Hello everyone I'm Jervis I wan to say nothing

Anya and Kai: The Last Scavengers

  Sure, here is a story I wrote: The year is 2042. The world is a very different place than it was just a few decades ago. Climate change has caused widespread devastation, and many major cities have been abandoned. The global economy has collapsed, and there is widespread poverty and hunger. In this new world, a new kind of hero has emerged: the scavenger. Scavengers are people who travel from place to place, searching for anything of value that can be traded or sold. They are often seen as dangerous and unpredictable, but they are also essential to the survival of those who live in the ruins of the old world. One such scavenger is a young woman named Anya. Anya is tough and resourceful, and she has learned to survive in a world that is often hostile to those who are not strong enough. She has also learned to trust her instincts, and she knows that sometimes the only way to survive is to be willing to take risks. One day, Anya is scavenging in an abandoned warehouse when she finds...

police officer crime story

I place a sum of Rs. 2, 00, 000. I raise to a sumof Rs. 3, 00, 000. I call a show. It seems that I am havingquite a day. It is not possible for you all to defeat me today.- You think so? Let me show you.See this! Here you go. Come on, kids. I am so tired.It was such a long drive. Hemant, you know that we arehere on a vacation. So you can restfor a few days. All right?- Fine. Open the door,I'll get the luggage. - Yes. 'Gambler.' Hemant! Come here!Quick! The door was unlocked.. Get the kids in the car.I'll take a look. Hemant, take care.Come on, kids. There are multiple stab wounds. The body seems fresh. It seems that he waskilled last night. Died at the gambling table. There are five glasses and five hands of cards dealt so it seems there werefour more people here. One of themmust be the killer. It could have been an outsider. Purvi, Pankaj, check the doorsand windows for any signs of a forced entry.- Mr. Hemant. Who is this man? Sir, I have neverseen him before. This man is lying deadin your house and there are his picturesall over your house. How can that be? A stranger comesto your holiday home and gambles and gets killed!How is it possible? Is there no guard around here? There was oneand he has been here for years. He died four months ago and since then there is no onehere as a guard. We thought that we will hirea new guard. Sir, please believe me. I am telling you the truth.I have never seen this man. I have no clue why he is hereand why are his pictures around. Pankaj. Sir. Sir, there is no signof forced entry. The back door has no lock and the latch can be openedfrom outside. They must have enteredthrough there. Outside the living room windowthere is a thorny plant. We found this rag stuckon that thorns. It seems someone was keepinga watch on them. When that person escaped his garmentmust've got stuck. So with the victim there werefour other people inside and one person outside.So a total of five. So there should befive witnesses to this crime. And if we get any oneof those five then we will knowwhat happened here last night. There are three peoplewho know of this murder. They have identified the victim. When are they coming? They will be here by 1:00 p.m. We have got three of themin one go. Not bad. They saw the news and they havecome forth to meet us. Splendid. If there are bad peopleout there then so are good folk. Then why did they not filea report last night. Sir, they are the three. Pritam, Ranvir and Vikrant. Pritam, Ranvir and Vikrant. You all know of this murder.- Yes, sir. Let us have their statementstaken individually. Sir, I was right therewhen Sid was killed. Sid? His name was Sid! Yes, sir. I never knew them. I met them yesterdayfor the first time. And then he was killedthe same night. Just a minute. Tell me everything in detail. Sir, it so happened.. 'Sure, sir.' 'What is the matter?You seem bored.' 'Do you not like it herein the club?' 'A club? You call thisa club?' 'It seems that you havenot seen one.' 'Sir, it seems you arenew here.' 'Are you visiting the cityfor the first time?' 'Yes.' 'I live in New York.' 'I was here for some work.' 'I am done with the workand I am bored here now.' 'I have a way to help you.' 'Really?' 'What is it?- It is a bit expensive.' 'Do not be worried.' 