Hello everyone I'm Jervis I wan to say nothing

Anya and Kai: The Last Scavengers

  Sure, here is a story I wrote: The year is 2042. The world is a very different place than it was just a few decades ago. Climate change has caused widespread devastation, and many major cities have been abandoned. The global economy has collapsed, and there is widespread poverty and hunger. In this new world, a new kind of hero has emerged: the scavenger. Scavengers are people who travel from place to place, searching for anything of value that can be traded or sold. They are often seen as dangerous and unpredictable, but they are also essential to the survival of those who live in the ruins of the old world. One such scavenger is a young woman named Anya. Anya is tough and resourceful, and she has learned to survive in a world that is often hostile to those who are not strong enough. She has also learned to trust her instincts, and she knows that sometimes the only way to survive is to be willing to take risks. One day, Anya is scavenging in an abandoned warehouse when she finds...

Mantram Full Story Horror Story

 Hello  everyone good morning have a good day 

This story is Horror
I am Raghav Surya. All of us have been discussingthis for several years.. ..but we haven't arrivedat a decision till date. We still haven't learned the truth. Did you guess what I am talking about? That's right.God. Ghosts. Spirits. Poltergeist. We have heard of these sincechildhood but we don't know the facts. So, what are the facts? We shall discuss it todayon TV 29 to find out about it.. ..on our specialprogram 'Ghost and God.' My dear viewers,we are about to begin our program. Here with us to participatein our program are some special guests. Specialists and experts.Let's welcome them. Mr. Kumar Patil, for yearswe have heard words such as God.. ..ghost,spirit, poltergeist and demons.. ..but so far haven'tarrived at a conclusion. As a scientist whatdo you have to say about it? Well, from the point of viewof science I do not believe in it. All I have to sayis that this is a sham. Okay. So according to youall these things are falsehoods. That's right. Absolutely.- Alright. Okay, Mr. Muthootswami,Kumar Patil says these are falsehoods. You are a senior astrologer.I'm sure you have an opinion about this. Please share it with us.All of us are very eager. Look, science only understandsthings only as far as light spreads. Science cannot do anything beyond that. To understand things beyond that.. ..it is imperative man hasspiritual and psychic knowledge. Look, science is not requiredto understand Ghosts, spirits and God. Okay, okay. I shall talk to you later,Mr. Muthootswami. Please shed some light, Mr. Madhukumar. Life is the ultimate truth. But I cannot comment on theghosts and spirits shown in films.. ..nor have I ever seen it. Whenwe die our final rites will take place. That is the only fact and Itotally believe in that. That's all. Okay. So, you are saying you willremain as you are. - Yes, of course. ..of the guests in our studio.. Viewers, just now youheard the various opinions.. ..but if we set aside these opinions.. ..the videos which have goneviral on social media these days.. ..suggest a different story. To learn the facts about thesevideos we shall present them to you. Let's take a look. That's it, viewers.You have seen the video clips just now. Let's ask our guests what theiropinions are after seeing these clips. Mr. Muthootswami, as an astrologerwhat do you have to say about it? I do not like discussing this.. ..but along with GodI believe in spirits too. So you claim this is absolutely true. Viewers, you heard what he said.Mr. Muthootswami believes in this. That's why TV 29 undertookthis sting operation.. ..and we are conductingspecial research on this subject. Just what is it? Let's take a look. When did I betray you, God?Just when did I betray you? Whether it is the fullmoon or the new moon.. ..can't I even take your name and drink? You have 16000 girlfriends.You can have them. Did I ever complain? I never got even one girl.My father is not an evil man. He will surely get me married. My father will send me ona honeymoon too. Just wait and watch. Brother, when a girl hasa tummy she is married off.. ..but when a boy hasa tummy he is called uncle. Lose the tummy first. Thenthe girls will automatically chase you. Everyone in this worldhas their own set of problems. Mr. Bhatt is concerned about Bollywood. The leaders areconcerned about strikes.. ..and he is concerned about his... You are concerned about girls.What is your concern, bro? What else could it be?This Romeo must have called his Juliet. She must have hung up mistakingit for a wrong number. And this ass must be sittinghere in the sun thinking about that. This is the story of a broken heart. "Mamu!" "Mamu. Mamu." "Mamu. Mamu." "Mamu." "Mamu." "Mamu." "Mamu." "What is this, mamu? What is this?" "What is this, mamu? What is this?" "She has a smile that steals the heart." "She has a smile that steals the heart." "Welcome, baby.Welcome, baby. Welcome, baby." "Welcome, baby.Welcome, baby. Welcome, baby." "Yo baby. Yo baby. Yo, yo, yo, baby." "Yo baby. Yo baby. Yo, yo, yo, baby." "Yo baby. Yo baby. Yo, yo, yo, baby." "Yo, yo, yo, yo!Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, baby." "I will be ashamedwhen I go to college." "I will fight, get in a conflictand assaulted with a slipper and die." "When you call me I will come for you." "I will do the hip hop for you." "I will. I will. I will do everything." "I will. I will. I will do everything." "I am here for you.I am crazy about you" "I will not stop chasing you.I am very obstinate." "I pray to God I get you." "I pray to God I get you." "If you say yes now I shallget married to you right here and now." "I will bring big roses for you.Big. Big. Big. Big." "Big. Big. Big." "I will bring the moon and stars." "Big. Big. Big." "I will bring the moon and stars." "Big. Big. Big." "I will bring the moon and stars." "Big. Big. Big." "Your magic is working.I have lost control on my heart." "Her walk is magical.Her smile is magical." "The man who marriesher will be very lucky." "Yes. Yes." "Hail Lord Ayyappa!" "Ayyappa!" "Let's have some lyrics with the music." "She will become partner of..." "There will be no problems.That is guaranteed." "Guaranteed. Guaranteed." "Her birth chart is good.She will bring much joy." "Don't waste time givingconsideration to caste and creed." "She is the shadow of night.She is the light of the moon." "Moonlight. Moonlight." "The trials of time willmove in accordance with her." "Trials. Trials. Trials." "Come on!" "Baby coming, mamu." "Mamu. Mamu." "Mamu. Mamu." "Tell us, tell us, Mamu." "Tell us, tell us, Mamu." "Tell us, tell us, Mamu." "Tell us, tell us, Mamu." "What is this, mamu? What is this?" "What is this, mamu? What is this?" "What is this, mamu? What is this?" "What is this, mamu? What is this?" "Bye-bye, baby.Bye-bye, baby. Bye-bye, baby." "Bye-bye, baby.Bye-bye, baby. Bye-bye, baby." Brother. Who are you talking to?- My mother. If my mother finds out Iam going out with friends like you.. ..she will yell at me. What did you say? Damn you! Damn you! Die! Die!Die! - Don't hit me. Leave me alone. Why are you sitting there so quiet? Any problem?- What's the matter with you? Please say something, buddy.Why are you silent? It's nothing, buddy.Just a small concern. I received a call just now.That's why I don't wish to go home. Why don't you guys go? Happy journey. I shall miss you very much.- Tell us what the matter is first. After that we will decidewhether or not we want to go. 'My family is very entertaining.' 'The head of my family is my father.' 'And my mother is the eye of my family.' 450 sweets were prepared.. ..and 300 people hadattended the wedding. I kept this in mind and servedonly one sweet to everybody. So, 150 sweets should be left over.But where are they? 'This is my younger maternal uncle.We call him uncle Raghu.' Never mind the sweets. Hot lentil balls wereprepared early morning.. ..and this is the onlylentil ball that is left. 'This is my older maternal uncle.His name is Shyam.' 'He is always baffled by some account.' ... in the happyatmosphere of the wedding. 'He is the youngest maternal uncle.The heaviest man in the house.' 'Ever since my mother gotmarried they have lived at home.. ..like buy one and get three free.' 'Even their wives passedaway because of their outrage.' 'But the three of themare still residing in our house.' 'This is my sister. She cannot speakbut she wins hearts with her smile.' 'My sister Kalpana.Everyone loves her very much.. ..because she is sweet spoken. And the bright spot in our family.My oldest sister.' 'We got her marriedto the man she loves.' Son-in-law, I have a questionfor you before starting the game. We handed our preciousas gold daughter over to you. You must take care of her.- Yes, uncle. Not only is she precious as gold,she is my love too. The price of gold can come downbut my love for her will never lessen. Uncle, your daughter willbe happy with me all her life. I promise you that. Listen, son-in-law.I shall put this ring in this jar. The one who removes it firstwill be the head of the family. Come on. Remove it. Remove it. Remove it. Hurry up. You must remove it. Give it to me. Where is it? I see what's going on. I got a fright because of your mischief. It felt like all the noodleswill come out of my stomach. Come on. Come on. Stop talking. There are lots of choresthat have to be wrapped up. You come along too. Now these insects are also troubling us.