Hello everyone I'm Jervis I wan to say nothing

Anya and Kai: The Last Scavengers

  Sure, here is a story I wrote: The year is 2042. The world is a very different place than it was just a few decades ago. Climate change has caused widespread devastation, and many major cities have been abandoned. The global economy has collapsed, and there is widespread poverty and hunger. In this new world, a new kind of hero has emerged: the scavenger. Scavengers are people who travel from place to place, searching for anything of value that can be traded or sold. They are often seen as dangerous and unpredictable, but they are also essential to the survival of those who live in the ruins of the old world. One such scavenger is a young woman named Anya. Anya is tough and resourceful, and she has learned to survive in a world that is often hostile to those who are not strong enough. She has also learned to trust her instincts, and she knows that sometimes the only way to survive is to be willing to take risks. One day, Anya is scavenging in an abandoned warehouse when she finds...

Jaya janaki nayaka khoonkhar full story

 Hey Amrita,why are you so upset? I have got my TC,I am leaving college. TC? Why what happened? Vikram's harassments had increased. Dad had complainedto the principal too but, Vikram came home last night. 'Who are you?' 'Did you complain to the principal?- Yes I did.' 'Oh.' 'Hey, what are you doing?' 'Dad.- Dear, what happened?' 'Vikram- Hey.' 'I will kill youif you open your mouth.' 'I am the moth, where there is flame,moth will be attracted.' 'And it will extinguish.' 'Your dad has givenbirth to pretty daughter and then he tells menot to tease her.' 'Should I slap you?' 'If there is a prey in front of thetiger, will it just keep staring?' 'It will attack on it.' 'If you complain against me again, you will lose your father.' Bro, Amruta has toldeverything to her friends. Vikram, she has sharedeverything with her friends. I had warned you,not to say a word to anyone, then also you did. What can she do? Vikram, behave yourself.This is not right. Why are you interfering?Should I come to your house? Should I come to your house?Tell me, should I? Speak. Speak, should I? Hello? Yes, tell me. Someone is beating our brother. Guys, someone is beating Vikram. Come on, let's go.- Let's go. Come on. Thank you so much. By the way, I am Sweety. Side please. We'll not spare you! We'll not spare you today. Here, smash them. Gagan, take this. Run! Come on! I have recorded all thishooliganism in my phone. I will call the cops right away. Police? Do you know who these guys are? Have you heard the name ofChakravarty group of companies? Yes. Are they workers?- What? Owners. Owners? Maybe their style is like the workersbut they have a very large heart. Do you know what dothey do in the evenings? Pour some more.- Is this enough? Dad, omelet is ready. Get it. Live long my sons. Omelet of pure clarified butter. How is it, dad? Superb. It's delicious, son.- Absolutely. Have, you also eat and enjoy. What are you drinking?Soft drink? Drink alcohol. No dad, this is good for me. Father and son drink together? It's not wrong to drink alcohol. But behaving like a drunkardis wrong. How can you say that? Dad, let's have dinner. Fritters. Let's eat. Yummy fried fritters,squeeze the lemon well. Sir, here you are. You also eat, guys. It is less oily. Eat it. Are you enjoying? Superb. Have the lemon. If somebody helps uswe should thank them, not complain.And certainly not against them. Sir, will my daughter's admissionin the college be confirmed? Yes, deposit the money.Admission will be done. Mr. Goswami.- Yes. Where and what timeis the Ashwit Narayan function? Please find out and inform me. I will reach the function,directly from Delhi. Okay, sir. Do you need anything? No sir, we are leaving.- We are going. Let's go. Who is it? Who did this to you? Dad, Chakravarty andhis sons have beaten me. From when did Chakravartyand his sons get courage? If he forcibly goes to someone'shouse and fight, he will be beaten. Mr. Goswami, what's this? He is still a kid,he hasn't grown up. If he doesn't make mistake now,will he, when he is as old as you? Did I say anything wrong? No, you are right. Son, you can't be a heroby being beaten up. They person who gives back,becomes the hero. Have patience, let the time come. We will have our revengeat the right time. It will come. Will cut him down to his size.Time will definitely come. You, go and party. Uncle, why are you upset? What is this? What's this?He printed my side profile? I look so fat,will have to reduce my weight. It's a bad picture. First you get into a brawl and then get your pictureposted on the front page. Why did you fight? By the way, what was the fight for? Fight for? You don't know who is getting married,but yet go and give your blessings. Oh God, if either of the three,have a problem, all 3 go and fight. And then say,nothing has happened, what is this? Fight reminds me, Bali.- Yes. Keep a rod in Gagan's car.It might be of help. Okay sir.