me.- Yes. Are you looking at me?- I am. Carefully. Are you looking at me?- I am. If you make Salman's Khanportrait then you are dead. John Abrahams,Abhishek's, Akshaye's, Vivek's.. And that one.- Which one sir. The one that haddanced and kissed the girl. Shahid.- Yes Shahid. If you will makeanyone of their portraits. Then I will kill youwith the pencil. Did you understand? You cannot draw properly, butyou loot everyone on the streets. You are insulting me. I am a very good artist. I can, I can. Yes, come on. Is the portrait ready?- Yes. You made my portrait. -Say?-That means I did the theft. Tell him, tell him. Say? The thing is sir, you were sittingin front of me with a revolver. And saying, make it properly,look at me. Make it properly, look at me. In that tension I madeyour portrait. You made it didn't you? You made my portrait didn't you? Then why can't youmake the thief's portrait? Quiet! We big people are talking Hello. May I speak to my sexy doctor?- Akhil. What is it? - Sinceyesterday I am not feeling well. Can you tell mewhat the symptoms are? I cannot sleep the whole night. The whole body is burning up. The blood is boiling up. And. What is it, brother? You didn't go to the hospital today. Today is my weekly off. Pick up the phone. Hello.- My heart is not in my control. It was a wrong number. Today in the evening I am going out. Don't wait for me. Hello.- The patient is very serious. He needs a doctor. Only if a beautifuldoctor comes and treats him. The patient will feel better. By the way, why are youdisconnecting the phone? Your sickness has increased. I will come and seeyou in the hospital. Bye.

I will be late in the night. You have your food and sleep. I'm leaving. Okay brother. Oh God. What happened brother? Do you love him a lot? Whom? Since when do you love you? Father had told me once. That your marriage had been fixed. Is he the one?- Yes. If you will introduceme to him once. Then I will get bothof you married. Day after tomorrow is friendshipday, I am going to meet him. If you will also come along,then I will introduce him to you. Why are you screaming? Fool, my brother was in the room. Without thinking anything,you were calling up each time. What is that saala(brother-in-law) doing in your room? Who are you insulting,he is my brother. If I will not call a saala a saala.. ..then what should I call him. Listen to me. I told my brother about you. On friendship day, Iwill introduce both of you. And then marriage. Okay. If I will stay alive until then. I need treatment right now. Shall I give you an injection?- No. Shall I give you a medicine?- No. Then what should I give you? "Unique, oh wow very unique." "Unique, yourfriendship is very nice." "We should separate,you are my sweet friend." "Unique, jolly, jolly unique." "Unique, the heart is very unique." "We should separate,you are my sweet friend." "I love you, I love you, love you.. ..love you, love you,love you, love you." "I love you, I love you, love you,.. .. love you, love you,love you, love you." "When you come with themoon and stars to meet me." "My heart becomes very happy." "I feel intoxicatedfrom your talks." "Come let us immerseourselves in each others eyes." "Don't hide, don't hide,don't hide from my sight." "Show yourself, show yourself,show yourself." "These eyes, theseeyes these magical eyes." "Move these eyes away." "I love you, I love you, love you.. ..love you, love you,love you, love you." "I love you, I love you, love you,.. .. love you, love you,love you, love you." "I saw your aura,they were mesmerizing." "Don't make me anymore impatient." "Wet, wet these wet cheeks of mine." "Please don't touch thiswith your sharp eyesight." "Don't avoid it, don't avoid," "My beloved, take myheart and my peace." "This story, this story,my beloved this story." "Don't tell me thisstory my beloved." "I love you, I love you, love you.. ..love you, love you,love you, love you." "I love you, I love you, love you.. ..love you, love you,love you, love you." "Unique, oh wow very unique." "Unique, the heart is very unique." "We should separate, you are mysweet.. - Naughty friend of mine." "I love you, I love you, love you." ..Love you, love you.-  Love you, love you." "I love you, I love you, love you.. ..Love you, love you.-  Love you, love you." Hello, did you leave or not. I will leave a little later. I will drop mother atthe temple and then come. Brother is waiting herefor the past half an hour. Okay, you leave. Okay.

