Hello everyone I'm Jervis I wan to say nothing

Anya and Kai: The Last Scavengers

  Sure, here is a story I wrote: The year is 2042. The world is a very different place than it was just a few decades ago. Climate change has caused widespread devastation, and many major cities have been abandoned. The global economy has collapsed, and there is widespread poverty and hunger. In this new world, a new kind of hero has emerged: the scavenger. Scavengers are people who travel from place to place, searching for anything of value that can be traded or sold. They are often seen as dangerous and unpredictable, but they are also essential to the survival of those who live in the ruins of the old world. One such scavenger is a young woman named Anya. Anya is tough and resourceful, and she has learned to survive in a world that is often hostile to those who are not strong enough. She has also learned to trust her instincts, and she knows that sometimes the only way to survive is to be willing to take risks. One day, Anya is scavenging in an abandoned warehouse when she finds...

ℂ𝕣𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕡𝕒𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝 𝔻𝕚𝕒𝕝 𝟙𝟘𝟘 𝕗𝕦𝕝𝕝 𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪 𝕚𝕟 𝔼𝕟𝕘𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕙

 Greetings! Welcome to 'CrimePatrol Dial 100'. Love and hatred. Trust and betrayal. These words are completelyopposite to each other. But in reality,there is a faint line separatingboth love and hatred. If this line is blurredbecause of any reason a crime takes root there. The story today is such. Here, love within relationshipsturned into hatred without anyone realising it. Sir, it seems to be locked. There is a bad stench too. Break the lock. 'The number you have dialledis not responding.' What is it, son?You seem stressed. Is everything fine in Mumbai? Dad, I am unable to reachBarkha's phone. This isn't the first time. It started when you were herein Delhi a year ago. Since then, it's beenthe same drama. Mom, Barkha knows thatI have been transferred. And that is the reasonI am here. Does she even know whatwork and family means? Veena, why do start bad mouthingdaughter-in-law all the time? We haven't even met hertill now. And I don't wantto meet that lady too. Hello. Miss Kavitha, Prakash here. How are you? I am fine. But, it seems like Barkhaand you quarreled again. Yes.. Barkha isn'tpicking up the phone. Would you please go and checkon her and ask her to call me? I get stressed everytimeyou both quarrel. 'I'll go there'. Thank you, ma'am. Please. Yes, ma'am. I have been ringingthe call bell since a long time. But, it seems likethere's nobody at home. All right, ma'am.Barkha might have gone out. Mother! But it's 10:00 p.m.At this time.. She must have goneto meet her friend Raashi. I'll try calling her. Hello.- Hi Raashi, is Barkha with you? Barkha.. No, I am in Ahmedabad. What happened? I've been trying to call hersince a long time. It isn't reachable. Miss Kavitha went to checkon her at home. She told me, Barkhaisn't at home too. So I thought she was with you. 'No, Prakash.She isn't with me.' She must have gone outfor some errand and her phonemust have switched off. Yes, maybe.
 Did you both quarrel? No.. All right, I'll hang up. Listen, I am outside your house. I rang the bell a few times. Nobody is opening the door. 'I think,Barkha hasn't returned yet'. Okay, I'll talk to Raashi again. Barkha's phoneis still switched off. All right. No, Barkha didn't call me. Yes.. I've got the tickets. I was afraid I wasn't goingto get it at such short notice. Yes.. Thank you so much. Prakash, where are you goingwith the suitcase? Mom, it's been two days sinceBarkha's phone isn't reachable. Dad, I am scared.- Yes, son. I am going to Mumbai. Listen, call usonce you reach there. Barkha.. Barkha! Barkha! Barkha! Barkha.. Barkha.. Barkha.. Barkha.. Barkha.. Barkha! Barkha! Bar.. Barkha! Kav.. Miss Kavitha! Watchman!- Mom. Mom! - Miss Kavitha!- What happened? Mom. Pihu, come here.. What happened, Mom? Why are you crying?- Quiet.. What happened, Mom? Mom, what happened?- Quiet.. Pihu, keep quiet.Nothing'll happen. 