- Rod? Students should be given booksand you are giving him a rod? Uncle. Thank you, dear.I am indebted to you. Hey, uncle. What are you saying? If you have a problem,you don't quit the college. You solve the problem.All the best. It's your watch. Actually,it wasn't working, I got it repaired. Thank you. I have uploaded your fighton Facebook. You have got 6 million views. A Chinese asked me, which styleit was Kung Fu or Karate. Do you know, what I replied? This is the style of the South. Okay, after the fightwhen you go home, doesn't your mom scold you? I don't have a mother. Hello. Are you flirting with him? It's a waste. He is like a wall on whom you can write,but can't talk. He can be a bouncer,but never a boyfriend. He doesn't even look bat girls.He is a traitor. How is he a traitor,if he doesn't stare at girls? Yes. Girls at home are so docile. But when they are out theybecome classy, trendy and stylish. Ask me why? Why? For boys like him. Even things like protein shampoo,vitamin conditioner, hair spray, hair gel, eyebrow threading,mascara for eye lashes, lipstick, lip gloss,painful black head removal, foundation pack, face pack,shoulder pack, dental pack, pedicure, manicure,waxing. Sun screen for the sun and waterresistant for water. Why do we do all this?So that boys look at us. They have no idea, that how much irritationwe go through, but yet wear skin tight jeans. For them. If after all this,they will not stare at us. Cosmetics will not be sold.The parlors will run in losses. There will be no womenin clothes stores. Fashion designerswill die of hunger. There will be no demand of products. GDP will go down,and Sensex will badly fall. Now tell me, isn't he a traitor? According to me the boys whoworks hard from Monday to Friday. And spends the moneyon his girlfriend on the weekends. Only such a boy is worth.If he loves he will. I had a crush on him, while chasing him,12 of my slippers have worn out. But his heart did not wear out. Graduation is going to be completed. But he never gave a hint. Now my family has chosen a guy.I am getting engaged in 3 days. Then I won't be able to come out. So,I am throwing a party at the pub. All of you have to come. Okay. And you don't come with a sad face. Enjoy openly and happily. My father and brother will come too. What? You father and brotherwill come to the pub? Ma'am. I thought we will enjoy the party,drink a lot and rock it, but my mood is off. What happened? To top it, Gagan is gettinghis father and brother. There will not be a party here,but speeches. Sorry uncle, I thought if youcame to the party then, You would have preachedmore than partied. Look dear, women are large hearted. It has a lot of love in it. Lot of maternal love, her pride,values given by her parents. Lots of emotions. Woman plays a very important roleis making a home into heaven. That's why,status of women is very high. Our society must not suppressthe emotions of a woman. Do you understand? Uncle, let's have dinner. Here? Come I will get youa special dish. Sir, your favorite fritters. Fritters? This is not fritters,but instant recharge for the body. Uncle, nowadays,it's not the trend of eating fritters. Trend. You eat Pizzaand Burger at the disco. And come out and eatbetel leaves of Varanasi. You can become progressive, but mother, wards off the evil eye,before you leave. Wow! The car maybe from abroad, but you don't start the enginebefore crushing the coconut, and hanging lemon and chili. But uncle, you can eat anywhere, but why specifically on the road? Dear, if we don't eat from them,poor guys, how will they run their houses? Not make in India, make this India. Let's go. Have. Thank you uncle.- Hey, you guys also eat. Have this. Get some more.- Feed everyone. Uncle.- Yes. Why can't all fathers be like you? Today the country'sbiggest businessman Ashwit Narayan Varma'sdaughter's engagement with mining king, Mahindra Varma'sone and only son, Rajendra Varma. Which is a special thing. Two families are uniting. Great daughter. Presenting the mining King,Mahindra Varma and his son Rajendra Verma. Today the countriestwo big families are uniting. Move aside. Move. Welcome sir, come. Greetings. Congratulations. Start the ceremony. Come on. Mahindra Verma.- Sir. Your status has raised more by acceptingthe Daughter of Ashwit Narayan, as your daughter-in-law.- Thank you, sir. On this occasion,I congratulate you. Mr. Goswami.- Yes sir. PM, could not come,as he is on a tour abroad, but he has sent his well wishes. Talks will resume,serve your guests. Sure. Cheers. I just want... Hi. Thank you. Thank you. Excuse me. Sir. Thank you. As soon as we are done withthe elections, your job will be done. Uncle, just a minute. Okay dad, let's go. Did you see the balance betweenthe son in law and father-in-law? The son is very smart.- Absolutely. Just have a look, uncle. Sorry to say uncle,but I just got it. Who sent you this? My security. He knows him. Did anyone else watch it? No uncle, just my security and me. Hi, dad. Come dear, sit down. Good morning. Have your coffee.- Thank you. Yesterday night, Mahindra Varma's sonmet with an accident and was killed. He was returningfrom his engagement. It is known thatthe engagement was with the daughter of country's greatbusiness man Ashwit Narayan. Witness present on the sitehave informed that this accidentoccurred by banging into a lorry on wayto the airport. His bodyguard was killed too. The body has been sentfor post mortem. As soon as the post mortem reportsare ready the police will be informed. Mahindra, Varma speaking.Heard about your son. Condolences. May god give you strength,and peace to his soul? By the way,I got him killed in an accident. He showed me a video,in which you were with a random boy. Imagine, if this informationwas leaked in the media then? My reputation would havebeen tarnished. That's why I got him killed. If you were in love with someone, then you should have told mebefore the engagement. Dad, we had broken up. He broke up with you? All that I have earned,this house, property, factory, if looted can be earned again. But I cannot earn back my honor. Did I give birth to youto stain my honor? 100 years agomy great grandfather, had ascended the honor andreputation to my grandfather. And my father from him. And then I was the heir to it. I have nurtured it likethe drop of blood. And you auctioned that gatheredreputation in a jiffy. What should I do? What to do? What should I do?