Now my friends, everyone needs a friend in life. Say yes or no.- Yes. Can we live without a friend?- No! True friends are forever. So I wish you all avery happy friendship day. Happy friendship day.- Same to you. Hello, you both are friends.- Yes. Very close friends. Very deep friends.- Do you have any doubts? You tell me, if he willflirt with your sister. Then will you keep quiet? And you tell me, if he willact smart with your girlfriend. Then will you adjust with him? Then what is this friendship for? Everyday if he willcome to the club.. ..and make you pay the billthen won't you be angry on him. But you can give your life forfriendship.. ..saying that you go around. One more thing, if thereis any chaos over here. And if the police comes,then which.. ..one of you will run first,that none of you know. Go from here, if you ever come.. ..in front of me again taking the.. ..name of friendship then Iwill beat you with my shoes. Beat him.- Why are you hitting me? Hi man, remember thatday you saved my life. Thank you, thank you so much. Take care man, have a nice day. Enjoy, hi girls. Do you also have such friends? Why, what happened? He was behaving very badly one day. He dropped coke here and wassaying that it was an accident. Hi friend. What happened? What happened you? He was the one.- Yes. What are you doing? If you will hit him,then he is my friend. Why did you hit my friend? Why did you hit my friend? Stop! Stop. Stop it, leave it, leave it. Why? Why are youfighting amongst yourselves? Why is there enmitybetween both of you? For God's sake control yourself.

On this big day, you aretrying to create havoc in my club. I hate this fellow.- Don't do it. Why? Leave it. Sri, you were going tointroduce me to your boyfriend. Where is he? Never tell me evenmistakenly that he is the one. He is the one. You said that you had a brother. Is he the one? Brother, please. If you will even look at me sister. Then I will kill you. I didn't know that she wasyour sister, but now I know. Now love will be evenmore fun brother-in-law. You are telling meabout his speciality! You know him more than me! He is not a humanbeing he is cold hearted. I don't know how youfell in love with him. You can marry anyoneelse other than him. I don't mind. Go and ask him. Ask him that why yourbrother hates him so much. Why are you both soangry with each other. What is the reason of this enmity? Not enmity, friendship. He is upset with me. And I am upset on his foolishness. I am sad that hedid not recognise me. We both were good friends. We had met on the streets here. He had come here from Delhi. And I was from here. We both used to lookfor jobs together. He had a sister. Her name was Sasha. She was very stubborn, and adamant. She got what she wantedin one way or another. She was tomboy. At that time we all were unemployed. Snacks.- Go. In the end. All three ofus decided to loot a bank. Don't move! If anyone shouts, yells ortries to run, then I will shoot. Hey you, call the manager. How much cash is there in the bank? Tell me how much?- A lot. Come on load it, load it fast. Three minutes, make it fast. Your name.- Mini Sharma. You were calling the police,weren't you? Call them and tellthem that as soon.. ..as they come yourhead will be blown up. Tell them! Hello, as soon as you arrive,my head will be blown up. Very good. Two minutes. Does anyone elsewant to become a hero? Since, when I am seeing you. You are trying toflirt with this girl here. Do you want to kiss her? Do you want to kiss her? You will never get achance like this again. Kiss her. Very good. Listen, if you likedit then it is okay. Otherwise give him a tight slap. Thank you friends. Now if you want, you can calleither the police or the press. It is your choice.

Have a nice day. 52, 53, 54.. Sasha, this bunch and this bunch. 30 plus 30 is equalto 60, is it okay. Since when I am seeing both of you. Even those who earn it with hard workwill not count it so many times. I will give the rent on the 10th,just wait for sometime. That is all I said, thenthat owner started arguing. I feel that I should call him here.. ..and show himthese bundles of notes. He will have a heart attack. When we asked for a job,then no one gave us a job. W should loot 100-200 more banks.. ..like this and thenretire from this work. Sasha. Happy birthday to you.- Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Sasha.- Happy birthday to you. Come, many happy returns of the day.- Thank you brother. I love you. - Happy birthday Sasha.- Thanks friend. Enough. I am very happy inthis birthday Akhil. That because we were not caught. If we would have been caught then,we would have been in jail. You would have beenin the ladies jail. And we both in the jail besides you. No, in the jail alsoI will stay with you. They will not agree.- Why won't they agree? Baby, I will live with you. Please don't ever leave me. You won't will you. "It happened, it happened." "I got mesmerised." "An angel with theradiance of the moon." "Oh God, what can I do?" "I lost my heart, as soon asshe emerged from the waves."