- That's right. Firstly, a white cockroachhas come to the house. I'm not referring to you.I was referring to the cockroach. Okay. Six pack. Family pack.- What kind of talk is that? My biceps are bigger than his. Then why didn't she marry me? I can't believe this. That girl should have married me.. ..but she got married to you. Constipation. Brother. That's not constipation.It's congratulations. Yes. Yes. Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations! Where is your string? Oh, uncle! The string..? Son-in-law lost his string. Son-in-law lost his string?- Lost the string? Uncle, the string is not lost. I think the string must be in the room. If you don't have the string.. ..you won't have a wedding nightor any other night. Only good night. Look, my boy.Don't ever take off that string. Go and put it on. Alright. Where do I look for the string?The string has made my life hell. Brother-in-law, you wantthat string? - Yes. Well, it is in this house.Go and look for it. String? Something is not right. Okay. Is it a string ora bloody driving license? You want it? Not that. This string. I found it. Why would I need the stringnow that you are so close to me? Radha! I cannot endure this snoring.I cannot endure it anymore. On the one side he is sleepinglike Rahu sleeps on a new moon night.. ..and he is sleeping likeKumbhakarn on a moonlight night. I cannot endure your snores anymore. I bet this is the reason yourwives must have committed suicide. Radha. What? Is this the meaning of life? Love. Going out. Marriage and finally.. What else would it mean? This life is like an oceanwhile family is like a boat. The boat has to be rowedto the shore without fear. That is called life.. .and we call that shore content. Really? Anything else? Who could it be at this time? Who is knocking onthe door so late at night? Sanju, you have become quite a poet. Can you recite a poem for me? Please.- Poem? "Early every morning I have a new dream. "There is some joy and some fear in it." "If you fear your dream thenyou will have to live a life of fear." "Why fear when I am with you?" "Another name for love is you and I." It was very good. Thank you, darling. Did you understand the poem I recited? Yes. You said that our love is amazing! You idiot!That was not at all what I said. I see. You are the one sketchingmy picture and tossing it everywhere. Why are you staringat me in that manner? This is a dream wehave early in the morning. It means that we havea lot of dreams at night.. ..but we don't rememberit when we wake up in the morning. We call it a fake dream.Do you understand? It is small but it is boring. Why is it morning so soon? Still we wake up in themorning and go to work, right? Look, this is how life runs. And this is how we haveto spend our lives. Of course. And I will share mydaily activities with you. How are you?What are you doing? What's going on? We shall take care of eachother and remain together till we die. This is called life.- Oh, you! This Jane come lately is scaring me. What shall I do to escape this fear? There is only one solutionto forget her. Eating something. In any case it is 3 AM,so I am famished. Even the toys in thishouse are scaring me now. Anyway. I want to eat ice-cream. Today we spent ourfirst night together.. ..and we are starting a new life. Don't you have anything to say about it? I have these strange feelings. - Really? Tell me. Tell me. What are you feeling? Just that you are madefor me and I am made for you. Our children are made for us.. - Wow! And we are made for our children. When we are spending our lives.. Radha? Radha? Son-in-law. What's the matter? Radha. What's the matter with Radha?- Radha. Radha. What's the matter with Radha? Radha? Radha? What's the matter, my dear? Looki, brother.Your sister is like a sister to us. We will surely finda solution for your problem. That's right, buddy. Do not worry.All of us are with you. Get up, buddy. Let's go. We have arrived. Oh! What's this?I see lemon and chilies upon arrival. This seems strange.- Hey! Why are you stressing over it? When the entry is so grandthe picture should be fantastic. This is our village.All this land belongs to us. Do you see this house?Even this house belongs to us. Why have you broughtus to this haunted house? You are going to get a beating! - Silly! Let's go. Mother. I hope you are okay, son.- Yes, mother. I am good. These are my friends.- Greetings, aunty! All of them are in College with me. Very well, son.I am going to the temple now. All of you go and freshen up.- Okay, aunty. Okay, aunty. Hi.- Hi. Hi. Let me introduce you.These two are my sisters. This is Kalpana and this is Kanchana. Hi. - Hi. These are my good friends.Manu. Pratap. Hi! - Hi! Well, I'm going down now. I wantto introduce them to the others as well. Shall we?