A mother showed her loveto her child. Barkha knew very well thatthe killers wanted to kill her daughter along with her. She used her presence of mindand courage to save her daughter's life and sacrificed her life. It was clear thet Barkhaknew her killers quite well. But, what was the reasonbehind this murder? Theft, rivalry or hatred? Who were they who tookhatred to this level? A mother rescued her childfrom the killers. Was the child still safe? Because it was impossibleto get out of the wardrobe that she was locked in. If she was still locked inside her life was still in danger. Pihu.. Pihu! Pihu! Pihu! Move.. Please go out. Shirkhe. Sir..Sir, somebody killed my wife! My daughter is missing too. She is eight years old. Her name is Pihu. I've searched the entire house. She is nowhere to be found. Please find her. - Sit down,we'll check. - Sir, please.. We'll search.- Sir, please.. - Who are you? I am their neighbour. Smitha. Sir, her throat has been slit. Kulkarni, searchthe house completely. Try to find some evidence.- Okay, sir. What did you sayyour name was? I am Prakash. I think your wife's murderer has kidnapped your daughter. Did you get a ransom call? No, sir.- Where were you since two days? I was in Delhi.- Why were you there? I stay there, sir. Away from your family? Why? No, sir. I was transferredthere a year ago. And I shifted there. Why didn't your familyaccompany you? I had asked herto accompany me. 
She had asthma. She said, she'll have problemsin Delhi because of pollution. Pihu took birth prematurely,in seven months. She said that Delhi isnot good for her. When did you get to knowabout the incident? Sir, I was trying Barkha'snumber since two days. But, she wasn't answeringthe call. I was frightened. That's why, I came to Mumbaiin the morning. And.. When I came home, I saw.. Sir, please.Please search for my daughter. Sir, she is very young. Show us Pihu's photograph.- Yes, sir. Sir. Sir, my mobile got stolena few days ago. I have recently purchasedthis one. I don't have her photosin it. You don't have Pihu'sphotograph? I am sure there is, sir. It must be therein Pihu's cupboard. What happened? - Sir, thisis never locked. The key.. Here's the key. Pihu!- Devendra. - Pihu.. Send the body for post mortem.- Okay. Sir, I don't understandanything. Barkha has been killed. A robbery has taken place. But, the child was lockedin the cupboard. Check the CCTV footage ofthe building for the last three days. And ask the watchman. Okay, sir. Sir, there's no sign of forcedentry in the entire house. Sir, that means, Barkha knewthe attacker well. He took advantage of itand entered the house. Then, Barkha prepared teafor him. Then, he committed the crimeat the right time. Kulkarni, there might be morethan one attacker. Look at that. There are threebroken cups. That means, maybe, therewere three or more people. One more thing.Come. Look at that, Kulkarni. The door of the child's roomhas been forcefully opened. Maybe, when Barkha broughttea for them she understood theirintentions. And she tried to lockherself in the room. Sir, by looking at all this,it appears like the attacker wantedto commit theft.
 Barkha's phone, jewellery,everything is missing. And, sir. The door of thecupboard in the other room is also open. The stuffsare all scattered. Doctor. How is Pihu? There's nothing to worry. Your daughter fell unconsciousdue to dehydration and fear. We have treated her. She will regain consciousness. Can I meet her? You can't meet her right now. It would take some timeto regain consciousness. Thank you, Doctor. Do you doubt anyone? Who can commit such a crime? Sir, I don't have any enmitywith anyone. Often, friendship becomes moredangerous than enmity. The murderers enteredthe house easily. Barkha had prepared teafor them. Maybe, Barkha sensed theirintentions. That's why, she had lockedherself in the room. And maybe, she was scaredthat they might kill the child. So, she locked Pihu inthe cupboard. But, sir. What would someone achieveby killing my wife and daughter? Only they can say that. Tell me one thing. Why didn't you informthe police since two days? Sir, it hadn't happened forthe first time. Barkha had switched her phonemany a times before. Whenever she would get upsetwith me she used to switch her phoneoff. And we got into an argumenttwo days ago as well. There's a different ways to livelife, Barkha. Longer the life seems,smaller it is. And we are wasting the preciousmoments of our life. Then, what shall we do? Shall I ruin the life whichis left? Don't you know I sufferfrom asthma? And mother-in-law. I haven't met her yet. But, as per the conversationswe have had it appears like I won't surviveif I stay with her. Don't worry about mom. She is not bad at heart. But, Delhi's pollution? Don't you know how pollutedthe city is? It would be difficult for meto breathe. And Pihu. Think about Pihu. Look, if we stay together.. Wait a minute, Prakash. If you wanted to stay with us,you'd have taken a transfer and come to Mumbai long ago. Come here if you want to staytogether. Or else,do whatever you want to. I'm hanging up.- B-Barkha. When Barkhaused to do this before what made you come to Mumbaithis time? Sir, whenever she used toswitch her phone off I'd ask Ms. Kavita staying nextdoor to make me speak to her. 