"What is this magicthat you cast on me?" "Intoxication, whatis this intoxication?" "What is this magicthat you cast on me?" "Intoxication, whatis this intoxication?" "I got intoxicated, I gotintoxicated towards her." "Mesmerising, mesmerising beauty." "Greetings beauty." "Mesmerising, mesmerising beauty." "Which world do youbelong to, my fairy." "In the bright sunlight, Ifelt the fun of meeting you." "Beautiful like the flowers,the colours." "I saw with my own eyes." "Your complexionwill steal my peace." "Your gait will steal my sleep." "Don't let your hairfall free like that." "Your walk is like the spark." "I got intoxicated, I gotintoxicated towards her." "Mesmerising, mesmerising beauty." "Greetings beauty." "Mesmerising, mesmerising beauty." "Which world do youbelong to, my fairy." "Your gait attracts my hearttowards you, don't stop your gait." "This sweet intoxicationincreases every moment." "Don't stop this intoxication." "What is this indication?" "Like as if the Lord called out." "It is like just like the alcohol." "This thirst has onlythe support of your lips." "I got intoxicated, I gotintoxicated towards her." "Mesmerising, mesmerising beauty." "Greetings beauty." "Mesmerising, mesmerising beauty." "Which world do youbelong to, my fairy." "It happened, it happened." "I got mesmerised." "An angel with theradiance of the moon." "Oh God, what can I do?" "I lost my heart, as soon asshe emerged from the waves." "What is this magicthat you cast on me?" "Intoxication, whatis this intoxication?" "What is this magicthat you cast on me?" "Intoxication, whatis this intoxication?" "I got intoxicated, I gotintoxicated towards her." "Mesmerising, mesmerising beauty." "Greetings beauty." "Mesmerising, mesmerising beauty." "Which world do youbelong to, my fairy." Are you mad? What are you doing here, baby? You were practicinghow to open the locker. You could have died! Then kill me.

This is your property. Come closer.- What happened? Do you like me or not? I like you a lot. Do I like you?- You would know that. Look. Peep in these eyes. There is not only likingbut something else too. Did you see it? Look! Saw it? There is too much of love in it. Don't feel like saying I love you? But you are my friend, Sasha. Say you are my girl. Yes. But you are notmy kind of girl. You don't like me? I like you. But..- Why? Why? Please. Let's talkabout something else. How can I leave? Okay. For the moment Ileave you. We will talk later. It's almost time. Sonumust be waiting. Let's go. Give me a hug, Akhil.- Have you gone mad? Come. Sasha! Sasha, what are you doing? Why did you stop mid air?The guards will see us. Hug me now.- What! I said hug me now.- Now? Here?- Yes. You are really mad. When I had told you beforewhy didn't you do it then? Sasha! Please listento me! Get me down. If you will not do it then wewill remain dangling. - Okay. Come on.- Come. Hug me, baby.- You are mad. Thank you, baby. Baby.- Yes. I am speaking the truth.- What? I love you.- Don't disturb me right now. But you are disturbing me a lot. Akhil.- Yes. Please, baby. If yourefused then I will die. Say yes or no. Yes! I swear on God Buddha. God Buddha doesn'tcare for thieves like us. Hey, don't touch! Oh no! 1 crore, cash. Fine? 1.5 crore.- What is this? Sonu! 2 cores.- 2 cores? Are you mad? Another buyer is ready. Call your boss. They are asking for 2 cores.What should I do? Okay. So what does he say?- Fine. "Whether you go toLondon or New York." "Tattoo your body and have fun." "Whether you go toKanpur or Nagpur." "You will find me." Hi, baby. How are you? Will you tattoo my body? That's why I have taken birth.What type of tattoo do you want? I want to tattoo a name.- Interior or exterior? What do you mean? What can be seen, that is exterior.