- Yes, yes. Let's go. Let's go. Yes, let's go. Bye. Bye. Bye. - Bye. This is Kalpana and that is Kanchana. Lord knows what Nagvalli will be like. Hi, Chintu. - Hi, bro. Who are they? Who is this, buddy? This characterdid not exist in your story. This is my older uncle's son.- Oh! After my aunt passed away, he wassent to boarding school. - Yes. He has come for the summer vacation. Bro, now I shall introducethem to the rest of the family. Take care. Follow me. Dad. They are brother Dillu's friends.- Hi! Come on! Uncle, don't put sucha big pencil in your ear. Your eardrums will rip. It is free advice, uncle. Let's go. Let's go. Look. The... our family has appeared. Son, you are the only onewho will bring pride to your uncle.. ..not just in this villagebut in the entire world. Uncle.- Yes. They are brother Dillu's friends.- I see. His name is big kakaand his name is small kaka. Kaka? - Do not worry, son. He just means his dad's brother. Oh!- Follow me, guys. If kaka is uncle and you arethe older uncle you are pee. Gross! Come on. Come on. This is your room.Come out after you've had a bath. Go. Go. Chintu. Aren't you going to the temple?- Hey, I don't go to the temple. Won't you go either, uncle? Is this the age to go to temples.Nonsense. You go. If I see your faceearly morning, I won't get food. Aren't you coming?- No, I won't come. You look like a kidnapper.- Let go. Let go. Let go. Nephew, don't be friendly with them.. ..else they will kidnap you anddemand a ransom of ten million rupees. Keep licking or youwill become weak like me. Swami, we got our daughtermarried a few days ago.. ..but bizarre incidents havebeen taking place in our house since. We need some help fromyou with regards to that, swami. Please suggest a solution. You must help us, swami.- That's right, swami. Listen to me. This is not an evil spirit. If it was an evil spirit, yourdaughter could not enter this temple. I have a way of finding outif she is possessed by an evil spirit.. ..or a divine spirit.We shall try it out. Look, we have experimented on you. Now you must go to mount Sanjivani. Do you know a spirit doesnot have any defined shape? You must talk to thesespirits on mount Sanjivani. You must learn their ways. But bear in mind, your life couldbe at risk when talking to the spirits. I still have lots toachieve in my life, buddy. Where are you takingme so late at night? Even we have wishes. Walk in silence. But what if we diebefore getting out of here? No worries, bro.I shall die and turn into a ghost. Then I shall come to your weddingand scare you on your wedding night. What does a spirit look like?- There is no such thing as a spirit. People who are possessedhave been abandoned over here. We have to ask them for the solution.Keep moving. Man! Boys our age enjoythemselves in clubs.. ..and you are takingus around in this jungle. I am trapped. I am doomed! Stop! It feels like wehave arrived at a graveyard. Don't leave me. Stop! This is a new moon night. You guys better leave beforeanything untoward happens. Else all of you will get killed.. ..or you will turn intoa feast for wild animals. Go! Go away! We are in great trouble.We have come here to meet with spirits. Please help us. Look! Tis is the place whereall the spirits are found. Go over there and tellthem your problem. Go on! "A bombshell stole my heart." "Lovely. Lovely." Brother. Brother. Brother. What is it? What is the matter with you? Nothing. You guys were asleepand I thought I should check. Check what? Are you insane?- Be quiet and get some sleep. Look. There is no spiritor ghost over here.. ..still I am petrified. Will you pay heedto one thing I tell you? Yes, what is it? Tell us. Let's play a game of spirits. Let's all summon thespirits in our own way, okay. What kind of a game is this? It is very simple.It is a sensible game. I am number one when it comes to sense.You are number two. You are number threeand you are number four. We shall summon thespirit in our own style. Who knows? It might really appear. And the spirit will approachthe one whose style it likes the best. You call that a game? What if the spirit really appears? Why don't you begin?- Okay, I shall begin. Alright? Start. "Come. Come.Come here, all you spirits." "If you come, I shall leave from here." Hello. Did the spirit come?- It will come. It will come.It will come. Be a little patient. Everything happens gradually. Okay? "Come. Come."- Stop! "Co.." - It will never comeif you call it in that manner. I shall summon it in my style.