But, when Ms. Kavita wentto her house this time Barkha was not at home. Then, I called up Rashi.She said that she is also not in Mumbai. Sir, I was frightened. That's why, I came downto Mumbai. Hello. - Dear, youdidn't call after going there. Is everything all right there? Nothing is all right, Dad. Dad, come here quickly. Yes.. But, dear.What's the matter? Tell me. Dad, Barkha is no more. Barkha is no more! W-What are you saying,Prakash? And Pihu is also inthe hospital. Dear, take care of yourselfand Pihu. We'll come over as soonas possible. Dad, please come quickly. Yes, dear.. What happened? He said that Barkha is no more. Did you inform Barkha's parents? Sir, Barkha didn't have anyoneelse other than me in this world. Her parents died in a trainaccident 12 years ago. Then, how did you meet Barkha? I mean, how you bothgot married? Sir, Barkha was the receptionistat the hotel I was staying. Yes. Okay.Okay, sir. Thank you. Excuse me, sir. Excuse me. Don't you know it's a wrongthing to click a girl's photograph? How can click my photograph? Is it? Check it. I'm sorry, sir. Apology won't help. What do you mean? You have to get my roomready quickly. Please. Sure, sir. Thank you. That was the first timewe met. Then, I got job in Mumbai. We started meeting eachother. Then, we decided to tiethe knot. You parents agreed forthe wedding? No, sir. Barkha didn't have anybodyelse in this world. That's why, they didn't agree. There's injury on her nailsand fingers. It appears like she triedto pull something by applying a lot of strength. She might have tried to openthe window to shout for help. Watchman. Mom.. When did she die? She has been killed on 12tharound 12 to 5 p.m. And, sir. Her neck has beenslit by knife. My guess was right. Barkha died two days ago. Sir,the CCTV footage of the building is notworking since two weeks. Even the watchman didn't seeanybody coming or going. Sir, normally his shiftis of 12 hours but he goes for lunch and also goes tothe terrace to fill water. The residentsshould understand thathis job is to guard the gates. 
Maybe the killers tookadvantage of this and went in. I've an idea. Find outif anybody's CCTV cameras are angled towardsthe building gate. - Okay, sir. Sir, I still havemy suspicions on Prakash. Prakash and Barkha are stayingseparately since a year. Maybe during this time, Prakashwas having an affair or even Barkhawas having an affair and Prakash cameto know about it. All these possibilitiescannot be ruled out, Kulkarni. Did you speak to Rashi? Yes, sir.She is in Ahmedabad and is comingto Mumbai tomorrow. Barka was a good friendof Rashi's. Maybe Rashi knows everything. Do something else for me. Retrieve Prakash and Barkha'scall records. - Okay, sir. Ms. Kavita, since when do youknow Prakash and Barkha? They were staying heresince three years. Since then, I know them. How was their relationship? They used to loveeach other very much. Ever since Prakashwent to Delhi Barkha used to stay upset. A couple of days, shedidn't even speak to him. I thought this time,the usual nagging.. But.. When Prakash went to Delhi did someone usedto come and meet Barkha? I mean, any woman or man..- No. Barkha was very reserved. She used to spendtime with her daughter only. Only when they usedto fight with each other we used to talk to each other. And over the phone,I used to make them patch up. You mean, nobody used to comeand meet Barkha? Not also her relatives?- No. The poor soul didn'thave anybody of her own. Her parents had goneto Kedarnath where they diedin a bus accident. Her parents died 12 yearsago in a train accident. Sir, according to Prakash,Barkha's parents died in a train accidentbut according to Kavita they died in Haridwarin a bus accident. Sir, how should we find out,who is telling the truth? Maybe both of themare telling the truth because what will they gainif they lie in this matter? In fact,Barkha was lying. 