What can't be seen, here,here, here.. ..and here that is interior. What is your suggestion?- I love interior. If it was the nameof a joker like you.. ..then I would havehid it from everybody.. ..and gone for interior tattoo. My darling is a hero. Tattoo his name in such a way.. ..that it should bevisible to the whole world. Stop! Stop! What is this? Isn't this the machine thatis used to write on vessels? Why are youconcerned with the machine? I will write. Let me write. "Come on, baby! Come on." "Put some tattoo on your body." "If you will hide love,then you will have to regret." "Reveal your love andgo for tattoo." Hi, guys.- Hi. Hey, what is this? Why areputting the tattoo of his name? Tell me. What is there to say, sir? Doesn't her smile reveal it?Such a lovely smile. You both love each other? He doesn't love me. Only I love him. Did you tell him? What was his answer?- He refused. Thank you. Sonu, will you have something? One more please. Sasha loves you. Maybe you know this. I know it.- What do you say? I don't love her in that sense. But she is really serious about you. She is tattooingyour name on her hand. What?- Do you know that? My name? Hey! What are you doing! Stop it! Hey, Sasha! What is all this. It's my wish. How can you tattoo myname against my wish? I don't care about your wish. Look, Sonu. How she is talking.- Forget it. There should be love within me too. This is not your name. Itis somebody else's. You go. I will give you a tight slap. Hey! Let's go. Hey, joker! Erase this! No, man. I can't erase. Okay!- Scoundrel! Erase it! Let's go! - Look how she islaughing! I will beat you! Let's go.- Look at her guts. Shall I continue with the tattoo? Go ahead.- Okay. Aunty, she loves Akhil a lot. Sasha is a nice girl. But Idon't know why he doesn't love her.

I was very sad to know this. Maybe Akhil considers heronly as a friend. Nothing else. But.. I only have him in this world. Please persuade him somehow. I can't force beyond acertain limit. Please, aunty. What is this, dear? Iwill explain it to him. Still if he didn't listen then..I won't be able to do anything. I will surely try, Sonu. You! What are you doing here? Lie down!- Go away! Lie down.- I said go! You are used to sleeping alone.Don't you want company? What are you doing! Sasha! Stop it! I said stop it! Don't yell. No heroine isgoing to come to save you. I am the heroine. I am the villain.Let me sleep here. How did you come inside? Why? Don't you open the locker?In the same way. Your warm breaths are disturbing me. Mad! I have come here for that only. Give me. Please.- Control! Why don't you behave like a girl? Why are you beating me? I am not an ordinary girl.- That's what I am afraid of. Let's try something else tonight.- What? If you like it thensay I love you tomorrow. No chance.- Okay. No.- Okay. Hey! What are you doing? Shall I open for you too?- Hey! Leave me! Sasha, sorry. Are you okay?Did it hurt you? Are you okay, Sasha? I love you, Akhil. I don't understandhow to express my love. That's why I am behaving like this. Anyhow.. I want to win your heart. I don't know how to reach you. Sasha, listen. Try tounderstand my problem. Coming closer to you doesn'tarouse any such feelings in me. We are just friends. Even if I were tomarry you in the future.. ..this distance willremain between us. Try to understand. Sasha. What is this? You aregetting drenched in the rain? I love Akhil a lot, brother. He too loves me. But.. heconsiders me as a friend. He can't consider meas a girlfriend. I have to live for him.Or else die for him. I have promised Sasha. That I will talk to you.But I implore you.

