Hello everyone I'm Jervis I wan to say nothing

Anya and Kai: The Last Scavengers

  Sure, here is a story I wrote: The year is 2042. The world is a very different place than it was just a few decades ago. Climate change has caused widespread devastation, and many major cities have been abandoned. The global economy has collapsed, and there is widespread poverty and hunger. In this new world, a new kind of hero has emerged: the scavenger. Scavengers are people who travel from place to place, searching for anything of value that can be traded or sold. They are often seen as dangerous and unpredictable, but they are also essential to the survival of those who live in the ruins of the old world. One such scavenger is a young woman named Anya. Anya is tough and resourceful, and she has learned to survive in a world that is often hostile to those who are not strong enough. She has also learned to trust her instincts, and she knows that sometimes the only way to survive is to be willing to take risks. One day, Anya is scavenging in an abandoned warehouse when she finds...

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 Studying English requires a lot of listening, grammar, vocabulary, speaking,idioms and expressions, and sometimes you don't know how. Well, don't worry, todayI'm gonna teach you the 30 Day Study Plan. Welcome to Speak English with Tiffani. I am teacher Tiffani, let's jump right in. All right, the first thing you need to do is to prepare three different journals.

The first journal isyour study notes journal. The second journal is youressay writing journal. And the third journal isyour vocabulary journal. Now, remember I said this is a 30 day plan and as you look at this calendar, each week is broken downby different colors. Now, you'll also see that on each day, there's a different color. Now, these colors represent the intensity and also the type of studyingyou'll be doing on that day. So, let's jump right intothe first week, okay. Now, each week, again, likeI said, has different topics. So, let's say, for your first week, the topic you want tochoose is maybe food. Again, it's up to you,maybe you wanna talk about or learn more vocabularywords and expressions that deal with food. And let's say, for the second week, you decide that you want tochoose the topic of politics. Maybe that's what you'reinterested in, okay. So, for one week, you will focus on studying English related to politics. And, let's say, for the third week, remember, these are onlyexamples and you can change them. For the third week,let's say you wanna study vocabulary related to work, okay, related to office environmentor even your coworkers. You can pick job for this one, okay. And let's say for week number four, the topic I want tochoose is relationships.

 It can be family relationships,friend relationships, or any other type of relationship, okay. So, I can choose that formy fourth topic, okay. So, again, remember, thefirst thing you want to do is pick a topic for each week, okay. All right, now, let'slook at week number one. Now, what you'll noticehere on this screen is that each day, yes it hasa color associated with it, but you'll also notice thatthere is a different title for each day, these titles, again, represent the intensity,okay, the intensity of that day's study,okay, and you'll notice on the seventh day, there is a break. Now, let me explain it like this, remember, your brain, when you're studying you have to think of yourbrain kind of like a muscle, okay, a muscle that needs to grow. But, just like when someoneexercises their bodies, you have to give your body rest days. Just like that, you needto also give your brain rest days, which is whyyou have a break day, a relax day, and a medium day, but you also have a day where you go hard. It means you study very hardand the lessons are intense. So, let's look at this in more detail. All right, so day one, once again, day one is hard, okay. Now, as you'll see, it's brokenup into a 60 minute period, okay, 60 minute period. So, for the first 20 minutes, what you're gonna dois focus on vocabulary. Okay, you're gonna spend 20 minutes focused on learning 10words and sentences. Now, don't worry, I'mgonna go into more detail about each part of this, okay. All right, the next 20 minutes is going to be focused on memorization and dictation, okay.