'Just tell me the way.' 'Think well, it will cost you' 'and it is risky.' 'A risk? I enjoy taking risks.' 'As far as it goes for moneyit is all fine.' 'Just tell me.- Superb.' 'What risk were you talkingabout?' 'Nothing like that.Just a simple gambling game.' 'Worth a lot of money.' 'If you win, you become richand loser gets nothing.' 'You have no problemwith the money' 'so come with me.Come on.' 'Where do I have to go?' 'To a decent man's house.' 'A decent man you say?Who is it?' 'The one in the brown jacketand white shirt, over there.' So the bar tender took youto Sid's house. Then? What happened after that? No, sir. He didn'ttake me to Sid's place. He introduced me to him and then we wentto Sid's bungalow. And when we reached therewere already two people. Here's my moveworth Rs. 2 lakhs. Show. Show. Wow! What did you have? You're winning every round. Tell us the secret to it.Let us win too. It's nothing like that. It's all about luck. And today the luckis in my favour. It seems so. Shall we have another deal? Yes. Okay.- How is this possible? I told you,luck is in my favour. Is it your luck or is itsomething else? What do you mean? - It meansyou've fixed the cards. He must have definitelychanged the cards. This is his house. He mighthave cameras all around. Or he must havechanged the cards. It could be possible. Do you think that I am a cheat? Of course. Otherwise, why noneof us got a good pack? Why didn't either of us get it?You're a cheat. Cheater. Are you calling me a cheater?- Yes. I am calling you one. You're unable totolerate defeat, right? Hey, you! This game is for maturepeople and not for amateurs. If you want to prove yourself,win this game. Otherwise, get lost. Mind your words.- You mind your words. This is my house.Did you understand? Get lost!- No.. It's just a game.- Throw him out. Then Harish left his house? Yes, sir.Even I thought that he left. But he went to the kitchen. In the kitchen?- Yes, sir. In the kitchen. When he came outhe was holding.. You are back again? I asked you to go out. Don't you understand?- Hey.. Step back. How dare you touch me?- Why are you cribbing.. What did you do? He killed him. Hey, what have you done?You killed him? I'll call the ambulance.He can be saved. He is dead. Let's call the police otherwise,we all will be in trouble. Won't we get into troubleif we call the police? We were gamblingwhich is a crime. We were gambling.We didn't kill anyone. Don't act smart.If we call the police everyone will get intotrouble and not just me. There's only one way out. You guys run.I'll hide his body and come. Yes. How muchdid you all lose? Sir, Rs. 30 lakhs. Sir, Rs. 50 lakhs. Sir, Rs. 35 lakhs. Just a minute. Ranbir, you said that Sid was wearing a white shirt. Yes, sir. He was wearinga white coloured shirt. And, Vikrant, you said that he was wearing ayellow coloured shirt. Yes, sir. He waswearing a yellow coloured shirt. He was not wearing yellowor white coloured shirt. He was wearing ablue coloured shirt. I remember it well. How is this possible?When we found the body he was wearing a white shirt. Ranbir is saying the same.How is this possible? How can a man be killed indifferent clothes at one time? Sir, these two were notthere when Sid was murdered. What do you mean? It means, I remember it well.This happened six months ago. They were not present there. No, sir.This happened a year ago. What are they saying? The murder wascommitted last night. Exactly.He was murdered last night. And he was wearinga white shirt. Just a minute. What are you all talking? Last night, six months ago,a year ago? I hope you're talking about theman who was murdered last night. Am I right? And you're sayingthat these two were not present at the timeof the murder. Sir, these two were not there. The murder I am talking aboutwas committed six months ago. Sir, murder happened last night. And the guys over therewere some other people. These two were not there. Yes, sir. He's right.Even I don't know them. Are you three talking about Sid? And he met you atJerry's club before his murder. Then he took youto Hemant villa. No, sir.He took me to Sankalp mansion. And he was in Kirti hills. No, sir. He took me to Yashhouse which is in Curtis road. How can a man die atthree different places wearing three different clothes? Tell me, Salunkhe. Is it?Okay, fine. Abhijeet,Salunkhe has found a proof. You can go