Give life to my sister. Why are you silent? Whydon't you say something? What should I say? I havesaid that I don't accept it. I have told her many times too. Still if you will ask methis again and again.. ..then what will I say? What is her flaw?Why don't you like her? It's not about liking. I loveSasha from the bottom of my heart. But I can't marry her. I will give you as muchmoney as you want. Marry her. You too have gone mad!Even I can give the money. Buy some nice guy. She has even tattooedyour name on her hand. What can I do for that? When she will marry in the future,they will ask about the name.. ..then what will she answer them? Go far away from our life!- I won't go! Don't talk to us.- Not possible. Why? Because.. you both are my friends. I can't go anywhereleaving you both. Tell me. How long will you guysdo trivial robberies? I will give you a big deal. An exhibition isgoing on in the city. Italy's royal family'santique diamonds. Worth 100 crores. Rob that. 50 crores down payment. Who is the party?- Confidential. Deal is okay. We will do this task and thensettle down.. by getting married. Let's party. Let's go. "Abracadabra." "80, 90 and then 100." "Till the time you are alive,live life to the fullest." "Abracadabra." "80, 90 and then 100." "Till the time you are alive,live life to the fullest." "Youth doesn't last for long." "So relish its pleasure." "Life is unpredictable." "Who knows what will happen when." "The zest is aroused." "Sway in this zest." "This is the world of zest." "Zest lies in each heart." "Abracadabra." "80, 90 and then 100." "Till the time you are alive,live life to the fullest." "Oh God! These merriments." "Look at it! Look at it!" "Oh God! There is intoxication." "Think about it. Think about it." "This is the time to live." "Sway to the rhythm." "Kiss the delicacy of merriment." "This is the time to live." "Sway to the rhythm." "Kiss the delicacy of merriment." "The zest is aroused." "Sway in this zest." "This is the world of zest." "Zest lies in each heart." "The zest is aroused." "Sway in this zest." "This is the world of zest." "Zest lies in each heart." "Abracadabra." "80, 90 and then 100." "Till the time you are alive,live life to the fullest." "Oh God! Your name lies in my lips." "Come, come." "Oh God! Love takes away slumber." "Take away. Take away." "Love makes a person crazy." "The saunter istangled and faltering." "Love makes a person crazy." "The saunter istangled and faltering." "The zest is aroused." "Sway in this zest." "This is the world of zest." "Zest lies in each heart." "Abracadabra." "80, 90 and then 100." "Till the time you are alive,live life to the fullest." "Abracadabra." "80, 90 and then 100." "Till the time you are alive,live life to the fullest." Akhil! I love you! Hey, keep quiet! I love you a lot. Will you say I love youin front of everybody? You know that I won't say this. If you won't say thisthen I will die right here. You are mad. Go home. Go! I love you! Hello. Akhil, are you coming or not? Sasha, where are you? At biker's club.

Sasha, what madness is this! Come here and say I love you.Otherwise I will die. Sasha, listen to me.- Will you come or not? Hey! Go home quietly! Will you come or not? Sasha, you have still not gone home?- No. Please go home. Wewill meet in the morning. If you will come now,then you will find me. If you will come in the morning,you will find my body. The choice is yours.I won't call again. Akhil.. this is my last call. Sasha! Hey, listen! Sasha had called.She is still at the club. She was talking like mad. She said say I loveyou otherwise I will die. I am going there.You too come there. Sasha! Sasha! Sasha! Sasha! Sasha! Sasha! No! Don't touch my sister! You won't touch her!You killed my sister! Because of you she died! Listen.. I didn't knowthat she will do this. You didn't know! Youdon't know anything. She loved you so much!You didn't know that! She was so hopeful.You don't know this too. You killed my innocent sister.Go. Go away. Sonu! Go away from my sight. Idon't want to ever see you again. Sonu.- Go away! Go! Sonu, listen to me.- Get lost! Go! Sonu.- Go! Don't say this. After Sasha's death,I gave up robbery. Because.. I was completelyshattered. Each and every momentSasha's memory haunted me. I wish I couldunderstand her feelings. I wish she couldunderstand my feelings. I wish Sonu couldunderstand my feelings. I wish! Sir, no matter what. Today Iwill draw his correct portrait. Keep that 2 lakhs ready. On the basis of 2 lakhs,I have taken many loans. Forget that. Actually I am doubtfulwhether you say that thief or not. I saw him, sir. I don't believe you. Iwant a lie detector. Call the experts.- Okay, sir. He is the one. I know that he is weak in drawing. But is he speaking the truthor not.. I will find out, sir. "Come on, come on, come on." What is this? Will youkill me with electric shock? We don't use such expensivemachines to kill mosquitoes. This is a lie detector. The machine won't lie.It will expose you. Don't I look familiar? Remember that day. 'I will meet you whenit is your unlucky day.' 'When your bad time is going on.' 'And you are danglingbetween life and death.' Answer my questions correctly. Sir, something is happening. What's your name?- John Abraham. "All right. All right." Your age.- 14 years. The machine is yelling. Whatis your correct age? - 32 years. Then why did you lie?- Because of my habit.