 Then the next 15 minutesis focused on writing, okay, you're gonna getpractice with your writing, and also the last 5 minutes isfocused on reading out loud. Now, this is what I want us to do. Let's look at it alittle bit closer, okay. So, again, day one,you've chosen your topic. The first thing on theleft is the vocabulary. Okay, the three things you need to do are first, find 10 vocabulary words related to your topic, okay, you can look in a dictionary, you can look online, wherever you need to to find vocabulary wordsrelated to your topic. Next, you're going towrite the definitions in your vocabulary journal. Remember, we talkedabout your journal, okay. And finally, you're going to find one sentence for each word and write it in yourvocabulary journal, okay. All right, now, the nextthing we're gonna do is the memorization and dictation. For this part, there's two things. You're gonna memorize the10 dictionary sentences that you did in the vocabulary portion and you're gonna time yourself to make sure you canmemorize them in 20 minutes. This is very important,remember this is the hard day. So, you're gonna really have to study hard and it's intense, okay. Next is the writing,so, you're gonna write one sentence for eachof the vocabulary words in your vocabulary journal. Remember, I said, we'regonna use the journals a lot throughout this 30 day study plan. Then, remember to follow the same pattern from the dictionary sentences. So, for example, if the sentence is, I love to eat delicious food, only change one word. You can say, I love toeat delicious pancakes. In only changed one word because delicious was myvocabulary word, okay. And last, choose only oneor two words to replace. I just gave you an example andthat's what we're following. All right, and last, read out loud. Remember, you need to readthe sentences you wrote two times out loud, okay. 

 Make sure to be able toread all of them twice within two minutes, soyou're gonna time yourself for this portion, okay,all right, great job. Now, let's keep moving on, all right. Day number two, relax. Remember I said theintensity is gonna change depending on the day andday two is a study day, but not as intense. Now, it still requires 60 minutes, but the first 45 minutes isfor listening and watching. So, you're gonna spend 45 minutes focused on listening and watching, and then the last 15 minutesis focused on review. So, let's look at thisa little closer, okay. So, again, the first partis listening and watching. Now, remember, you canalways click the link in the description todownload this study plan, so don't worry, it'sright in the description, the link to this study plan,the free download, okay. All right, so listening and watching. The first thing is find a YouTube video, a drama, a movie, or apodcast about the topic. Remember, my topic wasfood, so I can go to YouTube and look up YouTube videos about food. But make sure they'realways in English, okay. The key is, don't stress, enjoy it. The purpose of this day is to literally take in information without stressing, similar to how babieslearn their mother tongue, whether it be English orSpanish or French or Korean, they don't sit down and write notes, they just listen a lot andtake in the information. That is your focus for today. And last, once again, remember to relax.

 I will wanna say thatpoint over and over again because many of mystudents have come to me explaining how difficultit is to study English. Sometimes your brain needs a break, okay. And then, the review,let's go on to the review. What you're gonna do is review the previous day'swords and definitions, okay. And you're also going toreview the sentences you wrote for each of the words, okay. You're going to kind of do a recap, recap just means to review, all right. Okay, let's keep going. Now we gonna move on to day three. Day three is medium, okay,so, it's not high intensity but it's also not low intensity. It's right in the middleand this is split up into two 30 minute periods, all right. The first period is forcomprehension and reading and the second period is for writing. So, we're touching all ofthe parts of English study. So, here we go, day three,comprehension and reading. What you're going todo is find two articles about the topic, remembermy topic was food. So, you can find the articles on Google, online, or if you havea book or a magazine, whatever you find, just make sure it's about your topic, okay. Now, next, this is important, you're going to readthe articles two times. You're gonna read them two times and if you have extratime, read them again. 

 Remember, your brain is amazing, it can take a lot of information in, so try to read them over quickly. Now, the next phase is the writing phase. You're going to write down the five Ws and the key point for each article in your study notes journal. So, let's pause really quick, remember, the five Ws, who, what,when, where, and why. If you need to brush upor review this lesson, click the link in thetop right of the screen where I explain it, okay. And after you have that, the key point is what you need to makesure you write down. And again, you're using yourstudy notes journal, okay. Then, after that, writedown 10 new vocabulary words from the articles inyour vocabulary journal. So, for day three you'reusing both journals. Your study notes journal and your vocabulary journal, okay. All right, so, let's keep going now. All right, the lady justmoved a little later, but we're gonna keep going. All right, so, now we're gonnamove on to day number four. Day number four is hard, that means high intensity, all right,so our 60 minute period is broken up into threedifferent sections. The first 25 minutes isfor speaking and dictation. The second 25 minutes is forwriting and memorization. And the last part is for review. So, again, I'll go intodetail, don't worry. So, for the speaking and dictation, the first you're gonna do is find a TED Talk or video on your topic, okay, othervideos are also okay, but I've found that TED Talks are really helpful for English learners because they include the transcripts and they speak very welland very clearly, okay. All right, next, write three sentences from the talk in your study notes journal. Now, remember, it doesn'tmatter which sentences they are. You can write any sentencesyou want from the talk. Now, the purpose of this is, you're going to practice saying them until you get the same paceas the speaker in the video. 