Years ago,she told a lie to Prakash and now,she cooked up a story about her parents'death to Ms. Kavita. Maybe, sir. But what will Barkha gainby telling lies? Kulkarni, Prakash had said,he met Barkha in a hotel where she used to work. Find out about Barkhafrom that hotel. - Okay, sir. Hello. Okay. We'll be there.Okay. This was a callfrom the hospital. Pihu has come backto her senses. - Let's go! Girl, how are you feeling now? Look.What we got for you. Take it. Tell me something, dear. We found youin a cupboard. How did you get in there? Are you able torecollect anything? Where is mom? Where.. Where is mom? Pihu..- I need to go to her! Dear.. - Mom.. Dear, dad is here for you.Don't be scared. Where is mom?- Don't be afraid. I want to see mom.- Dad is here. Calm down.- Mr. Prakash. Please ask her as her testimonyis important for us. Where is mom?I want to go to her. Mom.. - Pihu,please calm down. I want to go to mom.- Dad is with you, okay. It's all right.However, at least tell us before marriage in whichhotel did Barkha work. Yes, sir. Six years ago,a girl named Barkha used to work in this hotelas a receptionist. What informationwould you like to know? Where did Barkha hail from?- I don't know, sir. When Barkha was employed here she must've submitted someof her documents. - Yes, sir. After verificationof our employees we keep their documentsin a file. We need togo through that file. I'll get it right away, sir. Sir, the hotel where Barkhaused to work before marriage we got information that shehailed from Unnao in Kanpur. And when I contactedthe Unnao Police they said, 12 years ago Barkha eloped witha person called Nandan Singh. Nandan Singh. After Barkha's death, the policegot such an information on her life which gavea new angle to this case. Twelve years ago,Barkha eloped with a person called Nandan Singhfrom a village near Unnao and came to Mumbai. But after that,what happened in Barkha's life.. Where did Nandanand Barkha separated ways.. And why was Barkha lying to herhusband and acquaintances.. All of thesewas still a mystery. A person lies out of compulsion or also whenhe or she does something wrong. Then, what was the reasonwhich made Barkha lie? After all,what was the truth? Did Barkha ever mentionedabout Nandan? Nandan.. No, sir. I don't anybodyby the name of Nandan. Who is he? Barkha has kept a lotof facts hidden from you. First, her parents are alive.- What! Secondly, she hailedfrom Unnao near Kanpur. Twelve years ago, she hadan affair with Nandan. And she eloped with himand came here. What.. What are you saying,sir? Barkha.. You really don't knowanything about Barkha? No, sir, I don't even knowthat Barkha's parents are alive. S-Sir, I'm telling you. Barkhacan't say such a lie to me. You have been lied to. Now we have to find outwho else is lying. Sir, a new chapterof Nandan has begun here. I don't know where thisstory is going to end. Pal, Prakash doesn't seemto know anything about Nandan. 
Sir, all the suspicionsare directed towards Nandan right now. Kulkarni, go to Unnaoand investigate what happened in Barkhaand Nandan's life. I too feel that Barkha's deathis connected to Unnao. Okay, sir. Prakash.. Don't be afraid, dear. Don't fear, dear,we are your grandparents. Dad, it might be because she'smeeting you for the first time. Barkha wouldn't allow herto leave the house much. She wouldn't speakto the neighbours and didn't allowPihu to do it either. Only people who havesomething to hide do that. And the police told youeverything about Barkha right, Prakash? Do you know now whatkind of woman she was? She married you by lying..- Please, Mom! What's the use of silencing me? Will the transpiredevents change? This is what shouldhave happened to Barkha. She reaped what she sowed. She died and left you alone! Look, you havewhole life ahead of you. Veena.. - This is resultof you silencing me. I'm his mother! I wouldn't intendbad things for him! I didn't say that you don'twant what's good for him. A bad thing has happened! Her mother has done it! Mom.. Pihu! What was that? Prakash..She's a kid, it's okay. Why are you scolding her whenyour mother isn't mature enough? Awadh, he is Mr. Kulkarnifrom Mumbai. They are Nandan's parents. Sir.. We reallydon't know where he is. Sir.. We've already paid theprice of giving birth to him. He has alreadybeen dead for me! Look, don't be afraid,we just want to talk to you about Nandan and Barkha. Sir.. Why are youopening old wounds? Look, you might not knowbut Barkha has been murdered. Sir, what can we do about it? Our life has already become very troublesome dueto those two. Sir.. - You'll belocked up here! Listen to me, sir..- Do you think that you father and sons will take my daughteraway and I'll just sit over here without doing anything? Rot in here unlessmy daughter is not back. Sir, I've not done anything.I'm telling the truth. What case do I lodge on him? Make it a case of kidnapping. Sir, don't.. Don't do it, sir!- Sir.. Let my son go, sir. His career will be ruined, sir. He has an interview forjob in the bank tomorrow, sir. Let him go.. I.. - Bring my daughter to meand take your son with you. Sir, don't.. Please, sir..Listen to me, sir.. Sir, even the enemiesmay not get such children. My elder son, Keval was aboutto get a job in the bank. He couldn't evengive the interview. My daughter'swedding was called off. I don't know.. I don't knowhow many days we've spent under the terror of Shambu. Sir, Barkha's father, Shambu,used to be the head constable at that time. It is truethat he abused his job. But even though he dideverything, there was no news of Barkha and Nandan. Shambu abused his job, yet noaction was taken against him? He was suspended justas sir came to know about it. But, like they, say,time heals all wounds. Keval, who he oncehad beat up and imprisoned. He's working with himin a finance company. They are pretty acquainted. 
