Hello everyone I'm Jervis I wan to say nothing

Anya and Kai: The Last Scavengers

  Sure, here is a story I wrote: The year is 2042. The world is a very different place than it was just a few decades ago. Climate change has caused widespread devastation, and many major cities have been abandoned. The global economy has collapsed, and there is widespread poverty and hunger. In this new world, a new kind of hero has emerged: the scavenger. Scavengers are people who travel from place to place, searching for anything of value that can be traded or sold. They are often seen as dangerous and unpredictable, but they are also essential to the survival of those who live in the ruins of the old world. One such scavenger is a young woman named Anya. Anya is tough and resourceful, and she has learned to survive in a world that is often hostile to those who are not strong enough. She has also learned to trust her instincts, and she knows that sometimes the only way to survive is to be willing to take risks. One day, Anya is scavenging in an abandoned warehouse when she finds...

Funny jokes India story short

                      Part 1 
Mummy! Mummy, I can't find my socks. Wow! Finally afterall that baby... ...darling, sweetheart and all,you thought of your mom. But mom... - Why don't youlook for it in your phone? Type 'where are mysocks' on Google. Mom, listen... - Put the locationof your socks on Google Maps. What are you saying, mom? That's all I'm here for, right? What?- To look for my child's socks... ...and your dad's inner... ...and your sister's brain.I'm not a mom. I'm a CID agent. I came to this houseas a detective. Mom, where are yougoing with this? You'll realizemy importance once I die! Forget it, you allwon't even miss me! I'm sure.- What? Wait! Mom, listen... ...Jadoo bought a cat. I was wondering if wecould also get a cat. Can we raise one? Please! Why just a cat, dear?Let's also get a dog! No, mom...- Let's get an elephant. I'll break down the wallsand get an elephant in. What? - Let's get a horse.You can ride it. We already have a donkey in you. Donkey?- We'd have a collection at home. We'll call this corner asthe Chanchlani Animal Farm. Mom...- And I'm here, right? You know for what? I cleaned yourwaste when you were a kid... ...and now I'll cleanthe animal waste. That's what I was born for! Mom...- I'm telling you I'll die... ...one day cleaning up after you. Then you'll realizehow wrong you were. Why do mom's alwaysget emotional? Cover from the right, Anmol.

Go to the right, man...Why do you play like that, man? I'm learning, man. Why do you always carrya battery backup? I have a Pineapple phone, man. It runs out of batteryin a few seconds. Look at this Vivo Z1Pro. This is what you calla fully loaded phone. It's battery is 5000 mAh. I can even charge ourhome inverter with it. But the game lags on it. You must bethe one who's lagging. This hasa Snapdragon 712 Processor. While playing PUBG,I also use Whatsapp... ...and do recharge.That's how fast this phone is. And how much did it cost me? Only Rs. 14,990! I don't need sell my house andspend millions to buy your phone. But what's this on the display. This black hole. You illiterate fool. This is an in-display32MP camera. You wouldn't know what it is.Keep playing PUBG. Ashu, dear. Listen, goto the market and get... ...1½ kg tomatoes,1 kg potatoes... ...1 kg onions. And also tell himto give masala. Mom, I'll go later,I'm playing PUBG right now. Keep playing PUBG, dear. What...- That's why I gave birth to you. No, mom.- I let you stay in my waiting... ...area for 9 months and why? So, you can grow upand play PUBG one day. I asked you to get veggie,but you want to play PUBG. Mom, I'll go get it. Your mom will dieone day while... ...you're playing PUBG! Remember that! Remember that you'llkeep playing PUBG! And also remember that I'll die!Just watch! Hey, fool. What are you doing?- Filling water. Why are you fillingthe coconut, dear? What if someone wantsto have coconut water? Come here, dear. Keep it aside, dear. My silly baby, what willyou do in the future? You could have gotyour face waxed. Once you get married,no one would understand... ...who's the wife andwho's the husband. I'll tell everyone first... ...that I'm the wife.- My poor little girl. You can't be my child. When you go out andstart working... ...once you grow up...I don't know when but... ...when you do, then how willyou take care of yourself? Do you know how to cookfor yourself? - Yes. Forget it, do you knowhow to cut vegetables? Can you chop onionsinto half inch pieces? Yes.- Very nice. That's good. Show me. Hold on a second. I've cut it intohalf inch pieces. I had told your dad to avoiddropping you when you were a kid. Do you know how to make Maggi? It's simple!- How do you make Maggi? Boil the water... ...and put the Maggi in it.That's it! Show me how you make it. Hold on a second. Have you lost your mind? Why did you putthe whole packet in it? If I open the packet thenthe Maggi will get wet. And I like dry Maggi! My silly little girl... Forget it. Come to me, my dear. Do you know how make an omelet? Yes! I do! How do you make an omelet? You just need to break the egg.Mom, can I please make it? Show me.- Okay.