- Please calm down. Great daughter,saved my reputation by dying. If somebody asks his life fromNarayan Varma, he will give. But if he stains his honor,he will take his life. She asked for my text book,but I refused her. Hi, Gagan. Hi. Are you free? Coffee? Let's go, lecture has started. Let's go. Please drink. Attitude. All is well. I will have to try very hard. Say something. Look at this. It is looking nice.Try this. I will click a snap okay. Smile. Smile at least. Wow. Yes! Now a selfie. Hello. Dad, I am at the class.Yes tell me. Dad. Yes, dad.- Son. Where are you? I have come to do someshopping with Sweety. Okay, while returning get sodafrom the bazaar. It's not there at home,we won't enjoy drinking without it. Okay, I will get some starters too. You don't hide anythingfrom your dad? I never lie to my father. Never? Let's go to your house. Hello dad,I am not coming home alone. Sweety is coming too. Oh my God, all is well. Wow. Hey, come dear. Are you the one to buy clothesand shoes for Gagan? Gagan.- You both talk, I will be back. Hey.- Gagan is extremely shy. You come in.I will show you the house. This is the bedroom. Three beds? Why? The three of them can livewithout each other. That's why they sleep together. This is the bar room. Every day they drink three bottles.And they keep sleeping till afternoon. What about the health? You can't talk about that.They get angry. Come with me. I will show you another room. This is war room. It has all the weapons with whichyou can fight thieves and terrorists. It is for self defense, but is used more to help people. They just need an excuseto beat someone. She is Gagan's mother. Till she was alive,everything was fine here. She had truly madethis home a heaven. Dear, they are very good at heart. They have lost focus, they just needa well-mannered daughter-in-law. How are you dear? What's up?- Good morning, uncle. Good morning, dear.Hope uncle is not irritating you. Let's sit and chat, come. Sit. What's this? This is the cap of the soda bottlewhich we opened last night. Useless fellows don't clean.Go and throw it. Okay, sir. I don't enjoy my drink without soda.It just doesn't taste. Why is he talking aboutalcohol with the girl? Anyways, did you have anything? Tea, coffee, cold drinks, juice?- Uncle, do you like me? A lot, dear.What happened? Can I take a bit of liberty? Of course you can, it's your house. Thank you. Uncle, what is she doing? Whatever is happening is good. Not a single drop of liquorshould be saved. Drown everything in the gutter. And give all this to the rag seller. This is my licensed gun,it's very useful to me. It's very expensive.- Okay. You can only keep this. Uncle, this is your responsibility.- Yes I take full responsibility. Gagan, from today, uncle will justdrink two pegs, not more than that. Okay? You will see to that. All the servants cometo the kitchen. From today,your whole system will change. So, menu change. No eating outside food. From now on, all green vegetables,cauliflower, carrot, beetroot. All healthy food should bemade at home. Do you understand? You have to maintain this diet. I will come every day to maintain.Okay. Uncle, please don'tmisunderstand me. If you remain healthy,everyone will remain happy. That's why I did all this. This change is very good. Very happy that you have come, dear. Please do come often. Oh, daddy has come from Delhi. He is waiting for me, I have to go. You have come for the first time,eat something and go. I will come and eat tomorrow,I have to leave now. Please. Gagan, let's go. Bye. Such a girl should become adaughter-in-law of this house. Gagan I know your motherisn't there, but why did not brother marry? Brother was not successful in love. Is that girl married?- No. So, now she will. You thought you will talk aboutthe wedding and I will agree? This wedding will not happentill I am alive. Uncle, is it a crime to love? Don't talk about crimes please. We enquire at four placeseven if we want to buy shoes. And will I get my daughtermarried without enquiring. And when we enquired it wasn't good. You can see the flashback live. Daughter, is he the one. Yes, dad. Okay. The boy is good. If you like the boyshould we get them married? Stay quiet. At present I have just seen him. He is a millionaire, earns a lotof profit for the company. That's good. Helps his father in the business.That's wonderful. But my sources have told mehe is an unworthy moron. What's happening? How dare you call my son unworthy? Son, don't beat him so much.He has piles, don't beat him. Calm down, they keephaving these bouts of anger. Don't beat. Don't hit there,it must be paining him. Hit somewhere else, not there. Stop hitting. Or else willhave to buy diapers for him. Don't. Stop it, sir.Please control yourself. Narayan sir, please don't get angry.You don't worry. Let's get together and compromise. After beating me,you want to compromise? I can't sit anywhere now. And you want to compromise? Then first apologize to me. Say sorry, compromise can be done. You want us to tell sorry?We will say sorry? How dare you?