 Now, this may take a little bit, but try to do it twice andif you need to do it more, you can, you're tryingto improve your fluency and your pronunciation, okay. Now, the next thing iswriting and memorization. Remember, this is a 25minute period as well. You're gonna write threeunknown expressions or idioms from the video inyour study notes journal, okay. You're gonna also write the definitions. So, remember, the first 25 minutes was for dictation andpronunciation practice, only with three sentences. The second 25 minutes is specifically for learning new expressions. Remember, it's important to only do three because you don't wantto try to do too much and then you'll get discouraged. So, stick with three. And then you're gonnawrite your own examples, this is why this day is medium intensity, because you have to think hard to come up with yourown examples, all right. And finally, for the last10 minutes is the review. Review the sentences andvocabulary from day three, okay. Again, you need to refresh your memory from what you did the previous day. All right, great, excellent job. Now, we're gonna moveon to day number five. Now, day number five is the relax day. It doesn't mean not study at all, but it gives your brain a chance to relax. And this is the writing day. Now, don't worry, it'swriting for a good reason so. For this one, you're gonnawrite about your day. Start from the morning,then go to the afternoon, and finally write about your evening. Use your essay writing journal, okay, this is your third journal again, okay. Use your essay writing journal to write about your day, okay. All right, now, let's keep going. So, for day six, now we'regoing back to medium. Day six, again, mediumlevel intensity, all right. It's broken up into two 30 minute periods. 

 The English book is the first 30 minutes. Now, this is where it gets quite unique. This study plan is greatbecause it's specifically for you as an individual. On day six, you're goingto find an English book of your choice, again,I'll tell some more. The last 30 minutes is writing. So, here we go, a little bit more detail. So, the English book portion. First thing you do ischoose one English book of your choice, it can be about grammar, expressions, idioms,vocabulary, or anything, but it must be aboutEnglish learning, okay. Next, you're gonna studyone lesson from the book, or more if you have time,but I suggest only one to not overwhelm you, okay. So, maybe Grammar and Use is one book that I really tell students to look at, Grammar and Use is a great book or you can choose one of my books as well, How to Make Long Sentences in English, How to Pass an English Interview, or even How to Pass IELTS Speaking. It's up to you, just pickone English book, okay. And then you're gonna make sure you understand the concepts well. You have 30 minutes to go over one lesson. That means you can go overit more than one time. Then, after that, you go tothe writing section, okay. Using the concept you learned from the lesson in the book, write about the topic for the week using your essay writing journal. Now, let me explain that, remember, my choice for week one,my topic, was food. Now, let's say the book I chose was How to Make Long Sentencesin English, my eBook. Well, I'm gonna pick one lesson, so the lesson I studiedtoday from that book was about how to includewho, what, and when in your sentences, so nowI'm gonna go to my food topic and make a sentence using that lesson.

 This is gonna be excellent for improving your ability to speak and to also assess information and to apply informationthat you learn, okay. Now, the next thing is, this is important because it helps you learnhow to organize your thoughts and connect the things you learned. This is exactly what I said before. This is why this day isso important, all right. Now, let's go to the final day, day seven. The final day for this week. The break, now, this day is when you take a break. You don't have to do anything. Relax and simply enjoy your day. What happens, remember,the brain is like a muscle when you're exercising in the gym. This will give you brain a chance to let everything you learned over the past six days sink in or soak in, okay. Soak in means to go in completely, okay. To go in completely. Think about a sponge, all right. Think about a sponge that you use when you clean the kitchenor you clean something else. The water that comes down goes inside of these holes and it soaks in completely, okay. That's what's happening on day seven. Just relax, okay. So, now, the first week we've completed. We've completed eachstage, hard, relax, medium, hard, relax, medium, take a break. Now, what's happening actually is it's the same pattern for each week. Week number two, week number three, and week number four allhave the same pattern. 


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