Just a second. It's ready! So cute! You fool! Have you lost your mind? You know nothing! You spend your entire daybrowsing through Instagram. Mom, it's called Boomerang. Yes. That's what I meant. The neighbors say thatyou have gone crazy! You appear like CD playerplaying a song in a loop. What's this?- 'Oh, no!' Why can't I open it?What is its password? Here is the keyboard.- What! Mom, you'll get an OTP. What will become of her? Oh, dear! What would you like tohave for dinner, my dear? Anything you may havecooked is fine, mom. I haven't cooked anything yet. But I'll make whichever dish... ...you may like to eat. Tell me. I can't really think of anything. What would you liketo eat, my dear? Bread and butter.- Bread and butter? That is a snack.I'm asking you about dinner. Pizza? - No, my dear.The oven is not working. How about ladyfingers, mom? I can't make that, either... ...because when I wentto the grocery store... ...it wasn't available. Mom, just tell mewhat I should eat. My dear, I'll makeanything you want. Just tell what youwould like to eat. I'll make anything you want to eat. 'Poha'?- It's too light a dish. 'Aloo Paratha'? That would be too heavy.

How about popcorn? It won't satisfy yourhunger, my dear. How about 'Chhole' and rice? You just ate that yesterday? 'Dal' and rice?- I had cooked that for lunch. Cottage cheese?- The grass was full of mud. So what?- Since the grass was muddy... ...the cow didn't eat it. As the cow was left hungry... ...she couldn't be milked. Without milk, cottage cheesecouldn't be prepared. So, we don't haveany cottage cheese. My dear mom... ...I shall eatanything edible... ...that you may have. Anything is okay with me, mom. I've got fenugreek.Should I make some for you? Yes, please. Of course! Why not? You want me to go in the kitchen... ...wash the fenugreek... ...soak it in water... ...and prepare some foryou so late at night! Do you think I'm a maid? Your father wantsto eat ladyfingers... ...your sister wantsto eat Pasta... ...while you wantto eat fenugreek. Should I keep cooking all day long? Do you think this is a restaurant? Mom, if dad wantsto eat ladyfingers... ...I'm fine with it.I don't have a problem. Couldn't you tell me... ...that you wantto eat ladyfingers... ...when I've beenasking you for so long? I could have cooked it by now andwould have gone to sleep. - But... But how can I ever get tosleep when you force me... ...to prepare the dishthat you want to eat? One day I shall diedue to lack of sleep! They want to eatladyfingers and fenugreek! Ashu and Kamla, I'm going out.Look after the house. And don't quarrel! Okay, mom. We'll lookafter the house. We're not kids anymore.We won't quarrel.
Okay! Have you lost your mind? Why do you keep giggling all thetime? Have you lost your mind? Have some shame! You could have atleast got your upper lip threaded. I can't tell if you'rea man or a woman. My kids won't know whether... ...to address youas aunt or uncle. My kids will address you as aunt. You will be their aunt!- I'll hit you! I'll hit you, too!- Will you hit me? Will you hit me? I don't raise my hand on women! Hello, guys! If youliked this video... ...please like... ...comment andshare the video... ...especially with your mom. Also, please do notforget to check out... ...the new Vivo Z1Pro. It has a battery of 5,000 mAh!Do you know what that means? It means your father willsave money on the electricity bill. This phone will go onsale on 11th of July... ...from 12 p.m. onward.So be there as soon as possible. 