- Okay, you summon it. You. You know how letters are written. Dear spirits. Care of mount Sanjivani. Hello. Stop this nonsense. Thereis neither a spirit or a ghost here. Listen. The swami sentus here to look for you. I have a request.My sister means the world to me. Just as her life was improvinga divine power or spirit possessed her. Please help us. Take this mud with you. Go and put it on theaffected person's head. Everything will be okay. But bear in mind, nobody isto turn around while taking it away. Else you will be personallyresponsible for your death. Save me. Save me. Save.. Manu! He disappeared. Manu! Run! Manu! Radha! Radha! Radha! Radha. Hey, Radha. You cannot come tothe place where I live! Go away from here! Go! Go! I cannot do this anymore. Go and abandon yoursister on the mountain. ..else all of us will getkilled someday. - Hey! What kind of talk is that?He is already in great distress. Keep your mouth shut.He got killed yesterday. You will be killed tomorrowand then you wait and watch. All of us will be killed. Nothing will happen to you guys. It is my responsibilityto bring him back as well. I don't want to trouble you guys.I shall do this alone. Look. We are only hereto find a solution for this. We will not leave untilthis problem is averted. Sorry, buddy.- It's okay, buddy. Do not worry. Look! Someone has fallen over there. Manu. Manu. - Manu. Manu. Manu. - Manu. Go away!- No! Go away!- No! No! I shall go inside! I will not spare you.- I will surely go in. This is my house.- You cannot stop me. Go. Go away from here!- No! Go away!- No! Go away from here!- No! (Prayer) Who are you? Tell me. Who are you? Who are you? Tell me. Who are you? Tell me or the consequenceswill be very bad. I am over here! Hey! Who are you? Who are you? Tell me or I will burn you to ashes. Tell me. Who are you? You will burn me?You will burn me to ashes? Go and take a good lookat yourself in the mirror. You don't know who I am?I will burn you into ashes. You have come to burn me? (Prayer) Munna. Munna. Munna. Munna. Hey! You cannot harm us evenif you chant the mantras. This is our house. This is our house. Your mantras are useless. You want to send us out? No! Never! That is impossible! Look. This is our house. You want to.. ..remove us from our house? If will suspend you fromthe roof if you try to remove us. Go away! Get out! Go far away! If even one tearspills out of his eyes.. ..then blood will spillfrom your eyes. Get it? This is my house. Not onlycan you not remove us from this house.. ..even God cannot removeus from this house. So, who do you think you are? Radha. Radha. Radha. Radha. Radha. Sanju. Sanju. Sanju. Sanju. "Time will conform." "Let everything you say be an ode." "The test of time will come." "Be a little patient." "Don't ever let your hopes shatter." "Rely on your mind then." "Rely on your mind then." "Shiva will change the outcome." "When the greetingcomes from the heart." "Sorrow will change into happiness." "Two hearts reunite in love." "If we have to live then why be afraid?" "We have to get togetherto confront life." "The life that you've givenus cannot surrender to hardship." "I offered it to you." "I offered it to you." "I offered it to you." "I offered it to you." "We cannot lose now." "Listen to me, dear companion." "We cannot lose now." "Listen to me, dear companion." "We still have hope." "Our complaint will be addressed." "Have courage." "This moment that hascome will be averted." (Prayer) I asked you two to comehere for a crucial reason. I have seen a power that I'venever before encountered in my life. And I need help fromboth of you to capture it. Priest, every beingon this earth has problems. God has created the problems.Can't we find a solution? Baba, there is asolution for everything. Even when Jesus had to endure problems.. ..we human beings aren't above him. Please tell us your problem, guru.We will help you in any way we can. That's why I asked bothof you to come at the same time. I truly have never seen sucha mysterious power in all my life. Neither is it a ghost or a spirit. It is a very weirdand inexplicable power. The entire family is in its grasp. I don't know whether it is good or evil. We must gain control overthat power to save all of them. Not only that.Ever since Radha and Sanju got married.. ..bizarre incidentshave taken place daily. Guru, if you feel thisis a very big problem.. ..then I'm sure it mustbe a very powerful demon. Let's get togetherand teach it a lesson. This is not as simpleas you think it is. That's because it doesnot have a defined shape. It can possess anybody at any time. It even has the powerto scare divine powers. This time we must unite to capture it. Guru, aside from being Jesus' follower,as a psychologist.. ..I would like to know everythingabout that incident in detail. Tell me in detail the sequence ofevents that took place in that house.. ..so that I may help you in every way. Now I shall make that demonrealize the power of this Baba. It was very dark that night, father. I was about