meet Salunkhe. Until them, I'll talk to them. Sir. Come. Look what I found. By the way, let me tell you,this case is weird. Yes, sir. The case is weird. And whatever we got to know.. Whatever you knowis not that weird as compared towhat I am about to say. What happened? What are you looking at? Nothing.Are you sure? Sir, I'm listening to you.What are you saying? Okay.. What was I saying?Weird.. Look, we've found something similar to his blood. Blood like? Sir, your assumption was right.It was a dye. You're here, Ms. Tarika? I mean, what are you saying? Red dye?How? Wow! You got backyour concentration! Hey, I was not distracted. You all keep troubling me.- Okay. We got this plastic bagfrom Sid's body. This bag was stuck to his body with a tape under his shirt. And this bag containeda dye resembling blood. This technique is usedin the film shooting. Or is this a drama? Drama?- Yes. Drama. According to the information it seemsthat Sid was a conman. Sid and his friends used tocheat people by faking gambling and murder. It means, even the bar tenderwas a part of this plan. He used to plan and bring elitepeople to this card party. After that,this drama of fake murder. So, this is why, Ranbir,Vikrant and Pritam saw his murder at different places and time. And they're into thissince a long time. But last night, their facadeturned into a reality. Every time they used to foolnew people in a new bungalow. And the rest is same. The same game, the same fight and every time the dramaof murdering Sid. They used to take money fromthe people and shoo them away in thename of police case. Everything was same. The plan was great. But how did heget murdered yesterday? Because last nightthey made a mistake. What?- Just a minute. Sir. This knife is fake justlike the blood. If someone'sstabbed using this it won'tgo inside the body but will go inside itscase. Look at this. But if the knife is fake thenhow did Sid get killed with it? Last night, there was a mishap. It has a screw.Look here. If you move the screw on theopposite side it gets fixed. It does not go inside. If then someoneis attacked using this knife it will go inside the bodyand not inside the case. Someone has purposely alteredthis knife. So that Sid dies. The only person who can dosuch a thing is the one who knowseverything about this game. The one who was in the balconyof the living room. The patch from the garment wefound belonged to that person. The one who made sure thateveryone reaches the card party will be our medium toreach the killer. The bartender, Dinesh. Excuse me? I am sorry, sir. There isstill time for the club to open. Please come after some time. We have come here to investigateabout a case. We are from C.I.D.- C.I.D? Sir, how can I help you? - Wewish to speak to your staff. Is your staff present here? Not everyoneis present here right now. Some people are therein the locker room. They are changinginto their uniforms. You people have a bartendernamed Dinesh at your place. Where is he? - Ma'am, he has not reported to worksince yesterday. He disappeared withoutinforming. But, sir, what is thematter? Has he done something? We will come to know about that, later. Rightnow, give us his address. Sir, the address he gave to uswas a wrong one. Actually, when he disappeared,I checked on his details in the addressbook and then I realized that it isa wrong address. I can giveyou the address but I don't think you willfind him on that address. When you hire people,don't you verify their details? Did you know he used to lootpeople using this bar? What? - And now, we aresearching him for a murder case. Murder? I am sorry, ma'am.We did not know about it. You don't just come to know. Youhave to take efforts for that. When there are rules,you should follow them. Do you understand? Ifonly you had done this before this situation could havebeen avoided. - I am sorry, sir. What else do you knowabout Dinesh? Do you know anything abouthim? - No, sir. Nothing special. Because he used to speak less. He remained quite mostof the time. Hence, he did not have friendsexcept a girl. Her name is Mansi. Sheis a waitress over here. They used to get alongreally well. However, they never saidanything like that. But I think, somethingis brewing between the two. Did you not enquire with Mansiabout Dinesh's whereabouts? I did ask but she too,doesn't know anything. No problem.Summon