                      Part 2

 Dad, Ramayana is so epic. How did I miss it? Dear, your generationshould watch Ramayana. You get to learn a lot of things. This is too good.Even I wished for a... ...son like Lord Rama.- Oh no. But it seems likethey were telecasting... ...the episodes of Kumbhakarna whenyour mother was conceiving you. Therefore you were born. Look, he is trying to usethe earlier script in this video. Do you know the major differencebetween you and Kumbhakarna? What?- You eat 2 plates more than Kumbhakarna. Dad, do you thinkI'm Dhinchak Pooja? No.- So why do you roast me like CarryMinati? I'll leave this home ifyou are fed up of me. You won't go anywhere, dear.

Lord Rama was the one who went... ...to a 14 years exile and you... ...can't even come in the hallfor 14 minutes from your room. Do you know Lord Rama used to... ...share his mealwith his brothers? He probably didn't knowthe Hindi word for share. And you are so ungrateful that... ...you will push your real brotherfrom a cliff for a slice of pizza. That's true.- You will sink your brother in the... ...bucket of water for a Vada Pav. That's true as well.- You will force your sister to listen... ...to Masakali 2.0for a pack of chips. No, dad. We didn't dothis. This is too much. Dear, do you know, sometimesI feel I'm Ravana's sister. Dad, I know that uncle used to... ...hit you like anything inyour childhood but that... ...doesn't mean that youtag your brother as Ravana. I don't mean to say that.- Then? Her nose was cut off... ...and even I'mashamed because of you. Dear, when I tell yourmarks to the relatives... ...the first question they ask meis do you have an YouTube channel? What a stand-up comedian you are! Dear, please have some shame. The GST of the nation isgreater than your percentage. That's wonderful, father. You taught me Ramayana... ...now it's my duty to makeyou understand the same. Do you know, father... ...that Lord Rama usedto love Goddess Sita a lot. He loved her somuch that he never... ...took a glance atany other woman. And on the otherhand, you send those... ...pink heart Good morningforwards to Pooja aunty... ...in mom's absence.- 'What?' Look, he is talkingabout worshiping. He preached such good values afterwatching Ramayana since a couple of days. Oh my dear. Goand play your game... ...sleep, do whatever youwant to. I don't care, dear. Go away. I said go away. I'll teach you a lesson, you fool. I'll do a lot of funafter my last paper... ...is over after this lockdown. My entire adulthood wasspent in giving exams. I'll go on a Goa trip... ...after this last exam.Yes, I'll go to Goa. I'll confess my love to Roshni... ...after the last exam. After the last exam... ...I'll ask for Roshni's loveand her father's hand... I mean to say I'll propose toRoshni with her dad's permission. Once the lockdown is over... ...I'll download the VMate app. I'll make some funnyvideos just like her. My video will be viral and... ...Bharti will review my video. Well, she is distributing 1million to VMate creators. When? From April 30,2020 to May 6, 2020. You never know, Icould win 20,000 rupees. I'll earn for the entire week. I'll create 125 NetflixId's from that money. I'll sell a profile from asingle ID for 400 rupees. I'll earn a profitof 50,000 rupees. I'll earn a lot of money... ...and then I'll double mymoney with Raju's help. I'm waiting for thelast paper to get over. Let me watch TV. As you all knowthat one last paper... ...was pending of HSCstudents due to lockdown... ...but according to our sources... ...this news will give a relief... ...to all those HSC students. The last paper of HSC students... ...has been canceled. Yes.- It's canceled. Woah!- According to the sources... ...the previousstudents who appeared... ...for the exams hasbeen canceled as well. Yes, I knew it. Because, HSC students will... Get a degree directly. No. They have tore-appear for all the papers. The sources further add that... ...the HSC studentshas to appear for... ...first year juniorcollege exams as well. According to the sources... ...the SSC studentsdidn't pass the exams... ...so there's no one to appearthe FYJC examinations... ...hence the HSC studentswill appear for the same. This is crazy.- The sources also say that... ...not only Semester 1but the students will... ...have to be preparedfor 4 Semesters as... ...it is necessary to cover-up. The sources also add that... ...students will learnfor FYJC and HSC... ...in one single lecture.The professor of FYJC... ...will be in the left while theHSC professor will be on the right. You have to learn fromboth the textbooks... ...because it isnecessary to cover-up.