- They started again. Don't worry,the bout is going to end. If you all beat him togetherhe will not be able to bear. Beat him one by one, individually. If you beat him like this,he will die. Oh ho, all is well. Father beats like Tyson,and son like Dara Singh. It takes five hours to wear my lungi. He has piles and they beat him, like how the women organizations beat,if somebody teases a girl. Even after being beatenso much, he did not die. Dear, they are not humans but devils. It would have been okayif the father hit, but even the future son in law,hit me. Tell me how do I marrymy daughter into such a house? Trust me, they have changed. Are they currencies of 1000 and 500's?That they will change? Come here Gagan. Fold your hands. Sit down. Stand up, smile please.Shake hand. Say sorry, come behind. Did you noticewho much he has changed. You can test him too, uncle. Let it be dear,Lungi is enough to test. Uncle, a home without a homeis like a desolate jungle. And they don't haveany woman in the house. Imagine how they must be living. You are a very good human being, had someone else beenin your place. Then would have found a boyand got her married. But, you just for the happinessof your daughter. Have waited for Gagan's brother, you are really great, uncle. After all that has happened, he is standing here bowing his headin front of you, for his brother. This is the love for his brother. Please agree for this wedding. Okay dear, if you say, I trust you andagree for my daughter's wedding. Thank you, Sweety. Uncle you haven't had anything.Cold drink.  Come here. Aunty, will you have.- No dear I don't want. I won't have cold drink,till he heals from piles. I have prayed the goddess for this. Okay. Make fun of me. She just wanted to serve cold drink. You gave her the fullmedical report. Hi Mr. Shiv Narayan. - Hi.- You suffer from piles? Be careful, don't eat spicy. My piles has becomea good morning message. You have forwarded it to everybodyas Whatsapp message. I have still not informed my family. Hi, uncle, why haven't you stillnot had anything? Juice. Serve it. Please have juice.- No, no. It’s okay. Its healthy juice. Let me know if you need anything. Okay.- Okay uncle, have fun. Do you know she is the futureyounger daughter-in-law? She is the futureyounger daughter-in-law. Why are you standing like this,put your hands down? The couple looks nice. Smile, sometimes at least. Smile. Gagan. Uncle is calling you. Go. Yes, dad.- Look at Sweety. This girl takes careof the happiness of others. Don't ever let her cry. Promise me that you willkeep her happy. She will never shed a tear drop. Never in her life. Uncle, come the weddingis taking place. Come on. Come. The wedding is being solemnized thereand you guys are standing here. Hey, Gagan come here.- No. Come here. Quickly, come here. Thank you.- Hey, it's okay. Dear, it's no longer a weddingbut a grand celebration. Because of you. The wedding is over,now we will leave. Where are you going?It's a joyous day today. Two families have united together. We should openly drink today. Uncle, no limits today,all the arrangements are done. There is chili fritters, soda,and everything. Is it fine? Okay. I will leave now.- How will you go at this hour? Its two in the night dear. Uncle, dad is waiting at home. He has already called menumerous times. I have to go now,so then I am leaving. I will come tomorrow.Gagan, drop me. Bye uncle. Sweety. Come here, dear. Uncle, from when have youbecame so emotional? I will come tomorrow,can I leave now. Let's go. Bye. I am very tired. Don't you haveany other expression? Let's go. Sweety, I had never imagined my lifewould have been so colorful. And you are the reason for it. Thank you. Thank you so much. Stop. It's an expensive carand a rich man too. Hey, roll down. Who is she? Classmate, sir. Have you started tuitions in the car? Which subject are you studying? Wake her up I will take her exam. She is very tired. What have you taught her? You are staring at the policeman? Was she with you or picked her upfrom the streets? Wake her up. Why have you increased the volume? Are you coming out to hit me? I have made many Romeos cry. What have you hidden in the trunk? Sweety.- Have we arrived at home? Sorry Gagan, I wanted to wait,but should I go now? Gagan, what about the police man? What are you thinking, my love. What will you do,if someone abuses me? I will kill him. Okay go. First, you leave. This is the project of our new deal. Diamond highway. India's most prestigious project. Length 10,000 kms. Cost, 1 lakh 60,000 crores. From Kashmir to Kanyakumari,Mumbai to Kolkata. This project will connectthe whole country. If we finish this project on time. Then not only in India, but in the whole of Asiaour company will be number 1. Dad, we have a situation. What is it? Dad, have you heardthe name Arjun Pawar. Arjun Pawar. The liquor king of India. He owns 60% of the liquorbusiness of India. Come to the point. He is our competitor in this project. There is nothing wrong,let him compete. Dad, it is not right for himto compete. He has bought all the companieswho supply material to us. He has also bribedfour engineers of ours. He is one of them. We are his targets, dad. You have always been ourback bone of the company. I had also met JP,the authority director of India. We can't give you this project. Why? Your background.- And what is that? Killing, extortion, kidnapping,court cases, and liquor business. We don't let drunkards roamon the highway. Then how can we allowpeople who make alcohol. Yes, you are right. 