Mansi. - Yes, sir. Sir, Mansi. Mansi, was Dinesh your friend? What do you mean by that?Is he all right? There has been a murder. And we think,Dinesh is involved in it. We are searching for him.Do you know where he is? I myself, am disturbed. Icannot even reach his phone. And the address he submittedhere, is fake too. And you say that he is involvedin a murder! Were you too really close? Yes, sir. Weloved each other. And we were about to get marriedto each other, soon. And that is why, he wantedto get hold of some money. So was he saving money justby working for the club or he had some side business? Apart from this job,he had invested in shares. And he said, he is doingreally good. He used to get me expensivegifts and he used to take me toexpensive restaurants, as well. So he did not mention youabout his fraudulent means? No. Do you have apicture of him? - Yes. Sir, Dinesh is absconding butwe have got hold of his picture. We will circulate it. Sir, Dinesh is absconding butwe have got hold of his picture. We will circulate it. Yes, Abhijeet.Do it. Do it! Sketches of three people arealready in progress. The fourof them are hiding somewhere, for sure.- Yes, sir. Sir, there are fraudsters butthey aren't murderers. They have committed a murderby mistake. They are scared and hence,they are hiding somewhere. We have to take advantageof this fear. We willscare them so much that they willget nervous and make a mistake. And then, we willcatch them. - Yes, sir. Sir, the sketch isready. - Okay. Sir. - Yes.- All of them are gamblers. And the one who stabbed,is Harish. Do one thing.. Circulate the three sketchesand the picture of the bartender in every police station, railwaystation, hotel, lodges everywhere! Send theseto every news channel as well. And tell them that these facesshould be shown 24 by 7. Every household should remembertheir faces. How long will they manageto stay out of our clutches? 'Look at these picturescarefully.' 'The four of them are involvedin a murder.' 'If you come to knowanything about these people' 'call C.I.D on this number.' 'All of them are dangerousfraudsters!' They are.. 'They are absconding afterkilling one of their partners' 'in the farmhouse ofthe industrialist Hemant Kumar.' 'No concrete evidence has beenderived by the police' 'on investigatingthe farmhouse.' 'C.I.D is searching forthem. These are their pictures.' Hey, listen! Thereis a match. Put on that channel! 'They are absconding afterkilling one of their partners' 'in the farmhouse ofthe industrialist Hemant Kumar.' 'C.I.D is searching forthem. These are their pictures.' Did you see that? Theyknow about everything! They are displayingthe pictures and other details. We will get trapped in thisreally, bad. - Trapped! I had suggested thatwe run away, long back. But you guys don't listen tome. Now, the police will come. They are searchingfor us everywhere. They are going toarrive anytime. We still have time. Letus run! Take your bags and run! Sir, Sid was a very goodfriend of mine. He was my partner.Everything was smooth. All this while, there wasnever a problem. I don't know what happenedthat night. Like everytime,I had stabbed with a fake knife. But I don't knowhow he died, sir. I really don't know. He doesn't know. Stop this dramaand tell us the truth. Tell us. Sir, we used to targetrich non-resident Indians and we used to con them. Dinesh usedto introduce such targets to Sid fromthe Jerry's Club. Sid usedto take the targets to emptyand deserted mansions. Which we usedto decorate like Sid's house. Yes, sir. Ihave a business as well. I have a real estate agency. Sir, as permy line of business I used to find outabout deserted mansions and I used to makethose houses available for this con job. Sir, first, we usedto let those targets win when we wouldwin their trust then Sid usedto start winning. Everything was pre-planned. Sid used to win,then we would have a quarrel. Then, I used to kill him. It was a fake act. The targets used to panicafter seeing all this they usedto leave their money and run away. Get up, Mr. Actor.They've left. Are you surethe target is gone? I am sure. You'll get hurt, silly. Then, we usedto share that money. Something similarhappened that night as well. I stabbed himwith the knife and.. Let's call the policeand tell them the truth. I don't wantany legal involvement. My passport and US citizenshipwill get jeopardised. No.. Iam going. Sid, did you fall asleep? Get up, he is gone. Thereis no need to do over acting. Sid.. He is actually dead! Did the knifeactually hurt him! What nonsenseare you saying? Sid, get up! The knife..How did it actually.. Didn't you check the knifebefore you stabbed him? We are not doingthis for the first time. It's the fake knife. Wejust have one knife. How can he bleed like this? We should inform the police. We all will be implicatedfor the murder. What do we do? 