You are used to lying? At times I lie about my age. Are you a man or a woman?- Woman. No, a man. The machineis functionally properly. You can't check it. It isbrought here to check you. Quickly answer my questions. I am not soft hearted like others.I am very harsh. Oh God! Are you married?- No. "All right. All right." Do you flirt?- Not used to it. With 3. Oh God! With 3. 3 girls. I remembered. Iforgot about one girl. Okay. Where were you last night?- Home. Whose home?- Home. Whose home?- My home. My neighbour's home.- Why? Uncle had gone for atour and aunty was alone. Oh God! Oh God! Have you ever robbed? Yes, sir. As a kid I stole a pencil. It implies you agreethat you are a thief? - No. What a stupid machine! I am a thief. But a small thief. Why are you abusing the machine? I think you are that ATM thief. Sir, I am not thief. It's him. Can you draw his portrait?- Yes, sir. Is there any guarantee thatyou will draw it properly? Yes, sir. Sir, I will try. Last question.- Yes, sir. Do you want to kill something?- No, sir. Yes, sir.- Who? - You. "All right. All right."- Oh! Sir, he is speaking the truth. It is myresponsibility to draw the portrait. Sri, mother wants to talkto you. Will you come home? I won't be able to come.- Why? Brother forbade frommeeting you. I can't go out. Where are you?- At home. He is also there?- Yes. I am coming.- Akhil! Akhil, no! Throw him out! Brother! Why did you stop!Kill my son! Kill him! If you had not intervened thenI would have really killed him. I would have choppedhim into pieces. Come. If you have theguys then do it! Come! I had come to fix yoursister's alliance with my son. Why? Because he loves your sister. Once my other sisterhad loved your son. I came to your home and Ipleaded you.

You forgot that? Did you speak to your son? You both killed my sister. Things were different then.Now things are different. No! She was my sister!And this too is my sister! Sri, come! Come! He won't change! Let's go! Why are you scared of him? Even if he had beenyour real brother.. ..still he couldn't have stopped us. He is only yournamesake brother. Come. If he had been my real brother.. ..then I wouldn't havethought even for a moment. But he is more than that. So I will not come with you. Sri! Decide whetheryou will come or not. But.. I love you, Akhil. You say that you love me! Idon't care about your love! No, Akhil! Leave it! Sri.. I like you, dear. You are rejecting your lovefor the sake of your brother. You have won my heart. You only will be my daughter-in-law.Let's go, son. Have tea. Listen.- Sir. Did anybody give you teaand beat you lovingly? Sit. If anybody kicked your portrait.. ..only then I willdraw a nice portrait. I will try.- What? I will try.- I understood one thing. The more I torture you, thebetter portrait you will draw. Let's try that. Have tea! Have tea! Have tea! There was 3 ways to draw a portrait. One is to see the personand then draw the portrait. The second is to see thesnap and draw the portrait. And then third one is to drawthe portrait from your memory. I want that.- Sir, this is not so.. Draw it. Why are you lookinghere and there? Draw! Come on! Try it! Draw!This is my kind of torture. Keep it away from me. Now you have drawn a new face. I think I have seen him somewhere. Hey! Make the hair long!Make the hair long! He visits thebiker's club, doesn't he? Hello. Just now Akhil came andhe took away Sri ma'am. She was refusing buthe forced her to come. I am worried.That's why I called you. Where did Akhil take her? "An intoxication is spreading." "The tresses changed." "Damsel, your saunter is lovely." "You stole myslumber and peace of mind." "An intoxication is spreading." "The tresses changed." "I kept my heart safely." "But our eyes locked." "My heartbeats blossomed." "Hey, guy! I amcapricious and bubbly." "Your faircomplexion merges with me." "Why are you harassingme like this?" "Your intoxicatingappearance sprinkles on my heart." "You aim your targeton me and you suffer." "Your love gave me a sweet pain." "What is this increasing fervour?" "You handcuff myarms with your arms." "Don't rob my heart like this." "What is happening to you?" "Control your senses." "I will kiss your face." "Protect yourself from me." "My beloved, you have floored me." "An intoxication is spreading." "The tresses changed." "Damsel, your saunter is lovely." "You stole myslumber and peace of mind." Why have you brought me here? I doubt you..because of your hairstyle. We found a video one year ago. This has beenrecorded from a police jeep. Our driver was asleep. Coincidently we found this. Look at the visuals carefully. Do you know who is thatgirl who is running away? Some goons were following that girl.