Please stop it, you fools. Therefore, the sourceswant to inform us that... ...the teachers loveto trouble students. So, they have decided thatthey'll take some steps back... ...and will trouble you more... ...because it isnecessary to cover-up. Stop it. I'm feeling the pain. The college-faculty hasdecided that the lectures... ...will commencefrom 8 in the morning... ...till 9.30 am. Then therewill be a break of half an hour. And then the lecture willcommence from 10 in the morning... ...11:30. Just three hours.- The sources mean to say that... ...if the lecture commenceson Monday morning... ...it will end at 9:30 amon Tuesday. Then there will be abreak of half an hour. And the lecture will commenceat 10 am on Tuesday... ...till 11:30 am on Wednesday. You have to spendyour entire life... ...in college with suchhalf an hour breaks... ...because it isnecessary to cover-up. Oh my, hit me. The sources also say that... ...the college facultyhas prepared... ...this schedule byputting a lot of efforts... ...to trouble the students. This is just not done. Hey, you added this line just now,right? You are good-for-nothing. Hi baby, How are you? Hi, baby. Baby, I'm bored. Baby, please suggest mesomething. What should I do? Baby, how can I suggest you? No, baby. I'll do as you say.. But baby, that's not possible. Baby, I'll do as you say. Why don't you play a game? Yes, baby.

We can play games. It will be a lot of fun toplay games. As you say so. Should we play UNO?- No, I get bored. Ludo.- I lose every time in Ludo. PUBG.- I don't know how to play it. COD.- No Paytm. I'm not talking aboutCash on Delivery. I mean to say Call of Duty. No, I don't know it as well. So, my dear, what will you do? Baby, I'll do as you say. Do one thing, watch some movies. Yes, baby. We can watchmovies. Suggest me some names. I'll suggest a good action movie. No, action movies are too boring. Comedy.- I'm in no mood to laugh. Serious.- You mean I should ruin my mood. So watch a family movie.- I'm pissed off because of my family... ...and you aresuggesting a family movie. Biopic.- No suggest some fictional movies. Science Fiction.- I can't understand them. Drama.- They make you thoughtful. Musical.- They affect the ears. Horror.- They scare you like anything. Oh my, just tell me whatdo you want to watch? Tell me, why are you asking me? Baby, as you say so.

Why don't you paint something? No, baby. Dad doesn'tallow me to paint. This is wrong.Painting is your favorite. Yes, baby. Dad scolded me so badly. This is pathetic,baby. Dad is so wrong. When I saw thediary on the table... ...I drew a lot of things in it. I know that the diarywas my dad's passport... ...but nobody scolds like this. You have ruined everything. Do one thing, cook something. But cooking is injurious to health. Whose health? Yours.- No, my family. Why?- Do you know, baby... ...I prepared a chicken dishjust a day back and it was burnt. Oh no. The chicken got burnt. No, chicken is fine.The kitchen was burnt. After that, I prepareda cake for my dad. That's nice.- Baby, dad ate nothing... ...after I fed him the cake.

How will he eat, baby? He loved the cake so much... ...that he finished it all andso his stomach must be full. No, the cake was so hard that... ...dad lost all histeeth in just one bite... ...he is unable to eatanything since then. After that I prepared soup for mom. What happened to mom? No, nothing happened to her. Mom is fine. Why are you saying so? My brother turned blind. Your brother turned blindbecause your mom drank the soup? Yes, I added 20 spoons ofchilli powder in the soup... ...so when mom tasted it... ...she threw it onmy brother's face... ...he has turned blind since then. Stop it. Hello, sir. Good morning.- Morning. - Good morning. Please maintain silence.