'Your gamehas turned against you.' What?Come, take a look. Take a look.There are photos as well. 'I have sent the photosto the police department.' 'I have sent themthe address as well.' 'They'll be reaching shortly.' 'You love playing games,don't you?' 'Now, play hide and seekwith the police officers.' You people said that youleft the money there. Yes, sir. There was 90 lakhs. We left everythingand we ran away. But we didn't findany money over there. I don't know, ma'am. I don't knowhow the money disappeared or how did the fake knife getreplaced with the actual one. I don't know,how was Sid murdered. I don't know anything. Someone trapped youin your own ploy. Did you get it? It's someone whois well aware of your ploy. That person tamperedwith the knife and Sid was murdered. What about Dinesh?Where is he? I called Dineshafter Sid passed away. He was quite perturbedafter I spoke to him. He said,he will leave the city. Dinesh is missing since then. Did Dinesh plot this? First, he sent Ranbir there and then,he changed Harish's knife. Then, he hid in the balcony. Then, Dinesh clickedthe photographs. And he sent it to Harish. He told themthat the police will arrive they panicked and fled. They left 90 lakhs behind. This means,Dinesh cheated us. Wow! You con people.How can you feel bad when you've been conned? Yes, tell me,Salunkhe. Fantastic. Okay. Salunkhe found a lead. We had sent a fewof Dinesh's items to Salunkhe. His uniformand his gym bag. Yes, Daya. The piece of clothwe found in the balcony that matches Dinesh's uniform. Sir, that means,Dinesh is the murderer. Why is Mr. Pradyuman calling? Hello. What? G.T. road! Okay, sir.Okay. We have to go to G.T. road. Dinesh was seenin the G.T. road market. Mister, have you seenthis man? Mister. Have you seen him?- Yes. Where did you see him?- There. Ahead? - Yes. Thanks. Let's go. 'Mom, Dad,please forgive me.' 'I am sorrythat I've hurt you.' 'I tarnishedyour reputation.' 'Trust me,I am not a murderer.' 'I didn't murdersomeone.' 'I wanted to earn a large sum of money in a shortspan of time.' 'The police is tryingto trace me.' 'I'll get caughtsome or the other day.' 'It's impossiblefor me to survive.' 'Forgive me..' 'It's better to die,than to face this defamation.' Sir, we've checkedthe CCTV footage. He lookedvery depressed in that. Sir, it doesn't seemthat someone forced him. He has willinglykilled himself. Sir, even the suicidenote suggests that he was reallyashamed of myself. He was a part of thisswindle, but he didn't kill Sid. Sir, who could it be,if the murderer isn't Dinesh? No one else was awareof their act of deception. Sir, could it bea person who they had duped? It could bea case of revenge. That's possible. Let's write allthe names of the suspects and stick theirphotographs on the board. The non-residentIndians who were dupedby Harish and his friends. Sir,these are the people who are involved inthis case. Abhijeet, we need tofind out where were they at thetime of the murder. We will getthe information from the immigrationcentre of the airport. Sir,these eight people weren't there in Indiaat that point in time. In fact, most of thepeople didn't return to India after that incident. Sir, except thesefour. Our three witnesses Vikrant,Ranveer, Pritam and Mr. Rana. Sir, I went to Mr. Rana'shouse and spoke to his wife. He passed awaythree years back. They conned himthree years back. He was tormentedwith the guilt that someonewas murdered before him and he couldn't doanything. It made him resortto addictions. That means,we have three suspects. Pritam, Ranbir andVikrant. Pritam and Vikrantwere in the country but not in the city. The last suspect isRanbir. Ranbir was presentat the crime scene. He is in the photosas well. Yes, sir.He can't be in the balcony and inthe hall at the same time. It has to be someoneelse. Then, who couldbe the murderer? Pankaj, Mr. Rana diedthree years ago. Get me all thedetails. Sir. One person alonecouldn't have accomplished this. He must'vehad an accomplice. I think, the murdereris right before us and yet,we can't see him. Yes. The murderer is rightbefore us. Well said, Freddie.Superb. D-Did I, sir?