to sleepbut I couldn't fall asleep. I was in a terrible state due to fear. I couldn't even havebreakfast for two days. I could not eat or sleep. So much so, I couldn't goto the toilet for two days, father. Two whole days. (Prayer) Write the names of all the membersof your family and bring it to me. Okay, baba. Who are you?Where are you? What do you want? Who are you? Come forth. Why are you troubling these people? Come forth wherever you are! Get out! Go away! Leave this house! ..for the troubles in this house.. You must be thinkingyour daughter is responsible.. ..but your daughteris not at all responsible. There has been oneproblem after another.. ..ever since you performedworship in this house. The father has also gatheredall the information with regards to it. That's right. I wish to tellyou that your daughter Radha.. ..is not cause for everythingthat's going on in your house. It is in fact your son-in-law Sanju. What are you saying? Yes, it is absolutely true. The day your daughter Kanchana wentto look for your son-in-law's string.. ..Kanchana came faceto face with your son-in-law. Kanchana told you this at the time. Kanchana tried herbest to explain to you.. ..but you did not believe her. What you saw when you first cameto this village was not black magic. It was a part of people's superstitions. To be free of their sins peopleoften leave things where 3 roads meet. The other day when your youngerbrother-in-law was near the house.. ..he saw pictures of all the membersof the family flying in the air.. ..and he thought your youngerdaughter Kalpana had done it. ..that have possessed your son-in-law. But those pictures weremade by the evil spirit.. When these boys brought themud from mount Sanjivani the other day.. ..and were about to putit on your daughter's head.. ..your daughter attackedthem at that time. The power had possessedher at that time. Actually, she had noidea when it possessed her. When you brought yourfriend home from the jungle.. ..the evil power hadpossessed him at the time. But your sister's power preventedthat power from entering your house. It fled the momentswami reached over there. The fact is the evil powerfled because of your sister's powers. Despite all this knowledgewe still haven't figured out one thing. We still don't know whetherthis power wants to protect you.. ..or if it wants to harm you. But this power only possessesyour daughter and your son-in-law. That means surely thereis some connection.. ..between your daughter,son-in-law and that power. So, neither you or norelse need worry about it. We have made all thepreparations to capture it. All of you can rest easy. Hey, demon! Tell me. Tell me who you are. Tell me. What do you want? Release me. (Prayer) Sanju. Sanju. (Prayer) Damn you, demon! Eeine meenie miney mo. Catch a bad chick by her toe. If she holla.. ..if, if, if she holla.. ..let her go. You are finished. You're finished. You are finished. Damn you, demon!You will not be spared now. Who are you? Tell me who you are! Who are you? Tell me who you are! Tell me! Tell me!- I'll tell you. Tell me!- Release me. I'll tell you. Hey, Dhwani. Dhwani, my dear. What are you doing? Look. Dad is back. Are you upset becausedad got home late today? You don't talk to me. You won't talk to dad? No, I don't want to talk to you. I refuse to talk to you, dad. If you don't talk tome your dad will be hurt. Will it make you happyif dad is depressed? Dad is crying. Please, dad. Don't cry. I will talk to you, dad. You will talk to me? Okay. Alright, my dear. Let's eat food. Come. My dear daughter. Dad, hurry up. I am coming, my dear.There. I am here. Take that. Dad. What is it, my dear?- My school teacher said.. ..one should not believe men whocry and women who laugh, dad. And you were crying. So, you won't believe your dad?- I will believe you. Your teacher has no sense. That'swhy she teaches you such nonsense. How do people with nosense become teachers, dad? You are becoming even more mischievous. Naughty. Dad. - Yes, my dear. Do you love me very much, dad?- You mean the world to me, my dear. So, where is my mother? Far away somewhere in the sky. My teacher said peoplewho go far away die. Why didn't you die when mother died? When your mother went up, she lefther life here in Dhwani, that's you. That's why I am alive.- Dad, don't ever leave me. I will never leave you, my dear. Don't ever leave me even if I leave you. Please, dad.- Where would I go without you, dear? Dad. Do you know my teacherlooks just like mother? - Really? What is her name?