Hello everyone I'm Jervis I wan to say nothing

Anya and Kai: The Last Scavengers

  Sure, here is a story I wrote: The year is 2042. The world is a very different place than it was just a few decades ago. Climate change has caused widespread devastation, and many major cities have been abandoned. The global economy has collapsed, and there is widespread poverty and hunger. In this new world, a new kind of hero has emerged: the scavenger. Scavengers are people who travel from place to place, searching for anything of value that can be traded or sold. They are often seen as dangerous and unpredictable, but they are also essential to the survival of those who live in the ruins of the old world. One such scavenger is a young woman named Anya. Anya is tough and resourceful, and she has learned to survive in a world that is often hostile to those who are not strong enough. She has also learned to trust her instincts, and she knows that sometimes the only way to survive is to be willing to take risks. One day, Anya is scavenging in an abandoned warehouse when she finds...

Coffee And Cuff New English Short Film Short Films On Netflix

Short Film Animation Story 

 Where is my coffee? Just a moment madam, Enjoy your coffee madam. Mom, why do you call meeveryday like a set Alarm? Sitting alone drinkingyour Damn coffee? Mom! Soumya, tell me nowwhat do you say about the Guy? No, I didn’t like him. Why, how long you like to be alone?Your coffee, your loneliness... Look at your brother in US.How well settled he is... Mom, you know that brois not coming back I know, so what? So, I want to marry someonewho stays with us here, in India Why do you bother about us Soumya,Just think about your life Mom, I will call you later...Bye. Oh! God please help me. Hi John, what’s up man?- Good morning Sir - Good morning Hey Richa, hey Richa Hi Soumya- Hi Soumya, have you decided with the guy? Yeah.- And? And, I didn’t like him.He is not my type. Are you crazy! Come on Soumya,he’s from the US, he is a good looking guy. Soumya... What’s your problem? I am like this; I like my coffeeand my loneliness But... Why? It’s U.S.Come on Soumya, Enjoy the Life! Richa, I’ve told you many times,I am not like my Brother I want to stay here,be with my parents. Chill guys! Richa, she cares for her parents.What’s wrong in it dear? -Yeah! And I’d love to live with my wife’sparents. It’s our personal choices. So chill.Let’s not decide what’s best for her. Soumya, just go with your heart. I know. Your bill, Madam! Soumya-Hah! We’ve a good news for you. Rohit and I have decidedto get married. What? I mean when?... It’s a surprise... We’ll give you a partytomorrow at your favorite coffee shop. Oh... Yeah, ok! We will pick you up tomorrowevening 4’o clock? Yeah- Let’s go - Yup! Rohit is a nice guy. How lucky Richa is? I should be happy for both of them. But, why am I sad? I remember Rohit tryto spend time with me But Richa used to come in the middleand took away the sheen of the moment Is it my mistake, that I didn’t payequal attention to Rohit? He’d have been my life partner,if I had spent time with him Can it happen now? The person you’re calling…This Girl... What she’s doing... Chill, relax! Let me go and see What are you thinking so deep? No! Nothing... Come on Soumya, you can tell me.Is it about the office, home or... me? We would have celebrated today ifyou were open with your feelings! What! I know you like mebut you never care about your feelings. Rohit!- Oh nO! Richa... Richa, listen to me Richa What? - Richa, please listen Richa, I can explain... - Richa There’s nothing happening- Why did you do this? Richa, Richa please- Why? God! Richa, try to understand.-Shut up, don’t talk I will kill myself if you come closer- Richa stop it Richa stop it, please stop itListen to me Understand please listen to me- Just shut up, why did you do this I’m sorry, Richa please- Just Shut up Rohit Richa, let’s sit. Let’s sit and talk Richa, oh no!Richa, please! Please stop crying Listen to me Give it to me- Hey! Stop it- Give me the knife Richa- Richa, stop it Don’t be mad, Richa please Leave it- Richa, stop it leave Richa please- Oh no! Oh no, God! Richa! Richa Richa, you’ll be alright Nothing will happen to you, Richa Richa! Richa, please stay with me Oh God! This empty coffee cup appears to meas a cuff. Is my life from coffee to cuff? It was my fault and I blamemyself for this mistake. I could have acted then on time,when Rohit tried to spend time with me. Now I have realized, but it’s too late. I thought being alone was my choicebut loneliness has the consequence. 


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