- Yes. The murder is rightbefore us. But we couldn't see him. Now, I have understood. Let's go to the hotel. Hotel!- Yes, the hotel. As per the theory,he should be there. If it's proven that it'shim, then his accomplice and the moneywill be found. Then, let's go quicklyand catch that person. We won't catch him.We will keep a watch. If he acts smart,then we won't spare him. Excuse me.- Yes. I need to make a callfrom your phone. Sure, sir. Well.. Actually,it's a private conversation. Do you haveany other phone? Sir, you can go thereand have a word. Thank you.- Thank you. Listen, mister.- Yes. We are from CID.We are following that man. We want to hearhis conversation. Sir, his phone isconnected to this phone. I think, CID didn'tunderstand anything. The planhas been successful. No.. There was only one manwho could've ruined our plan. That man was Dinesh. Now, he has reachedhis deserving end. So, there is nothingto worry about. You don't worry. If I find outanything, then I'll let you know. I love you too. Hey! I can't say anythingto you people. I don't know anything. Whether you sayanything or not we've heard yourtelephonic conversation. Did you get it? Tell us.Where is the money? Your silence will onlyput your life at risk. It would be betterif you tell us the truth. Someone else has the money. Dear, please, get the door. Yes, Mom. Hi. Did you recognise us? 'Sir, she is Mansi.' Actually, we needto search your house. This is the search warrant. Who are you people?- CID. We have a warrantto search your house. But what have we done?Why are you here? You'll find out verysoon. Search the house. Mr. Daya! Wow! There is bloodon these notes as well. The DNA test will provethat this is Sid's blood. Correct? Now, tell us.Do you still have questions? Now, she won'tbe asking questions. We'll be questioning her at the bureau. But how did you growsuspicious of me? Till the very last moment we thought Dineshis the murderer. He committed suicideand proved his innocence. Mansi,do you recognise this? This is a piece of clothfrom your uniform. We grew suspicious of youbecause of this. Then, we found outthe motive. Did you knowwhy I did all this? Mr. Rana was your father.Right? Yes. He was my father. He died because of Sidand his accomplices. He couldn't get overthat incident. He sufferedfrom hyperglycemia. Then, he took to alcohol. Did he knowthat all this was an act? No! He didn'tknow about this. If he knew it,he wouldn't have killed himself. He used to considerall this to be true. I was in US when I receiveda call from mom. Dad was in a vulnerable state. When I came to India,he asked me to fulfil his last wish. And I need to punishthe people who wronged him. Then I promised dad to fulfil his last wish. After that, he passed away. What did you do after that? Then, I tried to find out. But at that moment,no such case was registered. Then, I recalledthat dad had told me Dinesh introduced him to Sidat Jerry's Club. That's how youmet Dinesh. - Yes. Then, I took upthe job of a waitress. I befriended Dinesh. Then, slowly,I grew close to him. Then, I understoodthe entire scenario. I understoodhow they fooled my dad and extorted moneyfrom my dad. Insteadof seeking legal aid you ended up doingsomething unlawful. Deceptionfor deception. You pretended to love Dinesh. Yes!I had put up a pretence to make them geta fitting punishment. Your loverhelped you in all this. Your actual boyfriend. Yes. We both crafted a plan. That night, Ranbirgot duped on purpose. Who tamperedwith the knife? If this screw is turned,then the blade gets fixed. I had tamperedwith the knife. I took the photosfrom the balcony, secretly. Then, I sentthose photos to Harish. And made them leave the place. I took the moneyand fled the scene. I fulfilled the promisethat I had made to my dad. That money belongedto my dad! Justice was rendered. You are wrong. You haveno right to render justice. The legal systemis vested with that right. You've disobeyed the law and committeda terrible crime. Now, you'll facesevere punishment. You both will facesevere punishment. 


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