Rashi, you werecalled two days ago and you're coming now. Sir, actually,I had gone to Ahmedabad. I had important workthere so I had to stay. Your friend was murdered.. Anyhow, you didn't comeeven after you found out. How long have youknown Barkha for? For about 10-11 years now. Sir, we used to livetogether in the hostel. In all these years,did she ever tell you that she was already married? What do you mean? I mean, she had already marriedonce before marrying Prakash. Sir, I don't knowanything about that. This is the first timeI'm hearing about this. So Barkha hidthis from you too. When was the lasttime you spoke to Barkha? A day beforethe incident, at night. What did you speak about? About me going to Ahmedabad. Tell me. How were thingsbetween Barkha and Prakash? Sir, they were a happy couple. They were far away fromeach other when Prakash was transferred to Delhi buttheir love didn't diminish. Did anyone come to meet Barkhaafter Prakash went to Delhi? I mean, her first husband,Nandan, or someone else.. Sir, I don't knowanything about this. Did Prakash have any affairwith another girl? Or Barkha was suspiciousof this.. Or she might have said anythingabout this to you.. No, sir. - Okay, you may leave.And inform us before leaving the city. Okay, sir. Sir.. Prakash and Barkha's callrecords have arrived. Did you find anything whichmight be useful for us? Sir, this doesn't containany number they used to talk more often to. Prakash andBarkha never spoke so much. Barkha murder case hadcome to a halt in one place. Barkha had concealedher past from everyone. Nandan, whom she had elopedwith, was nowhere to be found. What was the reasonof them separating since they had made enemiesout of their own family for their love. Police believed that Barkhamight have been killed on 12th March,2017 but her murder could be connected to eventsthat happened 12 years ago. Police suspectedPrakash as well. 
What if he had found outabout Barkha's past. Police was investigatingevery possibility closely but they hadn't foundany clue so far. Among the many facesof love and hatred Barkha's daughterwas searching for her mother. Her mother appeared beforeher but for the last time. Mom.. Mom! Mom.. Why are you sleeping like this?Mom.. Why are youlaying like this? Mom.. Mom, open your eyes! Mom.. Mom.. Mom! Mom! Mom.. Mom, open your eyes! Mom, open your eyes! Let go of me! Mom.. - The name ofRam is the truth. - The name.. Stop. Stop. May her soulrest in peace. - Mom. You have taken the loan. Why didn't you paythe installments? Are you finding it difficultto pay the installments? It's been two months. You have not paid asingle installment. Why? I'll pay it. Hello.- Hello, Mr. Shambhu. This is PSI Yadavfrom Unnao Police Station. You and your partner,Keval have to cometo the station. It's a matter of time, sir. Even I used to come here proudlywearing the uniform. But I had to come here like thistoday. You would be proudeven today if you hadn't misusedyour uniform. Forget it. Come to the point. Why have you called me?Tell me. The point is,Barkha has been murdered. I'm sad to know this. But I'm not shocked. Who has killed Barkha? Was it Nandan? The investigationis going on. Even we are suspectingNandan. No, sir. Nandan cannot kill her. 