They all killed that girl. After some time a man came there. Then another man withlong hair arrived there. Is it that you arethe man with long hair? It's not me. Nobody reported about themurder in the police station. We don't know who that girl is. It is impossible to identity anybody. So.. you are not this man?- No, sir. Is he the thief? No. He is not the thief. Now you can go. Akhil! What happened? Why did you kill Sasha? Tell him! You killed Sasha! You killed my sister! Sonu, what are youlooking at! Thrash him! Tell me! Who killed him? Tell me! I will tell you. I will tell you. The person who hiredyou all for the robbery.. ..and bought the goods is thatowner of Biker's club, Robert. Besides Robert,Sameer too is in this. They both had made thedeal of the diamonds. That night right here..Sasha was sitting there. So everything is planned. I am going to makesome changes in the plan. You will get thediamonds within 2 days. And changes so soon? As soon as they willgive rob the diamonds and.. ..hand it over to us then wewill kill Akhil, Sonu and Sasha. Nobody should come to know. Look who is there! Goand see who is there! Kill her! Nab her! Nab her! Come! No! Leave me! Leave me! Leave me! I will kill you!- Is that so? Recently you haddeclared in front of everybody.. ..that you are going tocommit suicide, hadn't you? No! No! No! Please,baby relax. Baby, take it easy! Relax!Relax! Relax! Easy! Cool! Yeah. That's it. Come, Sonu! What are you looking at! Kill this scoundrel! Come! Stop! I am coming! I am coming! I am coming! I am here. Here I am. Hey, Sameer. Leave him. I killed Sasha. Forget the past. Past is past. We lost the diamondsand Sasha lost her life. Now we will make a new deal. There is only one deal.You all will die. We know that you can do anything. More than the late Sasha,Sri who is still alive.. ..her life is dearer, isn't it? She is in our custody. No! The diamonds that we wanted,its in Goa. The exhibition has ended there. Day after tomorrow itwill be sent to Italy. Rob it and hand itover to us. And take Sri. Sri has already been sent to Goa. Hey! Scoundrels! Iwill kill all of you! Kids should notinterfere between elders. Deal is okay. If anything happened to Sri.. 'Superman.' Listen. You too go. Akhil! My friend! Forgive me.- Its okay. "This is the robbery." "Robbery, robbery now." "Give me the crown.Get on the ground." "Give me diamonds." "Rush your mouth." "This is the robbery." "Robbery, robbery now." "Get on the ground.Get on the ground." "Give me diamonds." "Rush your mouth." Give them whatever they want. But remember. 24 hours left.- Okay. I want to talk to Sri. Akhil! Akhil! Sri, do you know where you are? They have brought me to Goa. Listen! Don't talk too much!We want the diamonds. Okay. When should we rob? There are 78 security guards. What time do we haveto steal the diamonds? 10 o'clock in the morning. Airport. Panaji to airport is 38 km. In 38 km, how many railwaycrossing and bridges are there? We have to find out that. The plan is plotted?- Yes. What is the plan? It's a secret.- Sit. 40 ft, 40 ft, 40 ft. Sonu.. if planA fails, then we will follow plan B. Plan B means? Scoundrel! You guyskilled my sister! And I have spared you guys.