100% right. People are scared by my name. I have power, and a lot of money. What I don't have is respect. That's why I want toenter this field. But you want to participate in avery big and prestigious project. But the prestige can be erasedif you compete. It won't be erased. You have a daughterand I have a brother. Let's get them married. Then both are prestigewill be the equal. And this project will itself fallinto my lap. You are talking too much. Security! Come, I will show youwhat security is. Some people walk on the path. And some people walkon by making their paths. Like me, look. I have just come for the meeting. And see how many people died. Think. If you become my enemythen there will only be corpses. By the way they are my brothers,he is younger and he is the youngest, Your son-in-law. Father-in-law, wish him. Hi, father-in-law. Oh, blood. Every relation which beginswith blood, is very strong. Nobody can break it. Hug me, father-in-law. Meet your future wife,make an understanding with her. Okay. JP sir. Life is more valuable than prestige. For me prestige is morevaluable than life. Greetings sir. When is Pawar's brother coming? Coming tomorrow. Look. Now get married. As soon as we participatedin this project, Ashwit Narayan Varma,has got disturbed. We had scared his engineer. And he complained toAshwit Narayan Varma. We had not imaginedhe will take revenge like this. His son has done this. We just warned,and he started the war. Violence is helplessness for him. But it is my hobby. I will deal with both of them. Why did you call me here? Sit down. I want to tell you something. Yesterday, when you dropped me, since then I am thinking,when I will meet you. When will I tell you? Yes dad, I am at the class,will call you later. Uncle- What happened? Our son has really fallen in love. He is saying he is studyingwith Sweety. Tell me. You lied to your father? Tell me. Gagan, there is everythingin my life, yet. I feel there is something missing. I feel that missing is you? If you are there my lifewill be complete. And I always want to stay with you. And I want you to staywith me, close to me. I don't want to lose you. I love you forever,and ever and ever. Sweety. Hi, dad.- What are you doing here? Dad, my friend Gagan. Hi.- Hi Gagan, how are you? Good sir.- Dad actually... What's this,let's go home and talk. Okay come. Sit. Two coffees and snacks quickly. Feel at home, okay. Dear, it wasn't a Sunday, thenwhy didn't you attend the class. I have to tell you somethingvery important daddy. Oh, is it about the exam? About life. Life? We love each otherand we want to marry. Wedding? Is your name Gagan? Yes, sir. What does your father do? He is an industrialist. Which industry? He is chairmen of the Chakravartygroup of industries, dad. Oh okay. He eats fritters on the streets. He roams around like agoon around the bazaar. And beats the students with a stick. He falls on the streetsafter drinking. Is he the one? Sir, he is the one. People who have such habitsare called goons, street ruffians, loafer,and drunkard. Etc. etc. Am I right? Maybe, sir. You don't have to berich necessarily. You also need moral values. Dad.- Stop, dear. We are talking about marriage. Will you park yourexpensive car in a slum? So you don't interfere,let me talk for a few minutes. I will come back to you. Have I said something wrong? No, sir. So, whatever I said was true. Sir, dad will talk to you. Shut up. You have to take an appointmentto talk to me. Dear, till day I have just seena dream, that when you grow up. I will get you marriedin a respectable family. And today you have broken my dreamby introducing me to this boy. Today I am ashamed to call youmy daughter. Dad, listen to me once.- Shut up. Don't play around. Don't act smart. I know everything. Nowadays, the girlstell their parents that they are going tofriend's house to study. But she goes to enjoywith friends at the bazaar. Leaves home for a function but, she goes to a hotel ora farm and disgraces herself. You also have becomea whore like them. You insulted my father,I kept quiet. You insulted my brother,yet I tolerated. You insulted my family,I kept quiet. But now I can't bear it. How can you call my Sweety a whore?- Dad! Gagan, please. I love daddy a lot. Please. I won't meet you again. If we meet again it will beover my body. If you cry I will kill him. Okay fine, I agree I am notright for your daughter. I am absolutely wrong. I agree. Okay, get her married towhom you want. But remember one thing. If I come to knowshe has shed a tear, I will kill you. Whoever makes Sweety cry,I will kill him. Gagan, I have made it the first time,taste it and let me know. What happened? What happened, son? Where is Sweety? Dad, she will not come. Who stopped her? Her father. That's it. Dad, not only he stopped her, but he called her a whore. Come on, son. Sweety will never come,if you will say. Her body will come. She loves her father a lot. Sit down. I love you for everand ever and ever. No. Ravi, let's go from here. You've gone mad. Go away. Please. That girl comes to our houseas our daughter-in-law, we all had wished that. But it isn't happening. What should we do, uncle? Send Gagan somewhere far off. First time in lifehe has loved a girl. And we couldn't fulfill his wish. He can't stay alive here,without her. Send him away. Send him. Where will you send him? Vizag.I know a few people there. Sir, the prayers have concluded. Now you can immerse it in the ocean. If you give time to your opponentthen you will not have time. Strike when the iron is hot. Gagan. Are you not Gagan? Am I right? Yes, I am right. Just chill, boss. Satyam Uncle, look I found Gagan. Look at him. I thought he would be very coolbut, look he is so boring. But I will change him.Speak to you later. Bye. Oh, by the way, my name is Mona. Born in India, living in America. Have you come herefor the first time? I love Vishakhapatnam. Vishakhapatnam is the city ofpeople of hearts and fun. There are many beautiful girlslike me here. Just take a chill pill. Buffalo, can't you see? Sorry.