He loved her a lot, sir. Barkha left Nandan12 years ago and marriedsomebody else. How could a womanbe loyal to Nandan when she was not loyalto her dad? Sir, if it is truethat Barkha has left Nandan then I'm sure that Nandanmight have killed her. How dare you? How dare you? Where is mydaughter? If you touch her.. I am not killing you today. But if you look at herafter this I will kill your brother, dadand family. I will kill everyone. Get up. Get up.Be careful. Did you hearhow he threatend us before leaving? Think about us at least if not about yourself. I won't get scaredof his threats. Nobody can separate mefrom my Barkha. Are you out of your mind? You'll fall in troubleand cause problems for us too. How can you be so selfish? Brother, you have never beenin love. So, you won't understand. Sir, Nandan was well aware that he is puttinghis family in trouble. He chose his loveagainst his family. Sir, just think how much he must haveloved Barkha. Yes, Kulkarni. Sir, Nandanand Barkha have not been in touchwith their families from the past six years. Sir, more thanhonour killing this looks likea case of revenge and betrayal because Nandan'syounger brother, Keval, told us that Nandan wasmadly in love with Barkha. If he was madlyin love with her I'm sure his revengecan also be dangerous. Do one thing.Come back and senda photo of Nandan. Let's find him. Okay, sir. Okay, Mr. Yadav.Thank you. Have you seenthis man anywhere? No, sir. Ihave not seen him. Have you seen this manearlier? Yes, sir. I had seen himtwo months ago. Do one thing.You get down here. I'll park the car and come. Leave me. Leave me.Leave me. Who was he? Where did he go? - Idon't know who he was. He came all of a suddenand held my hand. He startedmisbehaving with me. I was about to scream,but he ran away. Come on, let's goto the police station. We should complainagainst such people. No, Prakash. - Theyshould get punished. Let's go.- No, stop. We shouldn't go tothe police station. Leave it. There's no point in chasingsuch people. Forget it.Let's go home. But Barkha..- Let's go home. Let's go home.Please. But who is he, sir? Nandan,Barkha's first husband. What? Send Nandan's photosto all our informers. Get the call recordsof his family too. Okay, sir. Sir, he might bein touch with somebody from his villageor his family. Kulkarni, movethe focus to Nandan. There is a possibility thathe might have killed Nandan. Okay, sir. You don't worry, okay? You sleep with mein my room. Ms. Veena, is Prakash at home? Yes.Prakash. Come, Rashi. Mom, she is Rashi,Barkha's friend. Greetings, Mr. Kuldeep. Greetings, Rashi. Pihu, did you have food? What happened, Mom? What happened? She seems to be a good girl. Get married to her.
 Mom, Barkha dieda few days ago and you.. What do I do then? How long willyour dad and I live? I just want youto marry a good girl. You even havea daughter now. Who will give you theirdaughter in marriage to you? Mom, I don't wantto get married. Yes, sir. Where is your wife? What happened, sir? Did she make any mistake? You told usthat none of you are in touch with Nandan. But your wife talks to himevery week. No, sir. How is this possible? How can she talk to him? I have checkedeveryone's call details. We found a numberfrom Mumbai from her call records. Tell me, whom in Mumbaiwas she talking to? Mumbai? Yes, sir. That is Nandan's numberitself. I am in touch with him. And you hid thisfrom all of us. Yes, I didn't tell you. You guys used to blame himfor everything. You guys can seeyour problems, but not mine. None of you can understanda mother's pain. When was the last timeyou spoke to Nandan? Sir, I spoke to himon the 08th of March. But his phone wasnot reachable after that. Please find out whethermy son is all right. Sir, the number given byUnnao Police was Nandan's. I have found outhis address. Sir, the house is lockedand it is stinking too. Break the lock. I'm sure that even Barkhaand Nandan had an idea that their love would reachsuch a disastrous end. Nandan's body was lyingin front of the police when he himself wasthe suspect of Barkha's murder. The police hada long list of questions. Who had murderedthese people? Were both of them murderedby the same person or two different people? Who took revenge with Barkhaand Nandan after 12 years? Now, the police suspectedPrakash, Keval, Shambhu and those thieves who had come to murder Barkhain the name of robbery. But the question wasstill the same. Who among themwas the murderer? We'll find some shocking answerstomorrow in the second andfinal chapter of this case. On that note, I,Anup Soni, will take your leave. We will meet again inthe next episode. Till then, take careof yourself and your family and keep watching'Crime Patrol, Dial 100'. Punishment to a criminalserves as a lesson to all. 'Jai Hind'! 


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