- Why, dad? Why not? I'm sure she hasformed a bad opinion about you. That's why I shall lookfor her and thrash her. Dad. - Enough, naughty girl!Get some sleep now. Sleep. Dhwani, my dear.Aren't you ready as yet? The school bus will be here shortly. Come on. I'll get you ready. Dad. I don't want to go to school today. Take me out somewhere today, dad. Dhwani, today is the last day of school. You will get a 15-dayvacation after that. We will go on a trip.. ..and I shall get you chocolates,ice-cream and balloons over there. Is that a deal, dad?- Yes, it is a deal, my dear. Come on. Go to your mother's photo. Join your hands andseek her blessings. Alright? Okay? Go. Mother, you always stay in thisphoto and dad is always at the office. Mother, please telldad to always be with me. Let's go, Dhwani. The van is here.Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Here's your bag. Hold it. Bye.- Bye. Yeah! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Yeah! Yeah! Why are you standing here, Dhwani? Miss. - Why are you lookingat me in that manner? May I say something to you? You..- What about me? Look just like my mother. Really?- But my mother is no more. Miss, may I call you mother? Okay, my dear. But hereafterdon't ever say your mother is no more. I am like your mother, aren't I?- Mother. Good girl! The class bell has rung.Let's go now. Okay? Okay, mother.- Good girl! Good morning, children.- Good morning, miss! Do you know what I am goingto teach you today? - No, miss. I shall write everythingon the board today. Okay. You must repeat everything I say, okay? A for. - A for. Apple. - Apple. B for. - B for. Ball. - Ball. C for. - C for. Cat. - Cat. What is the sound of a cat? Meow. Meow. - Meow. Meow. Okay. D for. - Dog. Bow-wow. - Bow-wow. What is the sound of a dog?Let's say it together. Bow-wow. Bow.- Very good! Now you must write it all in your books. Okay? Come on. Bring your books out. Pawan. Pawan, why aren't you writing?Why are you quiet? I don't have a pencil. How can you forget to bring your pencil? Take this. Don't forget to bringyour pencil from tomorrow onwards. Hey! This is my pencil.- Hey! My mother gave you this pencil. It is mine. I won't give it to you. Miss gave it to me. Pawan? Pawan, what happened to you? Why are you crying?- Rani took my pencil. Rani, did you take his pencil?- No, miss. Then where did you get two pencils? Give it to me and stand up.You lied to me? Hello. Yes. What is it? What are you doing?- Please hold for a minute. You come here. Go. Stand at the back. Yes, tell me. What time will youcome and where are you? I am on the way.I'll be there shortly. Are you at school? Radha, I have to tell you something.- Hold on a minute. Children, put your headson the benches and rest. Yes. Tell me.- I have a surprise for you. Really? It is time for the children to rest.By what time will you get back? Come on! Come on, children!The bell has rung. Wake up. Move it! Move it! Get going! Move it! Move it! Move it! Move it! You got to go home. Move it! Do you know you get a varietyof ice-creams over there? I love the ice-creams there very much. Ma'am. Your purse. - Thank you. You're welcome. I am not thanking you. You haven'tdone anything for me to thank you. Tell me what time you will get here. Starting tomorrow I have 15 days off. If you cannot come,let me know where I must come. I shall come there. All the periods are over. I am off now. I am absolutely free for 15 days. I have been waiting for you for so long. Where are you? Where? You make me wait needlessly, Sanju. Hello? I'm waiting. Sanju. Sanju. Is that you?- Yes. Sanju. Mother. Sanju, this is a school. Surprise!- I was waiting for you for so long. If you make me wait up for youhereafter then.. - What then? Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Dad got a little lategetting home today.. ..but from tomorrowdad will be with you. Look at what I brought for you. Balloons, chocolates and ice-cream. Dhwani, my dear. Dhwani. Dhwani? Hey, Dhwani! Dhwani! Dhwani, my dear. Where are you? Dhwani? Dhwani? Dhwani? Hello.- Hello. Hello. This is Girish. Dhwani's father.- Yes, what is it? Did you bring Dhwanihome from school today? I dropped her off next to the house.All the kids got off. But.. But, Dhwani?- Even Dhwani got off. I personally helped her alight. Have you seen Dhwani, my girl?- No, I have not seen her. I see. Did Dhwani come to your house?- No, she didn't. Where could she have gone? Security.- Greetings, sir. What is the matter? Dhwani is an LKG student here.Is she still in school? All the children have gone home, sir.Ask the van driver. Okay. Dhwani. 'I don't want to talk to you.' 'I refuse to talk to you.' Dhwani. Dhwani. Hello.- Yes, Girish. What is it? Arjun. Dhwani. Dhwani? What happened to Dhwani? Dhwani hasn't returned home from school. Okay, don't panic. I'll be right there.- Hurry. Come quick. Please. Dhwani. Dhwani. Dhwani. Dhwani. Dhwani. Giri. - Yes. Giri, don't be afraid. - Yes. Dhwani won't come to harm. - Yes. She will return very soon. I have informed all the police stations. They are looking for her everywhere. Did you ask the van driver, thepeople in the vicinity of the school.. ..and the neighbors?