- Will you honk and enter anywhere? I will pull you out of the car andkill you by swinging you around. Sorry, sister. Sister? Can't you see?Do I look like a sister? You look like a shopkeeperand calling me homely sister. Get lost from here. Sorry. Have to do all this,only this works. Get in. Are you hurt in love?Drink this boss. There was a timewhen people loved truly. But now it's only cheating. People are just interested in thisthat in which mall you shopped. And in which pub you partied. Where all did the boyfriend take you. But nowadaysthere are many options. Be practical. Boss, people get bored of the samecell phone in 6 months. And change it. Imagine how you can livewith the same boyfriend. Stop. Go from the right. I have to go on the left. This road is closed,please go from the right. Why is the police here? There is a man called Pawar. His brother has beenhalf murdered by Varma. So, Varma's son was murdered. So, the city is on high alert. One killed the other revenged. Boss, they are playinggame of revenge. Park the car.- Okay, madam. Gagan, come. Come in. Boss, hello boss. Have this drink,shower and freshen up. Vishakhapatnam's cool beachand hot girl is with you. What can be a bettercombination than this? I am your super hostand you are my guest. Get ready to chill boss. You are the ultimate, guru. Earlier I used to stay awayfrom love. But after meeting you,I feel like coming closer. You have stolen my heart. Tell me, why you spared the onewho snatched your love. Come let's get togetherand take revenge. Hey. Sir. Just a minute, sir. Kill him. Son, they have killed my son. And he has come to takemy daughter-in-law. Save us. I have killed your son and snatched your daughter-in-law'smarital thread and made her a widow. To keep her at your house?I will take her to my house so that your reputation is stained.Go away. 'I have killed your son and snatched your daughter-in-law'smarital thread and made her a widow.' 'Never ever let her shed tears.' 'Promise me,you will keep her happy.' Gagan! Come on, hurry up. Come on, hurry up. Move, take him inside. Quickly treat dad. First treat that boy. Go. His condition is very critical. Actually,he is not responding back. Maybe he won't be saved. But still he wants to stay alive,maybe there is a reason. You please pray for him. Gagan. I will bring the guy who attackedon you, by tomorrow. How much staff do you havein this city? 5000. I have 50,000 staff in this city. I am bigger than youand better than you. I know, when to do,how to do and what to do. We wanted to enterthe field of construction and he started destruction. He was going to die, but who saved him? Son, you are the incarnation of God. You saved our lifeby risking your life, dear. Thank you very much. But why was this attack? For my daughter-in-law. For daughter-in-law? In our business we becomeenemies with Arjun Pawar. Dad, we have handicapped him. Problem solved. Thank you, sir. JP sir, we have a40 year old relation. You will give your life forrefection and I for honor. We both think alike. Let's take it to the next level. If your daughter becomesour daughter-in-law, our prestige will increase. And this partnershipof the project will strengthen. Thank you. Thank you very much, sir.- Welcome. Okay, let the fire ignite. The girl who was supposed to be withbrother, if she stays with them, how is it a reason to be happy? If we now kidnap an IAS officer'sdaughter, it won't be fun. But if I kidnapthe daughter-in-law of Ashwit Narayan Varma'sdaughter-in-law, then everyone will knowaccept me as the greatest. Oh. After being disgraced he will roamaround on the streets like a mad dog. He killed my sonon the wedding canopy. He snatched all the happinessof our family. That day when you saved us, he had come to kidnapmy daughter in law. In the battle of my husband'shonor and reputation, a lot of injustice has beendone to my daughter-in-law. Sir, she is a motherless child. I never imagined her lifewould be like this. So, what do you want? I want to take my daughterback home. You will take her and give her to Pawar? He will kidnap her. She isn't your daughter any more. She is the honor of our family. She will live here forever. Till she is alive. You can meet your daughteronce if you want. When injustice is done to any girl,she tells her father. But here,I am the one to do injustice. And dear, I don't have the capacityto bear this shame. Please forgive me. Forgive me, dear. Gagan, your Sweety has died. Forget her. Please go away from here. If God gives us tears, He also gives a reasonto wipe it. Cry to your heart’s content. If there is anything pure thanwater of Ganga in this world, then it is tears. So cry. Cry unabashedly. Now, I won't let a tear droproll down from your eyes. Sweety, whether anyone elsesupports you in life or not. I will. I love you forever and ever, till I die. "I love you so much, my love." "I can give my life for you." "You are my passion, my love." "I swear on you, I am your protector.Your protector." "For you I can leave everything,for you, I can fight the world." "My love, I am with youlike your shadow." "I am, I am, your protector.I am your protector." "I am, I am, I am always with you." "I am, I am,with you in all your troubles." "I am, I am,I am your companion, my love." "What is sorrow,what is happiness,.." "..I knew after I met you." "What is love, what is pain,.." "..I knew after uniting with you." "I love you, my love,much more than myself." "If you smile,I will smile and cry if you cry." "I am, I am, your protector.I am your protector." "I am, I am, I am always with you." She has never come for any auspiciousceremony than why has she come now? Give it to me. Brother. Have to do the auspiciousceremony at the auspicious time. If you did in any other time,there are chances of destruction. As soon as the girl entered the housegrievous mishap has occurred. And it will also happen in future. There is a remedy, dispel her. Shun off this sinister. We all will go tothe temple tomorrow, with her. If we went,Pawar will not spare us alive. Is he greater than god? We will go. Who is he? He had saved us. He too will accompany us. Get ready on time. What is your name? Gagan, sir. How are