We are already lackingbecause of the lockdown. We have to cover the portion. Who is this girl inthe black t-shirt? I've never seen her before. Sir, I'm Ashish. Oh, Ashish. You haven't grown your beardin the lockdown period as well. Let it be. What I mean to say... Who is the boy in the red t-shirt? Sir, I'm your student, Raksha. Raksha, why haveyou grown your beard? It's because allthe beauty parlors... ...are shut becauseof the lockdown... ...so the upperlips are not done... ...it's just a meregrowth. It's not a beard. That's fine. Let'sconcentrate on this now. So, students. Can you recall I gaveyou a homework before lockdown? Come on. Show it to me. Ashish, show me the homework. Sir, I mean... ...homework... ...sir I forgot thehomework in the college. That's great. You forget your homework athome when you are in college... ...and now it's theother way round. Let me mark your attendance. Kunal.- Present. Rohit.- Present sir. Raksha.- Present sir. Ashish.- Present sir. Suraj.- Present sir. Oh, so you are the one... ...who is the proxy of Suraj. Caught you. Suraj's attendance is 100percent from the last 3 years... ...but I haven't seen him till now. Sir, Suraj is the same guy... ...with him you share acigarette in the evening. He is the one. That drug addict is Suraj. How's that possible,he is much older to me. He looks like an uncle.- I know that, sir. Suraj is failing since the last30 years.

He is a college guy. I mean he is the college uncle. 30 years.- Let me tell you something interesting, sir. Suraj has crossedall the limits of failing... ...that Suraj and his sonboth are our classmates. Suraj's son studies in our class? Yes.- Who is Suraj's son? Rohit, sir. Rohit. Is Suraj your dad? Yes, sir. My dad isan unprincipled person. He bunked this lecture as well. Oh god, these collegestudents are such scoundrels. Sin 2=2 Sin a Cos... Dear, why are you laughing? Nothing, sir. Dear, please share the jokewith us. Let me laugh on it. Sir, have you forgotto wear your pants? What nonsense is this? Why are you lying,sir? I know that... ...you haven't worn your pants. Why will I lie? Stopthis nonsense... ...or you will befailed in your exams. Sir, can I prove that?- Yes, sure. Prove it that I haven'tworn the pants... ...I'll praise you. Prove it. You have worn Greycolored underwear. How did you know that I haveworn Grey colored underwear? Sir, actually yourdaughter is making... ...a TikTok video in the nextroom and you are visible in it. The Grey-colored underwear... Shiksha. I have warned you to makeTikTok videos by closing the door. Tan a plus b, Tanbracket a plus b... ...is equal to. What happened?- Sir... ...Sir, help me to convince Simran.- What? Sir, I mean, Simran is upset. Please help me to convince her.

I have so much to do. I'm a teacher and nothelp you in such matters. Sir, Simran is upset. What happened? Whyisn't she talking to you? Sir, actually I clicked a pictureof marbles and sent it to Simran. Hey you, if you sendsuch pictures to me... ...even I'll be pissed-off. No, sir, I mean to say... ...I defeated herin a game of Ludo... ...and took ascreen shot to tease her... Simran.- Ashu, don't nag my head. Simran, I'll serve youDalgona coffee for the entire life. Simran, please.- Ashu, I will not talk to you. Hey, Simran. The consequences will begrave if you reject my love... Don't scream so much... ...or I'll cut your babycorn and roast it on a stove. You fool. What are you waitingfor? Play the music.

Hello, everyone. How are you? I hope you all are safe... ...at your home andfollowing the lockdown norms. Please wash your hands.Keep your family safe. Stay home, stay safe. Also, if you likethis video, please... ...like, share and comment... ...and don't forget tosubscribe the channel. Also guys, please donot forget to download the... ...VMATE app. You can easily earn moneythrough this by staying at home. This is the chance towin some bumper prizes... ...and 100% cash everyday... ...by shooting theirdaily challenge videos. Also, most important... ...total 3 crore prizesare waiting for you... ...so go and downloadthe VMATE app... ...from the link inthe description below. 

            Thank for watching 


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