- Yes, I asked everyone. But nobody knows a thing. Do not worry, buddy.She will surely be found. Hello. Yes. Tell me what happened. I don't want to know. I wantall the information within one hour. Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad, please come. Dad. Dad. Please, dad. Please come, dad. Dad. Please come, dad. Good afternoon, sir.- Yes. What is it? I need two days off.- You can't get an off now. It is a very urgent matter, sir. I shall return in two days. Okay. Hand the keys tothe factory guard when he comes. Thank you, sir. Dad. Dad. Dad. You got so late coming here, brother. I was waiting for you so long. Take the keys. I have locked up everything, okay. Just check everything once. I'm going. Please come here, dad. I am starving. Please, dad. Please, dad. I will not question you again, dad. Please, dad. Please, dad. What are you saying? It has been4 days since the child went missing. What do you mean youdon't have any information? I don't want any excuses.The girl must be found within 24 hours. Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad. I am hungry, dad. Dad, take me home. Uncle. Take me home. I want my dad, uncle. Take me away from here, uncle. Please, uncle. Please take me to my dad. Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad. I am hungry, dad. I bear no grudge for anyone. I miss mother very much. That's why I came here. If he had come here that day.. ..then I would have been alive, dad. That's why I am upset with him.. ..but mother likes him very much. That's why I cannot let go of him. He is not to blame for anything. That's why I will not let go of him. But I have many things to do. I willnot leave before doing those things. What else do you need to get done now? I have to change everything. Everything. I have to change everything. Uttar Pradesh. Madhya Pradesh.Kashmir. Delhi. Kanyakumari. Karnataka. Maharashtra. Rapesare taking place in several such places. Young children are beingtortured in such places. If anyone even thinksof doing such a thing.. ..his mother's voiceshould echo in his ears. Yes. Predators like thatshould be severely punished. ..and commit such blunderstime and time again. It must be changed. Yes, that should be changed. It must surely be changed. And I will surely change it. I wish to complete thisproject and telecast it. Although we aired this programto get more TRP than other channels.. ..but that is not the case now. For the first time we wantto raise our voices for justice. So viewers,this is the request of a spirit. We must bring a change in the laws.. ..but will therebe a change in the laws? In the entire state peopleare raising their voices against this. Everyone is in supportof the child's spirit. You can see that everyfaction of society.. ..be it men,women, the elderly or children.. ..all are raising their voices in unity. Listen. Go to school.- Yes. Bring the child's body here.- Yes, alright. Go. Hurry up. Go and bring the child's father here.- Okay, priest. So viewers, you can see for yourself.. ..that every faction ofsociety is supporting the priest.. ..to bring about a change in the law. If the priest succeeds, willthere really be a change in the law? To discuss this we have our expert, Mr.Jagdish Kumar.. ..a retired judge with us whois due to arrive at the studio soon. We shall discuss thiswith him in detail.. ..but we shall take a short break first. Dad. Hey. Hey. Dhwani? Sir? What is the matter, sir?- Sir. Sir. Let's go. Sir, a young child isfighting a battle for justice.. ..to beget justice for the young child. ..and all factions of society areraising their voices in their own way.. Everyone feels a big changeshould be made in the law. Do we have provision to bringabout a big change in the law? Any chances? What is your opinion as alaw consultant and retired judge? As per the laws of our country.. ..under no circumstancesshould the innocent be punished. Punishment is not metedout until the crime is proved. That is the law in India. So much so,offenders have the facility.. ..of making appeals to provetheir innocence in the High Court.. ..as well as the Supreme Court. We punish the offendersas per their crimes.. ..and the law always triesto punish the offenders severely.. ..while the innocent gets justice. Sanju. 'Don't ever leaveme even if I leave you.' Does it mean they will not be punished? It is difficult to punish such people. Sanju. Sanju, what happened to you? Sanju. Sanju. Please get up, Sanju. Get up, Sanju! Sanju. Talk to me, Sanju. Sanju. What happened to you, Sanju? Get up, Sanju. 

Horror Story 😱

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