This is my mistake! Hey! Stop it! Sonu, I don't know whetheryou die or I die in this plan. But he or his menshould not be spared. Why? You are scared. That we will rape you. The idea is not bad. Itwill be fun, won't it? They want to talk to the girl. Why only talk? Iwill show her to them. Get up! Get up! Akhil is watching! Scoundrels! Akhil, see this. Hey! Scoundrel! Actually a short while agoI got the idea to rape her. But I took pity on youand I hardened myself. Scoundrel! You only know howto tie up girls and rape them. If we raped you, you don'tknow what will happen to you. You see, I want my diamonds.I want my diamonds. Then what about Sri. Rob the diamonds tomorrowmorning and hand it over to Chafi. The girl will be delivered to you. No! Both will beexchanged at the same time. This is not possible.This is not possible. Scoundrel! Hey! We need a boat.- Why? 'Super.' Arrange for it. Hello. He is doingsomething on the bridge. No problem. Let him do. Sonu.- Yes. You are right on the spot. Here?- That's it! That's the spot! Hello. Yes, they aredoing some painting here. Keep me informedabout what they do there. Everything is clear,sir. Loading now. Officer, proceed. Akhil, there are 10guards in the container. Yes, sir. Sir, we are leaving now. What happened? Go and check. Bomb! Bomb! Come back! Quickly! Come back! Come back! Quickly! Hide Oh no! Guards, close all the roads! Oh no! The police are tailing us! Where are the diamonds? The police are there! Turn! Yeah! Akhil! Sonu! Sonu! Sonu! No! Sonu! Sonu! Now what? The police have shot Sonu. Don't shut the boat. Go on! Come on! Keep moving!- He is my friend! - Keep moving! Faster! Stop the boat! Otherwise wewill shoot! Stop the boat! Or else we will shoot! Leave me! Leave me! Shafi! Shafi, whatis going on there? Shafi! Shafi! Shafi! Hey, Shafi is dead! He is dead? Let it be.Where are the diamonds? It's with me. Okay. Bring them to theplace where I had told you. Okay. Done. We have surrounded you. It will be better ifyou surrendered to us. If you tried to run,you will be shot. 'Super.' 'Super.' 'Superman.' 'Super.' 'Superman.' 'Super.' Give me the revolver. Where are the diamonds?- Where is Sri? First show me the diamonds. 'Super.' Where is Sri? If I won't tell you, thenyou won't give it to me. Forget that. Nobody will leave this place. What rubbish! Sri isat the Alambodam runes. 'Super.' Now see what I will do. 'Superman.' Hey.- Tell me. Kill her. Kill her. Bury her alive! Kill her! Now what will you do?You have come alone! What do you think of yourself?What will you do? I will break your leg!I will not spare you! Scoundrel! What is your intention? You will leave this place?And save that girl? 'Super.' Hey! If you think that you aresmart, then I am smarter than you. Hey! Leave him! Sonu! Sri is at Alambodam runes. Go! Akhil, I will save Sri.

But don't spare thosescoundrels who killed Sasha. He is still alive? Why will we die,scoundrel? He will go and save Sri. Whether she is alive or I am alive,that is not important. The important thing is thathe will die. I swear on Sasha. If you have the gutsthen come and save her. Hey!- No! Come! Nab him! Don't spare him! Nab him! I want the diamonds!I want the diamonds! Kill him! Don't spare him! 'Super.' Its her brother's call. Give it to her.Let's see what she says. Brother.- Sri, where are you? I don't know whatplace is this, brother. Sri, don't worry. I am coming. You want to kill me! Brother! I am scared, brother. Beat him! Beat him! You killed Sasha! You killed Sasha! Sri, don't worry. I am coming. Hey! Hey! Hey! Where are you going?Where are you running? You killed Sasha! Now youwill kill Sri! Take this! You cut a girl's veins! Why? It's paining?You are scared of death. Not only hands, Iwill chop everything! Sameer! I will kill you! I won't spare you! Hey! Hey! What are you doing?- Now die! Why did you tie my hands? Open it! Open it! Please! Open it! Don't kill me! Don't kill me! Hey! Open it! I don't want thediamonds! Don't kill me! Open it! Don't leave me and go! Listen!Listen! Listen! I don't want the diamonds!Open my hands! Hey! Leave me! Hey! Now die! Help me! I don't want to die! Hey! Listen! 'Superman.' Sir, it's him.- What! What! Sir, it's him. Hey! I don't trust you. Yesterday too therewas a robbery in Goa. We don't even knowwhether it's the same gang. And today I have got transferred. Go away quietly. I have togo to the railway station.

I have to go to a newplace and find a house. I have to arrange formy children's school. Only I know my tension. Who will give my 2 lakhs? Greetings, sir. "Come on, come on, come on." Whose portrait will you draw? If you will give me money,then I will draw yours too. Got the money from the police?- No, sir. They won't give anything.- Diamond. Is it real? Hey! Do you know whywe gave you this? - Why? You had drawn my portraitand everything was fine. And I found out a truth. That's why.- Okay. Will you draw the portrait? My and his sister's. I will draw a superb portrait. I have got a good practice ofdrawing in the police station. Super! "An intoxication is spreading." "The tresses changed." "Damsel, your saunter is lovely." "You stole myslumber and peace of mind." "An intoxication is spreading." "The tresses changed." "I kept my heart safely." "But our eyes locked." "My heartbeats blossomed." "Hey, guy! I amcapricious and bubbly." "Your faircomplexion merges with me." "Why are you harassingme like this?" "Your intoxicatingappearance sprinkles on my heart." "You aim your targeton me and you suffer." 


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