you feeling now? I am okay, sir. Get yourself treatedin a good hospital. If you require anything callon my PA's number. Arrangements will be made. Chauffeur, take him where he wants. Thanks for saving me. Madam, phone. Pawar, I am taking the girl out. You wanted her, get her kidnapped. Do you remember the deal? You will not troublemy family in future. Okay. There is a discount in power, but no discounts in war. Don't miss again. Finish them all. SANSKRIT CHANTS SANSKRIT CHANTS SANSKRIT CHANTS SANSKRIT CHANTS SANSKRIT CHANTS SANSKRIT CHANTS SANSKRIT CHANTS SANSKRIT CHANTS SANSKRIT CHANTS SANSKRIT CHANTS SANSKRIT CHANTS Sir, the Mrutunjaya Yagnahas concluded. Worshipping this,the fear of the enemy, the fear of death,the fear of terror. And all the sins have beenimmersed in this flame. Now you can go and bathein the River Kaveri. These prayers will be overas soon as you have a bath. Come, dear. Brother! Father, Mother. Listen. You said Sweety is sinister, but she isn't evil,she is a goddess. If she was ill fated, your brother wouldnot have been alive. Nobody would have survivedin your house. You find God in rocks,but it is in fact in humanity. Sadly. Father, let’s go.- What happened? Look Pawar's brother is coming. Nobody should be sparedamong them. Go and bring that girl. Gagan, take this. Gagan, Sweety! Gagan! Come on, run! Run! Come on, fight and show me. Today I swear by the holy fireas a witness, that she is my life,my soul and my body. I had left her with waving tears, but now I will never leaveher alone, in my life. If today onwards,if anybody hurt her or any tear drop fellfrom her eyes, I will kill him. What do you think,anyone will just kidnap her? No way! As long as I am there,nobody can touch her. "My heart is yours andwill always remain yours." "As long as my heart beats." "God knows, my love isas pure as the water of Ganga." "I am yours." "Have held your hand,fought with the world,.." "and have loved you." "Come I will take you to my world." "Have joined our paths together." "My love, forget all your sorrows." "My each and everybreath belongs to you." "I am, I am, I am your protector." "I am, I am, I am with you." "I am, I am,I am with you in all your sorrows." "I am, I am, I am your companion." Varma has made a big blunderby slitting our brother's neck. We will kill them. The one who has killed brother,he has to die. We will not spare him. I will not spare them both. And I will kill the girlwho is responsible for all this. He took the honor of our family in front of my eyes,and went away. And we kept watching. I  thought my brothersare very brave, they will not  ruin my reputation. But they could not do anything.They just stood helpless. Shame on you,people of the family of Varma. Father.- Brother. You all could not do anything. Arjun Pawar, killed my sonin front of my eyes. Our daughter in laweloped with that boy and we could not do anything. I will not spare the one,who tarnishes my honor. I swear on my pride. Love meant attraction for me, but Gagan explained to mewhat real love was. I had heard peoplegive their lives in love. But Gagan has proved it today. Sweety, nobody will love youmore than Gagan. You are very lucky Sweetythat you found Gagan. I pray God that I findsomeone like Gagan. Your love is great. Anyways , let's go in. Come on. Come dear, cut this. From today,you are the daughter of our house. What are you thinking?Come, let's cut the cake. Open your mouth. Wow. Dad, tomorrow is the final datefor tender. Anyhow we don't have tolose this opportunity. Our target is not tenderbut Pawar, dad. We both brothers cannot see your reputationstained, in our life time. Now it's time to do somethingnot sit at home? Or your fear amongthe people will disappear. Don't you say,those who fear, they die? Sir, there are Varma's peopleall around. If you come then... Will they kidnap me? With your information,his plan is sorted how long ago? It's been half an hour, sir. My plan  started 6 days ago. If someone trespasses,has to pass the security post. Isn't it? Look there. Look towards the reception too. For once, look up. Do you understand, you stay out? Hanging up.- Okay, sir. Sir, welcome sir.Good morning sir. Come sir. You have become very fat. Mr. Goswami.- Yes sir. It's very hot here, let's goto the air-conditioned room. Sure, sir. You very well knowwho killed your brother. He did. You said you will not sparethe one who killed? What happened? The pride of your home,your daughter in law. Who kidnapped and took her away? Chakravarty's son. And what have you done? After swearing you will not sparehim alive, you did nothing. Did you kill him? He played with both,your power and your pride. And you both are fightingamongst yourself. Finish off your internal fights. Kill him, the matter is over. You don't have to pass atender to kill your enemy. Listen to me, both of you gettogether and kill that boy. And kidnap the girl. Do the work that needs to bedone now. There is no other time than now. It's an age old saying. Mr. Goswami.- Yes sir. Have I sprinkled petrolor drops of water? Splashed petrol, sir.- Its petrol. Yes, sir. I had promised my son, when the time is right, that boy will be hard pressed. And now the time has come. Mr. Goswami, we have toattend the meeting. Let’s go. Coffee.- Hey, listen. Don't spare till he doesn't agree.- I won't, dad. Dear, there is no sugar in the tea. Sugar is not good for you. Sir, come in. Why are you standing there? This is your house. Why are you standinglike a stranger? There are ups and downs in life. How does it matter? Everything goes on. Life doesn't come to standstill. I could not understandmy daughter's love. I could not understandyour son too. He is great. I could not see the goodnessof your family. When my daughter was pained, to save her, your wholefamily united together. Please forgive me,I have made a mistake. This doesn't suit you. She is not only your daughter,but also mine. Dad.- Yes. Mansi, is going to become a mother. Stay blessed, dear. Did you see, your daughterhas brought so much happiness? Please be happy now. Uncle. Give double bonusto all the employees. 'Happiness' has come home.So that the happiness doubles itself. Arrange a party andinvite everyone. Absolutely.- Dear, today, it's a day ofimmense happiness. Today, there should be happinesson the faces, not gloom. Sing and dance. I mean, party. Enjoy. "I am A for apple, L for lightening,S for smooth, R for rocking." "From A to Z, I am awesome." "I create a ruckus wherever I go." "I look like an angelfrom the heaven," "I rule over everybody's heart." "I am smooth as cream and butter,like a piece of Tandoor." "Let everybody know I am awesome." "Hot desserts and rocking youth.Come darling, taste it a bit." "there is nothing likethe taste of mine" "Come and enjoy, my darling." "Many have lost their sleep,many have lost their senses,.." "..and many are restless. Oh God." "Hottie and naughty, ice creamchocolatey, everyone wants it greedily." "I am the queen of the dreams.I am favorite of everyone's heart." "I am juicy and spicy,can intoxicate with my eyes." "I become size zero.I am the moonlight of the sky." "When I stretch,then there is a curfew all round." "There is revelry everywhere." "Darling, your moves, mesmerizes." "You are juicy as mango." "Let me taste,the sweet from your lips." "Many have lost their sleep,many have lost their senses,.." "..and many are restless. Oh God." "Hottie and naughty, ice creamchocolatey, everyone wants it greedily." "Don't treat me like a bulbul.I am the pride of beauty." "Accidents occur when I pass by." "I am such a cyclone." "Don't treat me like a thing." "I can bring a storm, with my eyes." "I am an ocean of beautya path for fun." "I can take a life away in a moment." "You are glamour,there is nobody like you." "You are so beautiful, your eachand every move is deadly." "Many have lost their sleep,many have lost their senses,.." "..and many are restless. Oh God" "Hottie and naughty, ice creamchocolatey, everyone wants it greedily." Come on, dear.- No, I don't want to come. Come on. You are.- Please. What happened?- What happened? Dad. All of you stay here,go and sit there. I will check. Please. Calm down, dear. Calm down. Gagan, I heard dad was shot.Where is he? Operation is on, sir.- Operation? This is my hospital,and I am the one who operates. After all who is operating him? Stop. Stop. Stop dear, stop,there is danger there. Wait. Wait dear. Dad. Hey, stop. Sorry, please. Are you mad? What is it? What are you doing? Sorry, forgive me. Gagan, dad is there. Brother? Brother, I will be back in a moment. Keep breathing. No. Hey, you had saidyou will kill me on sighting. Look, you are standing in a morgue. I have just started,not ended. You will not shed tears fromyour eyes, but only blood. Come on, let's go. Gagan, they have taken Sweety away. Dad! I had told you, if your daughterwould be my daughter-in-law, my prestige would be enhanced. But, you served me leftovers. And to pick by this muck,you sent that boy. To openly auction, my honor,my reputation, my pride. You used him to taint the honorof my family. My daughter killed herself tosave my honor but you disgraced it. What should I do to you? You can kill dad and me,but spare Gagan and his family. Please.- What? Should I spare the one,who has dishonored me? Brother, throw this away. You are alive today,because of him. This is her love. Don't kill her. Pawar! I had no complaints, till she wasthe daughter in law of my house. But the day,she held the hand of that boy, for me she became a whore. I will not spare her. Move away! Sir, please don't killmy daughter, leave her. Stop it brother,it will be disastrous. Kill her. Sir, please. Stop it. Finish her off. Stop it brother, I said stop it. Kill her! Dad had said,Sweety should never cry. You all made her cry. Now I won't spare anyone. Come on, hit me. What did you say?My love is a lie? If there is a problem in life,people don't give up their life. They give up their love,but I am not one of them. When I have loved,I will stand by it fully. The way I loved my mother,my father and my brother. I will love her the same way. I have promised,that I will never let her cry. For that even if I have to kill,or cut or do whatever. Nobody can even dare to touch her. Today, you made her cry. Today everyone will die. Each and every one.Come on. How dare you! Hey, come on, come on.- Come on! Hey!- Hey. You said you will killmy whole family? If you have the guts,touch me and see. Whenever devils like youare born in this world, people like meare born to kill them. If I can give up my life for love,I can also take life. And today, I will take your life. Hey! Pride gives life,and love takes life. So, which is greater? You think your honor,pride, reputation, your wealth and luxury is life? Do you know what my life is? The love of my family. So, which is greater? Just to kill this girl, you unitedwith your son's murderer? Where is your pride?What are you arrogant for? Go, I spare you. Come with me. Uncle, are you fine?- Hey, dear. Brother.- Don't look behind. Look ahead so many peoplehave come to meet you. Go and meet them.They are all your own. Come on. Are you fine?- Nothing happened to me. Daughter.- Yes. Should I write your nameas Sweety on the wedding cardor something else? Tell me if you havesomething else on your mind. What? Sweety.- That's awesome. Sweety, is such a sweet name. 


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